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Sun Sep 07 15:12:34 GMT 2008
[RC] First results: my Freeform saddle trial
Mary Krauss
[RC] canvas covered Supracor
Dede Johnson
[RC] done till tomorrow
Steph Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: done till tomorrow
John Teeter
[RC] PacSo Gold Team
John Teeter
Re: [RC] [RC] 2005NAEC: Playing some more ...
Flora Hillman
[RC] 2005NAEC: finish again
John Teeter
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: finish again
Karen L.
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: finish again
John Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: Finish
John Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] 2005NAEC: Finish
John Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: Finish
John Teeter
RE: [RC] 2005NAEC: Finish
[RC] 2005NAEC: Playing some more ...
John Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: 15 minuts to go....
John Teeter
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: 15 minuts to go....
Barbara HB
[RC] naec
<Possible follow-ups>
Erica DeVoti
[RC] naec
[RC] 2005NAEC: Teams at Gate 5
John Teeter
[RC] Charles Barieau 1916 - 2005
sandy rovane
[RC] 2005NAEC: Leaders on Last Loop
John Teeter
[RC] too late for winter coat?
Marlene Moss
Re: [RC] too late for winter coat?
Barbara McCrary
[RC] loop5
Steph Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: Gate 5
John Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] 2005NAEC: Gate 5
John Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
John Teeter
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
Barbara HB
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
John Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
John Teeter
RE: [RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] 2005NAEC: suspense
Nancy Sturm
[RC] 2005NAEC: Out on Loop 4
John Teeter
[RC] Playing around!
Barbara HB
[RC] 2005NAEC: Playing Around
John Teeter
RE: [RC] 2005NAEC: Playing Around
[RC] 2005NAEC: gate 3
John Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: stats
John Teeter
[RC] Armadillo Ride trails report
[RC] 2050NAEC: Gate 2
John Teeter
[RC] 2005NAEC: Loop2
John Teeter
[RC] Spot's accomplishments
Re: [RC] Spot's accomplishments
Chris Paus
[RC] 2005NAEC: theStart
John Teeter
[RC] national championship
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] NAEC: Gate 1
John Teeter
RE: [RC] NAEC: Gate 1
Jerry & Susan Milam
RE: [RC] NAEC: Gate 1
John Teeter
Re: [RC] NAEC: Gate 1
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] NAEC: Gate 1
[RC] First Vet CHeck
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] North American - start
Steph Teeter
[RC] Manzanita ride , part 3 of
[RC] Oro Day Eight !
Cat ^. .^ ~
[RC] Grand Canyon 5 Day Horses & Riders
Dream Weaver
[RC] Manzanita Ride, part 1 of ?
[RC] Manzanita, 2 of ?
[RC] [RC] Annie george saddles
Erica DeVoti
[RC] To ERABC/Canadians eh!
Steph Teeter
[RC] The Final Inspection
Jim Holland
[RC] Grand Canyon Results
RE: [RC] [RC] Sensitive Ears
Rae Callaway
RE: [RC] North American Start list
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Peace Point Photographer
Laura Hayes
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Peace Point Photographer
[RC] My Grand Canyon experience
Marlene Moss
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] My Grand Canyon experience
[RC] RC: Suzy and sensative ear problem
Carol Suggs
[RC] Any La Cresta (Murrieta, CA) riders?
Valerie Treese
[RC] North American - Start List
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] North American - Start List
RE: [RC] North American - Start List
Steph Teeter
FW: [RC] North American - Start List
Steph Teeter
[RC] Sensitive Ears
Suzy Ticer
RE: [RC] Sensitive Ears
Ranelle Rubin
Re: [RC] Sensitive Ears
Re: [RC] Sensitive Ears
Linda Nichols
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Sensitive Ears
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Sensitive Ears
[RC] Sensitive Ears
[RC] impaction--soaking hay
Dawn Simas
[RC] I am back in the saddle again
Carol Suggs
[RC] Question regarding impactions, cause there of
Carol Suggs
RE: [RC] Question regarding impactions, cause there of
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] North American - update
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] North American - update
[RC] stallions in endurance
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] [RC] stallions in endurance
Faustina Duffy
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Stallions in endurance
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Stallions in Endurance
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] [RC] Stallions in Endurance
Diana Peterson
RE: [RC] [RC] [RC] Stallions in Endurance
Nancy Mitts
[RC] Stallions in endurance
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
[RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Debbie Lyons
RE: [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Ranelle Rubin
Re: [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Jeannie Gillen
RE: [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Linda Cowles
RE: [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Mike Sherrell
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Re: [RC] Trails north of San Fransisco
Jeannie Gillen
[RC] Ada Carr 1934-2005
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
[RC] mare dilemma, update
Chris Paus
[RC] Annie george saddles
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Annie George Saddles
Mary Maynard
[RC] Flatbed Advice Needed
Dyane Smith
[RC] RC: good mare day but dilemma
Carol Suggs
[RC] [RC] sorry, more saddle ?
[RC] sorry, more saddle
Don Huston
[RC] sorry, more saddle ?
