[RC] multi-use trails - aarenexSheila Larson brings up a point which is valid in many situations: we all need to take care of our trails.
My mom always said that there's nothing wrong with complaining about a situation if you have a solution or two to propose....especially if your solution involves rolling up your own shirtsleeves and getting dirty in order to fix things. (actually, her solutions very often involved ME getting tired and dirty, but that's the kind of kid I was anyhow, so things worked out well for everyone). Merri and the gang are already halfway there, because they take care of the trails that they use.
Now, to address the damage she documented:
These trails are a mess, but they aren't irretrievable. A good land manager with an adequate budget and a bit of planning time can arrange to fix a lot of this mess, ESPECIALLY if there are volunteers to help. Even better than regular volunteers are volunteers with tools...or (ideal world) volunteers with a Ditch Witch <G> I think all the other Trail Masters will agree with me on that point.
Since there are motorcyclists about, I'd ask them to help (maybe one of them has a Ditch Witch--hey, you never know!). If they don't have tools, maybe your local horse groups can provide some. If both groups work together to fix and enhance trails, who knows...perhaps it's a step towards World Peace. Or at least, peace on the trails.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit.
--Aarene (always the optimist)
Don't just follow where the path may lead. Instead, figure out where you want to go, and build a sustainable trail to get there. --Ron Silvern aarenex@xxxxxxxxxxx