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Sun Oct 26 06:50:14 GMT 2008
[RC] Celebrate
Merri Melde
[RC] Free 'n Easy Saddle Wanted
Deirdre C. Monroe
[RC] Any news from Kanopolis?
[RC] [Consider This] The long awaited custom Skito pad has arrived!
[RC] Fwd: [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.6250 Euthanasia offered
RE: [RC] Diatomaceous Earth for worming?
[RC] Bored Horses
[RC] Diatomaceous Earth for worming?
Carrie Kitley
Re: [RC] Diatomaceous Earth for worming?
Kathy Mayeda
RE: [RC] Diatomaceous Earth for worming?
Karen Standefer
RE: [RC] Diatomaceous Earth for worming?
Karen Standefer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Diatomaceous Earth for worming?
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: Brazil withdraws
Steph Teeter
[RC] [WEC Reports] Malaysia WEC: Brazil withdraws
Steph Teeter
[RC] [Consider This] Preventing Equine Ulcers, Info for Endurance Riders- Karen C...
[RC] [USA: Kathy Brunjes] Friday night in Malaysia
[RC] Photo of 100 mile NC winner?
Re: [RC] Photo of 100 mile NC winner?
Janice Taylor
Re: [RC] Photo of 100 mile NC winner?
Steph Teeter
[RC] Livermore horses killed.
veronica dern
[RC] sad times posted from another board
[RC] ariat boots
[RC] Sizing Renegade boots
Naomi Preston
[RC] Renegades measurements
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
[RC] lap band surgery
Ann Blankenship
[RC] jockeys?
Richard ALLEN
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] jockeys?
[RC] [WEC Reports] Malaysia WEC: No Horsing Around in Terengganu
[RC] gastric banding and endurance
Re: [RC] gastric banding and endurance
Lynelle Robertson
[RC] Keith Bryan Pathfinder Saddle
Deirdre C. Monroe
[RC] [WEC Reports] DRC to Cover Endurance Cup
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Dubai: DRC to Cover Endurance Cup
[RC] re: multi-use trails
[RC] Steph and Malaysia
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Malaysia WEC: Settling In
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
susan cooper
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
[RC] statistics
Michael Maul
[RC] [USA: Kathy Brunjes] Tuesday in Malaysia
[RC] Sharon Saare Superlite Saddle
Cunningham, Marci
[RC] forecast for Armadillo endurance ride (10/25)
Milinda Ellis
[RC] OT-looking for a specific pair of Ariats
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] IMPORTANT! One Vehicle Length Rule by Forest Service
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] Awesome tool for finding cheap gas on trips!
Sharon Levasseur
[RC] Bear Valley Ride - babysitter needed
Re: [RC] Bear Valley Ride - babysitter needed
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Bear Valley Ride - Babysitter Needed
Peggy B-Smith
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] [USA: Kathy Brunjes] Thursday night in Malaysia
John Teeter
[RC] Closed Barn time at the Malaysia WEC
Evelyn Allen
Re: [RC] Closed Barn time at the Malaysia WEC
Steph Teeter
[RC] OT- Blinders, the Movie
[RC] East Bay Ranchers BEWARE
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
FW: [RC] A horse worth having
Mike Sherrell
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] A horse worth having
Pam Salem
[RC] A horse worth having
heidi larson
[RC] MA-Horseback Riders Endangered By Trail Traps
[RC] trail traps MA
susan golshani
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] trail traps MA
Re: [RC] trail traps MA
Lori Bertolucci
Re: [RC] trail traps MA
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Equestrian2010 World Equestrian Games: HorsePark plans Ke...
Re: [RC] Tie-blocker?
Lysane Cree
Re: [RC] Tie-blocker?
heidi larson
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
Keith W. Kibler
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
Carrie Kitley
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] Need Bored horse help
Keith W. Kibler
[RC] Malaysia WEC: First Arrivals
Steph Teeter
Elysa Braunstein
[RC] hard headed horses?
