Some horses have a sensitivity to some clovers that reacts
with sunlight, sort of a photo-synthesis effect. Usually shows up on white
stockings, white blazes on noses, etc. If the horse is kept
out of the sun, in the barn during the day, or out of the pasture with
whatever the horse is allergic to, everything usually clears up.
I have had a couple horses like this, one a
light palomino, with dark skin, that we had to keep in the barn daytimes
all summer for several years or he got a condition similar to rain
rot. Weeping and scabby, body and socks. When we moved to a
different location it never happened again. One a dark chestnut with
socks that only got it on the white legs. She got better in the winter, we
lost her in an accident so don't know what the next summer would have done in a
new place.
Never had a real case of scratches so know nothing about
them. My experience may be something totally different.
Do you have white clover in your pasture? I did and
had a horse get scratches. Someone told me ,it is something in the
clover that makes them vunerable to scratches. There may be an
alfalpha connection too,if my memeory serves me......
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