Being married to an obsessive weather-watcher, and having become one
myself, I am fascinated in the erratic and unusual weather patterns across the
USA. Here on the coast of central CA, we are having a long-running pattern
of showers, coupled with warm weather. Not at all typical, but it is
giving us the most fantastic crop of grass I've seen in many years. We've
had 7+ inches of rain in April; here it is the first week in May and it's still
giving us showers, for short periods of time, almost daily. While the
ground it not boggy, and the horses are not standing in mud to their fetlocks,
it is slippery out on the trails. I'm so sorry to hear of the troubles
others across the country are having....floods, tornadoes. Every time I
hear of some new weather disaster, I hope all our endurance friends and
ridecampers are safe.