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Sun Sep 07 18:34:29 GMT 2008
[RC] RC: Ariat Terrain
Carol Stiles
[RC] Pulls/AERC
Rae Callaway
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Pulls/AERC
[RC] gnats
Karen Bratcher
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] gnats
Rides 2 Far
RE: [RC] [RC] Ariat Tevis vs Ariat Terrain
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Scioto Run
David & Maggie
[RC] re: Picture Ownership
April Johnson
[RC] ok tornadoes
[RC] Biltmore
[RC] Ariat Tevis vs Ariat Terrain
Linda B. Merims
Re: [RC] Ariat Tevis vs Ariat Terrain
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Ariat Tevis vs Ariat Terrain
Bob Morris
Re: [RC] Ariat Tevis vs Ariat Terrain
Tina Hicks
Re: [RC] Ariat Tevis vs Ariat Terrain
Truman Prevatt
[RC] [Guest] Rescued minis and ponies needing homes
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] [RC] EnduraMax vs. Summer Games Electrolytes
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] EnduraMax vs. Summer Games Electrolytes
Maureen A. Fager
Re: [RC] [RC] EnduraMax vs. Summer Games Electrolytes
Truman Prevatt
[RC] [RC] EnduraMax vs. Summer Games Electrolytes
Rides 2 Far
[RC] EnduraMax vs. Summer Games Electrolytes
April Johnson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] EnduraMax vs. Summer Games Electrolytes
April Johnson
[RC] bet you never heard this question before
[RC] Swanton Pacific entries
Barbara McCrary
[RC] electrolytes
Re: [RC] electrolytes
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] electrolytes
Rides 2 Far
[RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Lost horse blanket at Chicken Chase
[RC] found shirt at Washoe
[RC] e-lyte question
Laurie Durgin
RE: [RC] e-lyte question
John A. Teeter
[RC] Dalmation thanks
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Re: [RC] [RC] loading success!!! (long)
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Archive problem? And Tick Paralysis
A. Perez
RE: [RC] Archive problem? And Tick Paralysis
John A. Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: RE: [RC] Archive problem? And Tick Paralysis
John A. Teeter
[RC] King Series saddle?
[RC] loading success!!! (long)
A. Perez
Re: [RC] Twitch for loading (long)
Kristene Smuts
RE: [RC] Beta Blockers
Snodgrass, Bonnie
[RC] Cooley Ranch ride
Scott Johnson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Cooley Ranch ride
[RC] West region Wild Wild West and the Quicksilver Spring Classic
Michael Maul
[RC] Fwd: Wild West Ride
[RC] test
Steph Teeter
[RC] needle shy / dewormer dislike
[RC] flooding in Calif
Kathie Ford
Re: [RC] flooding in Calif
Barbara McCrary
[RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Lynn Kinsky
Re: [RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Beta Blockers
Becky Hackworth
[RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [Guest] Beta Blockers
Heidi Smith
[RC] Information on the Quicksilver Spring Classic May 17 in the WestRegion
Michael Maul
[RC] 75s/elevators
Rides 2 Far
[RC] 75s
[RC] Twitch for loading
A. Perez
Re: [RC] Twitch for loading
Re: [RC] Twitch for loading
Bette Lamore
Re: [RC] Twitch for loading
Re: [RC] Twitch for loading/Quietex
Stephanie E Caldwell
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Twitch for loading
[RC] twitch for loading
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] Tick Paralysis
Re: [RC] Tick Paralysis
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] Corral panels
DeAnn Schnepple
[RC] Biltmore Update
[RC] Heck, log-in is needed even to access www.endurance.net
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] How to get in the archives?
Kristi Schaaf
RE: [RC] How to get in the archives?
