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Mon Sep 08 12:17:55 GMT 2008
[RC] AERC awards
Steph Teeter
[RC] Blister Beetles- Birmingham, AL UPDATE
[RC] Jupiter Florida Area
Johnna Montgomery
[RC] carbon monoxide or lack of oxygen?
Dawn Simas
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] carbon monoxide or lack of oxygen?
[RC] Heaters in horse trailers
Re: [RC] Heaters in horse trailers
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.4657
[RC] Which saddle?
Cindy Rodd
Re: [RC] [RC] Which saddle?
[RC] Tipperary vests
[RC] re: FEI
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: FEI
Mike Lewis
RE: [RC] [RC] re: FEI
Ginger Bill
RE: [RC] [RC] re: FEI
Mike Lewis
[RC] Answer to my Tipperary Vest question
Martha Clausen
[RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Re: [RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] [RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Chris Paus
RE: [RC] [RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] [RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Re: [RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Mike Lewis
[RC] Luxurious costume replica watches at lowest prices
Dina Dickens
[RC] Endurance Races?
k s swigart
[RC] Maggy Price
[RC] Bit problem-Bitless for sale
[RC] Beet Pulp response
Bob Fletcher
Re: [RC] Maggie Price
Tom Sites
Re: [RC] Maggie Price
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] Maggie Price
Steph Teeter
[RC] re: FEI
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: FEI
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] re: FEI
Cindy Collins
[RC] greetings from the ridecamp breakfast
Steph Teeter
[RC] Ride 'n Tie Horse lease
Tom Paleczny
[RC] Degree = advancement!
Jacob Pickens
[RC] Strada saddle fittings following AERC Convention ...
Susan Favro
[RC] Related Article Blister Beetles
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] [RC]
[RC] Blister Beetles- Birmingham, AL ALERT
[RC] FEI Ride
Mike Lewis
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] FEI Ride
Alissa Norman
RE: [RC] [RC] FEI Ride
Jessica Cameron
Re: [RC] FEI Ride
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] [RC] FEI Ride
Alissa Norman
[RC] FEI Ride
k s swigart
[RC] OT - Wife Swap"- Looking for Horse Family
[RC] Hard Keeper/Senior Horse
[RC] looking for used bitless bridle
Deanna German
[RC] [horseconnectionclub] YOUR HORSES HEALTH
Dolores Arste
[RC] Jim Porter contact info
martha merriam
[RC] Specialized Saddle Rep in Southern California
[RC] Last minute roomie for Fri and/or Sat
martina keil
[RC] Endurance Clinic in AR
Kathleen A. Crothers
[RC] Seatbones/Ridecamp
L gin
Re: [RC] Seatbones/Ridecamp
Margaret Dinan
Re: [RC] [RC] Seatbones/Ridecamp
Dawn Carrie
Re: [RC] [RC] Seatbones/Ridecamp
[RC] RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!/The tail thing....
L gin
[RC] 120k race near Paris-who to contact?
[RC] Hard Keeper
Bruce Weary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Hard Keeper
[RC] hard keeper
[RC] Hard Keeper and Competition Horse... two questions
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] [RC] Hard Keeper and Competition Horse... two questions
Dawn Carrie
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Hard Keeper and Competition Horse... two questions
Re: [RC] Hard Keeper and Competition Horse... two questions
Mike Lewis
[RC] [RC] Wintec A/P 2000 Saddle - Mike Lewis
Kelly Ahearn-Wagner
[RC] kilometer to miles
Tx Trigger
[RC] Bit or bridle suggestions needed
Linda Winkel
Re: [RC] Bit or bridle suggestions needed
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Bit or bridle suggestions needed
Jim Holland
[RC] Astonishing replica watches at Prestige Replicas
Dorothy Meade
[RC] Records for Endurance horses
Michael Maul
[RC] Canadian Provincial Championship
Steph Teeter
[RC] Fwd: Compiegne young horse world championships
richard allen
Re: [RC] Fwd: Compiegne young horse world championships
Re: [RC] Fwd: Compiegne young horse world championships
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Fwd: Compiegne young horse world championships
Burnett, Elly
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Fwd: Compiegne young horse world championships
John Teeter