Juli Jakub
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] sorry, more saddle ?
RE: [RC] [RC] sorry, more saddle ?
Juli Jakub
[RC] sorry, more saddle ?
Chris Martin
RE: [RC] sorry, more saddle ?
[RC] good mare day but dilemma
Chris Paus
[RC] good mare day but dilemma
Don Huston
Re: [RC] good mare day but dilemma
abigail Madden
RE: [RC] [RC] 3 horse trailer
Nell Lindquist
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] 3 horse trailer
[RC] Congrats To Remington and John
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] treeless saddle
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Pony Passes 9K
[RC] Remington Passes 9K
Don Huston
RE: [RC] Pony Passes 9K
Linda Cowles
Re: [RC] Pony Passes 9K
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] Pony Passes 9K
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Pony passes 9K
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Lucy Sheriston/Hilason treeless saddles
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] fur?
Don Huston
[RC] knuckling over
Don Huston
[RC] NAEC: 2005 North American Championship - Wednesday
Steph Teeter
[RC] easyboots width/length
[RC] one more boarding rule
ll cole
[RC] photographer casey spencer
tamara medeiros
[RC] Grand Canyon Day 5 Photos
RE: [RC] knuckling over--another plea for advice
Mary Krauss
Re: [RC] knuckling over--another plea for advice
Jeannie Gillen
Re: [RC] knuckling over--another plea for advice
Linda Nichols
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] knuckling over--another plea for advice
[RC] 3 horse trailer
RE: [RC] [RC] 3 horse trailer
Nancy Mitts
[RC] xp rides photography
[RC] Knuckling Over in the rear
Don Huston
[RC] "Knuckling Over" + Lameness
Val Nicoson
Re: [RC] "Knuckling Over" + Lameness
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] "Knuckling Over" + Lameness
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] "Knuckling Over" + Lameness
Don Huston
[RC] RE To Sue
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Easyboots - width/length disparity
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Hilason Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Hilason Saddles
Chris Martin
[RC] Hilason Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Hilason Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] "knuckling over"?
Dawn Simas
Re: [RC] "knuckling over"?
Re: [RC] "knuckling over"?
Re: [RC] "knuckling over"?
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] "knuckling over"?
Re: [RC] "knuckling over"?
Dyane Smith
[RC] To Sue-Ridecamp Guest-percentage of athletic horses
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] international pro-lite helmet
Cheryl Perry
Re: [RC] Stifle problem
Don Huston
Message not available
Re: [RC] Stifle problem
Don Huston
[RC] Hilason Treeless Endurance saddle for sale
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] To Sue
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] OT - Federal Bill Address Disaster Plans for Companion Animals
[RC] Trekker Treeless??
Karla Watson
[RC] treeless saddles in general
Alice Grady
[RC] Dressage/Hay/Ranelle
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan-more info
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Re: [RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
[RC] Weight hay requirements/question for Heidi and Susan
Patti Kuvik
[RC] Hilason treeless saddle
Re: [RC] Hilason treeless saddle
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] Hilason treeless saddle (Barefoot)
Christina Schiro
Re: [RC] Hilason treeless saddle
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Hilason treeless saddle
Zephyr Arabians
[RC] Hay--How Much to Feed? Feed x Weight, not Volume
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
Re: [RC] Hay--How Much to Feed? Feed x Weight, not Volume
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] Hay--How Much to Feed? Feed x Weight, not Volume
Cynthia Eyler
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Hay--How Much to Feed? Feed x Weight, not Volume
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
Re: [RC] Hay--How Much to Feed? Feed x Weight, not Volume
Mary Sutliff
[RC] stifle problems?
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
[RC] Sore back
Don Huston
[RC] more costume ideas
Carol Suggs
[RC] how long does a sore back take to heal?
Marta Kozlowska
Re: [RC] how long does a sore back take to heal?
Chris Paus
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] how long does a sore back take to heal?
