Lisa asked: "If I had a billion dollars
and started running my horses at those speeds, what would you all say
to ME?"
I would say this: "Can I borrow a million dollars?" :>
Lisa, I appreciate how you feel This saying helps me keep my
perspective:"The world is full of suffering and injustice. But it is
also full of the overcoming of them."
Each of us, in our own way, little by little, individually and as a
group, are doing our daily best to make life better for the horse. In
any endeavor, there are always those on the leading edge paying some
price until it is determined if another direction might be better. Your
indignation is in direct proportion to how much you care. And that's a
good thing. Now let's do some cool-headed thinking about how we might
want to go about setting an example that is more representative of how
most of us grass roots, backyard endurance riders think it should be
done. The convention is a good place to do that. How's about I have the
Greyhound bus driver swing by and pick you up on our way to Reno? Dr Q