[RC] horse breeds at PC
Amy Major
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Horse breeds at PC
k s swigart
Re: [RC] [RC] Legs forward
Marlene Moss
[RC] glucosamine-for healthy horses
Dawn Simas
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] glucosamine-for healthy horses
[RC] glucosamine-for healthy horses
[RC] glucosamine-for healthy horses
[RC] need Heraldic photos
[RC] Specialized Saddles
Kristi Schaaf
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Specialized Saddles
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Trace Tribute Portrait Sessions
[RC] Specialized Saddle
Kathleen A. Crothers
RE: [RC] [RC] Specialized Saddle
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] possible tick bites
Stacy Baxter
[RC] horses ready
[RC] If you are flying to the AERC Convention
Michael Maul
[RC] FEI International Forum on Medication Control
Steph Teeter
[RC] Jennifer Adams, please email me privately
Lucie Hess
[RC] tack swap at convention
Laney Humphrey
[RC] Glucosamine for rider + hyaluronic acid (HA)
Naomi Preston
[RC] Legs forward
Jay Randle
Re: [RC] [RC] Legs forward
JQ Baker
[RC] FYI: Equine Facility in FL:)
John Teeter
Re: [RC] FYI: Equine Facility in FL:)
Lynne Glazer
[RC] need help finding beet pulp in St. Louis area
Jennifer Adam
[RC] Weight of rider in the UAE
RE: [RC] Weight of rider in the UAE
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] [RC] Possible tick bites
Don Huston
[RC] Long term use of Adequan and/or joint injections ...?
Re: [RC] Long term use of Adequan and/or joint injections ...?
Chrystal Woodhouse
RE: [RC] Long term use of Adequan and/or joint injections ...?
Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Long term use of Adequan and/or joint injections ...?
Rebecca Fabiszak
Re: [RC] Long term use of Adequan and/or joint injections ...?
Re: [RC] [RC] collected tail swing vs. wringing
Katrina Mosshammer
[RC] glucosamine for rider
Dawn Simas
RE: [RC] glucosamine for rider
Re: [RC] glucosamine for rider
Clarence Nunn
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] glucosamine for rider
Re: [RC] glucosamine for rider
Re: [RC] glucosamine for rider
Re: [RC] glucosamine for rider
[RC] This horse video is more like 'us'... : - )
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Breakfast
[RC] FW: I can't get this to post PLEASE post it for me and contact me as i need some help posting tnx!
Steph Teeter
[RC] Pres. Cup
Steph Teeter
[RC] Breakfast Aerc
RE: [RC] Breakfast Aerc
Steph Teeter
[RC] collected tail swing vs. wringing
Jackie Causgrove
Re: [RC] collected tail swing vs. wringing
Karen Ellis
RE: [RC] collected tail swing vs. wringing
Re: [RC] collected tail swing vs. wringing
Re: [RC] collected tail swing vs. wringing
Amber Roberts
[RC] Cial1s S0ft Tabs - The Truth
Mollie Benitez
[RC] President's Cup in Dubaii
Theresa Simendinger
[RC] Dancing horse
The Coles
[RC] tail wringing vs swishing
Jennifer Adam
[RC] [RC] dressage video
Katrina Mosshammer
[RC] fred emigh
[RC] Scottdsale, etc.
k s swigart
Re: [RC] [RC] Scottdsale, etc.
Debbie Kirchner
[RC] dressage video
Alison Farrin
[RC] Is anyone not impressed with PC recovery rates??
Chrystal Woodhouse
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Is anyone not impressed with PC recovery rates??
RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Diana Peterson
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Pres Cup
Catfish Daniels
RE: [RC] [RC] Pres cup
Ginger Bill
[RC] dressage videos, comments
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] testing
Gerald Williams
[RC] Scottsdale impressions
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Scotsdale impressions #2
Re: [RC] [RC] Scotsdale impressions #2
Debbie Kirchner
[RC] Scotsdale Arabian show impressions part 1
[RC] "legs forward"
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Watch this horse get down....
Kathie Ford
[RC] another dressage video (OT)
Tx Trigger
Re: [RC] [RC] another dressage video (OT)
Debbie Kirchner
RE: [RC] [RC] another dressage video (OT)
Juli Jakub
Re: [RC] [RC] another dressage video (OT)
Dyane Smith
RE: [RC] [RC] another dressage video (OT)
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] Fred..
Steve Shaw
Re: [RC] Fred..