[RC] Missing Horses
sandy rovane
Re: [RC] Missing Horses
martina keil
Re: [RC] Missing Horses
Linda Nichols
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Missing Horses
[RC] Halloween horse costume website
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] boarding rules
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] boarding rules
Carol Suggs
[RC] Boarding rules
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] boarding rules
Re: [RC] boarding rules
Carol Suggs
Re: [RC] boarding rules
Linda Nichols
Re: [RC] boarding rules
[RC] easyboots/wide feet
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] easyboots/wide feet
[RC] [RC] Hay--How Much to Feed? Feed x Weight, not Volume
Tina Rushing
[RC] Grand Canyon day 2 & 3 photos
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon day 2 & 3 photos
marshall Bates
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon day 2 & 3 photos
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon day 2 & 3 photos
Cat ^. .^ ~
[RC] Halloween horses
Re: [RC] Halloween horses
Karen Williams
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Halloween horses
[RC] boarding stable rules
Laney Humphrey
[RC] Right to Ride/Trail access
Dean A. Conti
Re: [RC] Right to Ride/Trail access
Sky Ranch
[RC] ALERT- 35 Saddles Stolen from American Legacy Complex during Richard Shrake
[RC] stopover needed
Betty Wolgram
[RC] saddle blankets
Re: [RC] [RC] saddle blankets
[RC] Freeform saddle query
Mary Krauss
[RC] Looking for a Halloween Costume Idea for my horse
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] Looking for a Halloween Costume Idea for my horse
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] Looking for a Halloween Costume Idea for my horse
Rae Callaway
Re: [RC] Looking for a Halloween Costume Idea for my horse
Kathy Ramspott
Re: [RC] [RC] Looking for a Halloween Costume Idea for my horse
Debbie Kirchner
Re: [RC] Looking for a Halloween Costume Idea for my horse
Born Country
[RC] Dressage/Endurance cross training
Ashley Wingert
[RC] cold weather riding tips needed
Jessica Spoone-Raines
[RC] stall rest and uptight horses
[RC] Alpine's leg
Re: [RC] Alpine's leg
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Alpine's leg
Diane Trefethen
[RC] Hilason treeless saddle?
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
Re: [RC] Hilason treeless saddle?
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] [RC] Hilason treeless saddle?
Ashia Yother
Re: [RC] [RC] Hilason treeless saddle?
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] [RC] Hilason treeless saddle?
Karla Watson
[RC] Gmail Invites
[RC] Re:GMail
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:GMail
Debbie Kirchner
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:GMail
Soli Sorokin
[RC] Talladega--- Wet, but wonderful !!!
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] How much hay to feed
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Skito pad velcro closure - ways to "re-seal"
Pam DeMerchant
Re: [RC] Skito pad velcro closure - ways to "re-seal"
Linda Nichols
[RC] Eating too much salt
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] 3 horse straight load trailers
marshall Bates
[RC] Dressage horses...er ponies
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Excessive water and salt use
Carol Suggs
[RC] Tying to trailer...knives ect
Carol Suggs
Re: [RC] Trail Use
Jeannie Gillen
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] tying to trailer with a safety knot
Ed Kilpatrick
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] tying to trailer with a safety knot
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] tying to trailer with a safety knot
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] tying to trailer with a safety knot
John Teeter
Re: [RC] tying to trailer with a safety knot
[RC] Please delete replies!
Donna Coss
Re: [RC] Please delete replies!
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Please delete replies! No thanks but this could be controversial
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] [RC] Please delete replies! No thanks but this could be controversial
Rosalie Marley
Re: [RC] Please delete replies! No thanks but this could be controversial
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Please delete replies!
Barbara McCrary
[RC] tying a horse to the trailer - do you use a safety knot?
Marta Kozlowska
Re: [RC] tying a horse to the trailer - do you use a safety knot?
Chris Paus
[RC] Bonita Turkey Trot open to ALL breeds/clarification
cynthia hamberg
[RC] Excessive salt eating
Don Huston
Re: [RC] Cloud 9 Joyce Anderson
Tom Sites
Re: [RC] Flatbed trucks and California laws
Dyane Smith
[RC] Excessive salt eating question
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Pulled Muscles
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Pulled Muscles
Nancy Sturm
[RC] S Hack noseband
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] S Hack noseband
[RC] Hay--How Much to Feed?
Val Nicoson
Re: [RC] Hay--How Much to Feed?
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] boarding
[RC] 3 hrs straight load I know of
Dawn Simas
[RC] how do I
Re: [RC] [CTR] Well... darnit... I bought a horse.
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] Mounting strap
Lani M Olson
Re: [RC] Mounting strap
Suzi Maiorisi
[RC] S-Hack
Shauna Jannett
Re: [RC] S-Hack
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] S-Hack
[RC] Owyhee Canyonlands: the costumes:)
John Teeter
[RC] Herding Buffalo
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Grand Canyon Day 1
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon Day 1
abigail Madden
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon Day 1
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon Day 1
Re: [RC] Grand Canyon Day 1
marshall Bates
[RC] looking for a little help
[RC] Hi Ties
Debbie Lyons
[RC] [BULK] [RC] lookin g for
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Tracy
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] 3h straight load
RE: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
ll cole
Re: [RC] 3h straight load
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Carolyn Burgess
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] 3h straight load
Zephyr Arabians
RE: [RC] [RC] 3h straight load
ll cole
Re: [RC] 3h straight load
Kristen A Fisher
[RC] Dressage horses
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Valerie Hewitt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Lucinda Carpe
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] [RC] Dressage horses
Juli Jakub
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Cornelia Chamley
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] Dressage horses
Zephyr Arabians
[RC] Dressage horses
[RC] Dressage horses
sandy . l . holder
[RC] New experience for me
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] New experience for me
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] New experience for me
Steph E Caldwell
RE: [RC] New experience for me
Betty Edgar
[RC] Sidepulls
Re: [RC] Sidepulls
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] New experience for me
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] boarding agreements
Diane Trefethen
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] boarding agreements
Barbara McCrary
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