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] hard headed horses?
heidi larson
RE: [RC] hard headed horses?
[RC] Itching Post for horses
[RC] Women and Horses Expo- MO
[RC] Murder of Crows
Merri Melde
[RC] [USA: Kathy Brunjes] Touring the Venue
[RC] [USA: Kathy Brunjes] The Horses are Here!
[RC] [USA: Kathy Brunjes] Dinner and a Dance
[RC] Fugly link
heidi larson
[RC] an "endurable" Hallowe'en costume
Re: [RC] an "endurable" Hallowe'en costume
marshall Bates
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] an "endurable" Hallowe'en costume
Born Country
[RC] Malasia WEC: Brunjes - Wed night in Malaysia
Steph Teeter
[RC] Part 2 - Physiological Basis for Intravenous fluids following travel in horses.
Steph Teeter
[RC] Part 1 - Physiological Basis for Intravenous fluids following travel in horses
Steph Teeter
[RC] [Consider This] Physiological Basis for Intravenous fluids following travel i...
John Teeter
RE: [RC] Scratches solutions/causes
[RC] [Consider This] Endurance Flying?
Steph Teeter
[RC] Multi-use trails
Re: [RC] Multi-use trails
marshall Bates
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] multi-use trails
Re: [RC] multi-use trails
Merri Melde
Message not available
Fwd: [RC] multi-use trails
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] multi-use trails
Carla Richardson
Re: [RC] multi-use trails
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] multi-use trails
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] multi-use trails
Karen Sullivan
Message not available
Fwd: [RC] multi-use trails
Karen Sullivan
[RC] Multi-use trails
[RC] Pam in the West Region
Laura Hayes
Re: [RC] A horse worth having - Carrie
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] A horse worth having - Carrie
Rebecca Fabiszak
RE: [RC] A horse worth having - Mike Sherrell
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
[RC] re: non-violent horsemanship/physical force
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
Rebecca Fabiszak
RE: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
RE: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
RE: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
Rae Callaway
Message not available
RE: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
Re: [RC] sad times posted from another board. - Pickering.Dovie
[RC] re: multiuse trails
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: multiuse trails
Carla Richardson
[RC] Why I mentioned the gender issue
k s swigart
[RC] A horse worth having
k s swigart
RE: [RC] A horse worth having
Mike Sherrell
Message not available
Re: [RC] A horse worth having
Carla Richardson
[RC] A horse worth having
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] A horse worth having
Diane Trefethen
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: [RC] A horse worth having
Mike Sherrell
Re: [RC] A horse worth having
Barbara McCrary
[RC] A horse worth having
Karen Everhart
RE: [RC] A horse worth having
Ranelle Rubin
FW: [RC] A horse worth having
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Multi-Use Trails > : (
Merri Melde
Re: [RC] Multi-Use Trails > : (
Carla Richardson
[RC] Alexis
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
[RC] sad times posted from another board.
Michael Maul
[RC] Hard headed people
Phil Gardner
[RC] scratches NC
Sandy Page
[RC] please unsubscribe me. thanks.
Claire Nystrom
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: Thoroughbred Arab Horses areMain Pick...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: Canadians headed to Malaysia
Re: [RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: Canadians headed to Malaysia
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] Trail Master Course in Florida
Truman Prevatt
[RC] NC 100 2008, Part 4 of 4
[RC] NC 100 2008, Part 3 of 4
[RC] NC 100 2008, Part 2 of 4
[RC] NC 100 2008, Part 1 of 4
[RC] FW: Пластиковые окна ПВХ -по заводским ценам!