John Teeter
[RC] Seat bones?
Skyla Stewart
Re: [RC] re: PC
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
RE: [RC] re: PC
Steph Teeter
[RC] that beautiful dressage test
Anna Wolfe
Re: [RC] that beautiful dressage test
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] [RC] that beautiful dressage test
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] that beautiful dressage test
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] that beautiful dressage test
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] that beautiful dressage test
heidi larson
Re: [RC] that beautiful dressage test
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] my mistake
Re: [RC] my mistake
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] my mistake
Re: [RC] my mistake
Bruce Weary DC
RE: [RC] my mistake
RE: [RC] [RC] my mistake
Terry Banister
RE: [RC] my mistake
Re: [RC] Horse getting down
Martha Clausen
[RC] PC "legs forward" and temps
Mary Howell
Re: [RC] PC "legs forward" and temps
patty peck
RE: [RC] PC "legs forward" and temps
Steph Teeter
RE: [RC] PC "legs forward"
[RC] canter vs trot at PC
Chrystal Woodhouse
[RC] Fred Emich
sandy rovane
[RC] Saddles for the odd couple??????
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Saddles with trees similar to the Abetta Arabian
Karen Casemier
Re: [RC] [RC] Saddles with trees similar to the Abetta Arabian
Debbie Kirchner
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Juli Jakub
Re: [RC] Awards Jacket
Quentin & Libby Llop
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Barbara McCrary
[RC] our federation
patti pizzo
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] our federation
RE: [RC] our federation
John Teeter
[RC] Eastern Mojave - Day 2
Merri Melde
[RC] First Mechanized Trail Master Class Graduates in Georgia!
Angie Fura
[RC] Best Heart Rate Monitor?
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] Best Heart Rate Monitor?
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] Best Heart Rate Monitor?
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] [RC] Best Heart Rate Monitor?
Re: [RC] [RC] Best GPS options for riding
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] [RC] Best GPS options for riding
Re: [RC] [RC] Best GPS options for riding
Keith Kibler
Re: [RC] Pres. Cup - fast enough?
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Karen Ellis
RE: [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Karen Standefer
RE: [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
David LeBlanc
RE: [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Burnett, Elly
Re: [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
RE: [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Mel Cochran
RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Diana Peterson
RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
Karen Standefer
RE: [RC] [RC] Watch this horse get down and boogie!
patty peck
[RC] Wintec A/P 2000 Saddle
Mike Lewis
[RC] Fred & PC
Re: [RC] [RC] Fred & PC
Maryben Stover
[RC] Answer to US at the PC
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Presidents Cup???
Maryben Stover
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Presidents Cup???
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] Presidents Cup???
Bob Morris
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Presidents Cup???
Dot Wiggins
[RC] old military training tip
karen coombes
Re: [RC] old military training tip
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] old military training tip
Mel Cochran
RE: [RC] [RC] old military training tip
Ginger Bill
RE: [RC] old military training tip
Jennifer Adam
[RC] Pres Cup
RE: [RC] [RC] Pres Cup
Catfish Daniels
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Pres cup
Re: [RC] Pres cup
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] [RC] Pres cup
Maryben Stover
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Pres cup
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] Pres cup
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
RE: [RC] Pres cup
Catfish Daniels
[RC] Pres cup
RE: [RC] Pres cup
[RC] Presidents Cup
Ginger Bill
[RC] PC--Fred
Ginger Bill
[RC] Far Out Forest
Re: [RC] Far Out Forest
Mike Lewis
Re: [RC] Far Out Forest
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Presidents Cup Just to Clarify
Re: [RC] Presidents Cup Just to Clarify
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Pres Cup question ???
Mary Visco
Re: [RC] Pres Cup question ???
Karen Sullivan
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Pres Cup question ???
Mary Visco
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Fred Emigh was Pres Cup question ???
Steph Teeter
RE: [RC] President's cup
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] President's cup
[RC] Speed over the years
Jay Randle
Re: [RC] Speed over the years
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Speed over the years
Steven Proe
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] Snakes
Joe Long
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] snakes
Re: [RC] snakes
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] snakes
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] snakes
Re: [RC] snakes
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] snakes
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] snakes
Re: [RC] snakes
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Snakes
Patricia Israelson
Re: [RC] snakes
L gin
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