John A. Teeter
[RC] Corral panels
Cora Greene
Re: [RC] neck surgery
[RC] Breed help needed
[RC] IntNewsGroup: Search Firm Hired to Help Find New NGB CEO
Lori & Rick Stewart
[RC] over head ties
June Scheunemann & Mike Bernsdorf
[RC] ticks
Fwd: [RC] Ticks and Horses
[RC] reins
Ron Lerma
Re: [RC] reins
Barbara McCrary
[RC] trainers needed
[RC] bone spavin-again
Kathie Ford
[RC] bone spavin
Kathie Ford
Re: [RC] bone spavin
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Bone spavin
Kristi Schaaf
Re: [RC] bone spavin
[RC] Easyboot users or barefoot Ridecampers
Dolores Arste
[RC] Directions
[RC] FW: Dalmatian needs help
Dolores Arste
[RC] Lost Friend
[RC] rocks, hills, weather/my first 75
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] Immovable Dalmation - OT for horses
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Carol Stiles
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Heidi Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] needle shy horse
Simms, Judith
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Susan Garlinghouse
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Susan Garlinghouse
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] needle shy horse
Shelley Kerr
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] needle shy horse
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Horse Expos and Polocrosse
Timothy Worden
Re: [RC] Horse Expos and Polocrosse
Lynn Kinsky
[RC] More Biltmore
Ed Roley
Subject: [RC] sky hook tether
[RC] Archives
April Johnson
RE: [RC] Archives
John A. Teeter
[RC] sky hook tether
marc trubitz
[RC] FEI Ride Results wanted
Steph Teeter
[RC] Pan Am Mountain Zone Website
Randy or Cheryl Winter
[RC] re: needle shy horse
Teresa Van Hove
Re: [RC] re: needle shy horse
Maggie Mieske
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] re: needle shy horse
Kristene Smuts
Re: [RC] re: needle shy horse
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Flooding
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Flooding
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Flooding
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Flooding
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Flooding
[RC] Flooding
Re: [RC] Flooding
Dyane Smith
[RC] Blundstone boots
Glenda R. Snodgrass
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Blundstone boots
Mary Sutliff
Re: [RC] Blundstone boots
Mary Sutliff
[RC] Ariat Tevis Boots
Carolyn Burgess
[RC] Spring Saddle Sale
Annie George
[RC] IntNewsGroup: USOC Concludes First Public Hearing On Equestrian NGB Application
Lori & Rick Stewart
[RC] needl-shy horse
Simms, Judith
[RC] Saddles, boots and poetry
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] Saddles, boots and poetry
Re: [RC] Saddles, boots and poetry
Cindy Collins
[RC] Ariat Tevis Lace
[RC] Weather
Barbara McCrary
[RC] mud/fast water riding
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Biltmore Blues
[RC] real garlic vs. powder/crumbles
julie fox
[RC] [Guest] little manistee
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [Guest] little manistee
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Update on herdbound Standardbred gelding
[RC] FW: Biltmore 50 Cancelled
Steph Teeter
[RC] Biltmore 50 Cancelled!
Rides 2 Far
[RC] desitin in girth
Louise Bower
RE: [RC] desitin in girth
Dolores Arste
Re: [RC] desitin in girth
Susan Young Casey
[RC] cleaning off Desitin
Rides 2 Far
[RC] [Guest] campers
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [Guest] campers
[RC] Bug Repellant
Tamara Taylor
[RC] [Guest] Washoe Valley AERC/CEI*** 100 results
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Sevin dust for ticks
Jonni Jewell
[RC] Garlic-Tick repellent
: [RC] riding in heat
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] riding in heat
April Johnson
Re: [RC] riding in heat
Bob & Amber Roberts
Re: : [RC] riding in heat
Glenda R. Snodgrass
[RC] Garlic&how much
Sunset Farm
Re: [RC] Garlic&how much
C. Eyler
[RC] Too Funny!!
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Too Funny!!
Re: [RC] [RC] Garlic
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] Garlic
Claudia Provin
[RC] Breyers
Ron Lerma
Re: [RC] [RC] riding in heat
Laurie Durgin
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] riding in heat
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] riding in heat
Glenda R. Snodgrass
RE: [RC] [RC] riding in heat
terry banister
RE: [RC] [RC] riding in heat
[RC] ticks/horses
[RC] Neem for bugs?
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] riding in heat
Jonni Jewell
Re: [RC] riding in heat
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] riding in heat
Glenda R. Snodgrass
Re: [RC] riding in heat
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] riding in heat
Rides 2 Far
[RC] riding in heat
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] riding in heat
Karen J Zelinsky
[RC] Riding in heat
Howard Bramhall
[RC] riding in heat
[RC] riding in heat
Linda B. Merims
RE: [RC] riding in heat
John A. Teeter
[RC] Riding in Heat
Robin Everett
[RC] Riding in Heat
Linda B. Merims
[RC] Riding in Heat
Robin Everett
[RC] Riding in Heat
Linda B. Merims
[RC] Riding in Heat
Linda B. Merims
[RC] Vet - Temecula, CA Area
Liz Masters
Re: [RC] Fat or Carbs
rrohwer Rohwer
[RC] sevin for ticks
A. Perez
[RC] Garlic
Sunset Farm
Re: [RC] Garlic
[RC] Golden Sun Vanity!
[RC] synergist ride-May 3rd
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] all weather riding
Re: [RC] all weather riding
Tina Hicks
[RC] [Guest] wide saddles for wide horses
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [Guest] wide saddles for wide horses
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [RC] Ticks and Horses
Trail Pal
RE: [RC] Ticks and Horses
Linda Cowles
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] Ticks and Horses
Re: [RC] [RC] vaccinations
Shelley Kerr
Re: [RC] [RC] vaccinations
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] [RC] vaccinations
Susan Garlinghouse
Re: [RC] [RC] horses smart?