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] UAE: New Endurance Season to Begin onNovember 1
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] UAE: New Endurance Season to Begin onNovember 1
[RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Michael Maul
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Quentin & Libby Llop
Re: [RC] Completion rate by Wt division
Sisu West Ranch
[RC] A horse worth having (was: hard headed horses)
k s swigart
RE: [RC] A horse worth having (was: hard headed horses)
Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] A horse worth having (was: hard headed horses)
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
RE: [RC] A horse worth having (was: hard headed horses)
Terry Banister
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: [RC] A horse worth having (was: hard headed horses)
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Latest Veterinarian Newsletter online
Michael Maul
[RC] Re-Hydration: the theory
John Teeter
[RC] hard-headed horses
Re: [RC] Trailer Tying (or not) (was rolling the dice)
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: Women rule in enduranceriding
Steph Teeter
RE: [RC] Trailer Config. was Tying
melanie . o
Re: [RC] Trailer Config. was Tying
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] Running Bear at Skymont
[RC] choosing a horse instead of psychiatry; Renegades
[RC] re: competition scratches
Sluys Guys
Re: [RC] re: competition scratches
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] re: competition scratches
Re: [RC] re: competition scratches
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] re: competition scratches
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] why not to tie your horse in the trailer
Re: [RC] why not to tie your horse in the trailer
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] why not to tie your horse in the trailer
Barbara McCrary
RE: [RC] why not to tie your horse in the trailer
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] why not to tie your horse in the trailer
heidi larson
[RC] Scratches solution
Kristi Schaaf
Re: [RC] Scratches solution
Re: [RC] the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice - Kathy Mayeda
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
Re: [RC] Trailer Tying (or not) (was rolling the dice)
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] Trailer Tying (or not) (was rolling the dice)
Kathy Mayeda
Re: [RC] Trailer Tying (or not) (was rolling the dice)
Katrina Mosshammer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice - Kathy Mayeda
Rebecca Fabiszak
[RC] Arabian Saddle News
Beverly Gray
[RC] AERC info
Lysane Cree
[RC] IV's
Anna Wolfe
Re: [RC] IV's
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] IV's
Elizabeth Walker
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] IV's
[RC] re: the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
Kristi Schaaf
Re: [RC] re: the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
Kathy Mayeda
Re: [RC] re: the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] re: the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
Kathy Mayeda
[RC] High Desert Endurance Ride - Story & Photos
Dream Weaver
[RC] fat ponies
Jean Miller
[RC] I love my hard headed horse
Lynn White
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Malaysia WEC: News from USA Chef d'Equipe. Oct17-20
Steph Teeter
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Malaysia WEC: News from USA Chef d'Equipe. Oct 17-20
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Giving In to Effort
Michelle Aquilino
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Giving In to Effort
Mike Sherrell
[RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
k s swigart
Re: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
Richard ALLEN
RE: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
Fred Cluskey
Re: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
Carla Richardson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] IV Fluids before the ride (was: Malaysia, etc.)
[RC] Hard headed horses - philosophy differences
Kristi Schaaf
Re: [RC] Hard headed horses - philosophy differences
Barbara McCrary
[RC] Malaysia WEC: Brunjes - Tuesday in Malaysia
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] the horse can't out pull you
Kristi Schaaf
Re: [RC] the horse can't out pull you
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: [RC] the horse can't out pull you
Mike Sherrell
Re: [RC] the horse can't out pull you
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
Re: [RC] the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
Kathy Mayeda
RE: [RC] the horse can't out pull you - tying and rolling the dice
FW: [RC] the horse can't out pull you
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Maestro
Merri Melde
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Belgium: World Cup for Veterans/Coupe duMonde des V...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: US team arrives in Malaysiafor 2008 W...
