Included in the recent volume of email in regards to
the Right to Ride bill, I saw mention of a group called the High Sierra Hikers
(HSH) who opposed this legislation. I decided to investigate who they are and
to try to understand their basis of rejection. I though it might be interesting
for some to read these linked essays and to peruse the HSH web site. If this is
a true representation of their goals, perhaps cross contact would be a good
idea for all concerned.
One question I have is about the commercial packers
and their percentage of trail usage compared to private users. Here in the
Pacific Northwest (PNW) commercial usage appears to be a quite small
percentage. Is there that much commercial pressure in the High Sierras?
Personally I make a significant distinction between private and commercial
One thing we may want to stress to the opposition
groups is that the largest cause of trail damage (at least locally) is the
winter rain, ice, snow and wind storms. All trails, regardless of usage, seem
to be fairly equally damaged by Mother Nature herself…