Shelley Kerr
Re: [RC] [RC] ? always greener on the other coast
Jon . Linderman
[RC] Ticks and Horses
Val Nicoson
Re: [RC] Ticks and Horses
C. Eyler
[RC] Garlic
Re: [RC] Garlic
Re: [RC] Garlic
Tracy Browne
Re: [RC] Ticks and Horses
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Ticks and Horses
Glenda R. Snodgrass
[RC] Sunscreen for Riders
Val Nicoson
Re: [RC] Sunscreen for Riders
Re: [RC] Sunscreen for Riders
Glenda R. Snodgrass
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Sunscreen for Riders
Kristene Smuts
Re: [RC] Sunscreen for Riders
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] [RC] ? always greener on the other coast
[RC] tornados
Nancy Mitts
Re: [RC] tornados
Susan Young Casey
Re: [RC] tornados
April Johnson
Re: [RC] tornados
Kat Forst
Re: [RC] tornados
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Saddles for Wide Horses
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Saddles for Wide Horses
Char & Jeff
Re: [RC] Saddles for Wide Horses
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Saddles for Wide Horses
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Saddles for Wide Horses
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Saddles for wide Horses
Re: [RC] Saddles for Wide Horses
[RC] Swiss Boots
Stephanie E Caldwell
[RC] Entry Forms for Wine Country Ride - May 31st West Region
Jessica Tuteur
[RC] Shots, infections, and diapers (long)
David & Maggie
[RC] White River Spring Part 2
Maggie Mieske
[RC] White River Spring Part 1
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Purple Passion Ride (SW Idaho)
Tom Noll
[RC] Vaccinations
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Vaccinations
Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] Carolina Moonlight Ride Q
Tina Hicks
Re: [RC] [RC] itching and loading
Laurie Durgin
[RC] itching and loading
A. Perez
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] itching and loading
julie fox
[RC] Mares and Miles!
[RC] [Guest] Synergist Ride - May 3
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Breyer Model Endurance Horse
[RC] IntNewsGroup: Health Update, Maggy Price
Lori & Rick Stewart
Charles Coleman
[RC] [RC] Treadmills
Tom Dean
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] Treadmills
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Treadmills
Libby & Quentin Llop
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Treadmills
Snodgrass, Bonnie
RE: [RC] Treadmills
John A. Teeter
[RC] Treadmills
Libby & Quentin Llop
[RC] (1) Mules (2) HRM's
Celeste Murray
Re: [RC] [RC] helmet heat build up cures?
Laurie Durgin
RE: [RC] helmet heat build up cures?
John A. Teeter
[RC] shivering horse
Barb Reid
[RC] [Guest] Horse shampoo
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] [Guest] My first 100 miler more or less.
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] stories - first 100 milers
Steph Teeter
[RC] helmet heat build up cures?
Jonni Jewell
[RC] Heather smokes Washoe
[RC] RE:Comment on my last post
Jonni Jewell
[RC] Fort Howes Endurance Ride
Steph Teeter
[RC] weight division decision?
Laurie Durgin
[RC] always greener on the other coast
Desiree Simons
[RC] trahkenhers
Desiree Simons
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Trahkenhers
[RC] Saddle Fit
Re: [RC] Scabs !!
[RC] [Guest] saddle
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Comment on my last post
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Comment on my last post
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Comment on my last post
Tina Hicks
[RC] HRM and loose girths
Nina Vasiliev
[RC] Vegies for horses?
Nina Vasiliev
Re: [RC] Vegies for horses?
Lynn Kinsky
Re: [RC] Vegies for horses?
Susan Garlinghouse
[RC] Arab-Pony dieting
Jerry & Susan Milam
Re: [RC] Arab-Pony dieting
Susan Garlinghouse
<Possible follow-ups>
Fw: [RC] Arab-Pony dieting
Dot Wiggins
[RC] girth loss during competetions????
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Re: [RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Timothy Worden
Re: [RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Susan Garlinghouse
Re: [RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Fw: [RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Robin Everett
[RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
Re: [RC] Rocks, Hills, Weather, OH MY!
rrohwer Rohwer
[RC] [Guest] My first 100 miler more or less.
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Scabs on sides of horse
Re: [RC] Scabs on sides of horse
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Scabs on sides of horse
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Scabs on sides of horse
[RC] Preventing Treatment -Round Two
[RC] Ponce de Leon Story
Jen Bramhall
[RC] My LBL ride story (long)
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] My LBL ride story (long)
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Peeing on the trail.....
Lynn Brunetto
[RC] hauler needed
[RC] Washoe First 4
Becky Hackworth
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