Steph Teeter
[RC] scratches...fat ponies
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: UAE riders saddle up fortitle mount
Steph Teeter
[RC] Malaysia WEC: Brunjes - Monday night in Malaysia
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Outpull You
Michelle Aquilino
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Outpull You
Kathy Mayeda
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Outpull You
Carrie Kitley
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Trailer Loading
Sharon Levasseur
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Outpull You
Michelle Aquilino
FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Outpull You
Mike Sherrell
FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses / Outpull You
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Hard Headed Horses - Trailering
Nikki McCormack
RE: [RC] Disappearing 100's & Race of Champions
Nancy Mitts
[RC] Fwd: becky siler
John Teeter
[RC] The horse can't out pull you (was: Hard Headed Horses)
k s swigart
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: [RC] The horse can't out pull you (was: Hard Headed Horses)
Mike Sherrell
Re: [RC] The horse can't out pull you (was: Hard Headed Horses)
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] The horse can't out pull you (was: Hard Headed Horses)
[RC] Kathy and Mary's NC experience
Mary Howell
[RC] competition scratches
[RC] SE Region: Nov 29 Carolina Ride location
Mary Howell
[RC] Comments on NC and AERC
Michael Maul
[RC] scratches
Dawn Simas
Re: [RC] scratches
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] scratches
Jean Miller
[RC] boots
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] boots
Charlene Stinnett
[RC] Эксклюзив порно от лучших западных продюсеров
Re: [RC] Эксклюзи в порно от лучших западных продю =?k oi8-r?B?08XSz9c=?=
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] competition scratches
Re: [RC] competition scratches
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] competition scratches
heidi larson
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Fw: [RC] competition scratches
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] competition scratches
[RC] competition scratches
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Barb Kemerer
[RC] competition scratches
Re: [RC] competition scratches
Dot Wiggins
[RC] 100's
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
Re: [RC] 100's
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: RE: [RC] 100's
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
Re: [RC] 100's
John Teeter
[RC] National Show Horses
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
[RC] Stall Skins
Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] Stall Skins
Sharon Levasseur
Message not available
Re: [RC] Stall Skins
Sharon Levasseur
[RC] The Education Survey
Michael Maul
[RC] Through another's eyes
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Jerusalem Artichoke as a forage?
jamie ward
RE: [RC] Jerusalem Artichoke as a forage?
Karen Standefer
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Abu Dhabi: Hamdan and Majid to take partin Malaysia...
[RC] 70 dollar tea
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] 70 dollar tea
Steph Teeter
RE: [RC] 50-Mile Championship winner!
Christina McCarthy
[RC] help??
John Teeter
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia WEC: British Riders Leave forMalaysia WEC
[RC] new uses for manure and horse hair
Merri Melde
[RC] AERCNC 50 mile BC
Merri Melde
Re: [RC] AERCNC 50 mile BC
marshall Bates
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] AERCNC 50 mile BC
Re: [RC] AERCNC 50 mile BC
John Teeter
Re: [RC] AERCNC 50 mile BC
[RC] Malaysia WEC: Brunjes - Sunday in Malaysia
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Michelle Aquilino
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Michelle Aquilino
FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Mike Sherrell
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Dawn Carrie
FW: FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Mike Sherrell
Re: FW: FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Kathy Mayeda
[RC] Hard Headed Horses
susan cooper
FW: FW: FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Mike Sherrell
FW: FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Mike Sherrell
FW: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Hard headed horses
Amber Roberts
[RC] Hard Headed Horses
Sharon Hahn
Re: [RC] Hard Headed Horses
Elizabeth Walker
[RC] hard headed horses
Melissa Margetts Ms. Kitty
Re: [RC] hard headed horses
Elizabeth Walker
FW: [RC] hard headed horses
Mike Sherrell
Re: [RC] hard headed horses
Elizabeth Walker
Re: FW: [RC] hard headed horses
Carrie Kitley
[RC] Hard Headed Horses
Nikki McCormack
[RC] hard headed horses
FW: [RC] hard headed horses
Mike Sherrell
FW: FW: [RC] hard headed horses
Mike Sherrell
[RC] NC BC???
l g miller
Re: [RC] NC BC???
John Teeter
[RC] Hard Headed Horse
k s swigart
[RC] Natural Balance shoes
Nancy Reed
Re: [RC] Natural Balance shoes
Steph Teeter
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