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[RC] I am back in the saddle again - Carol Suggs

Well its been 3 weeks and 2 days since my shoulder surgery and I am back to riding again (three times this week!).  Just light riding for now, I am letting my hubby work out all the horses, which is a daunting task, but he can handle it!  I have been just trail riding here on the ranch checking cattle, and last night took a horse with me to my husbands cutting lesson and just rode around in the arena some.  It felt SO GOOD TO RIDE, but I know I have very limited use of my right shoulder so will not be riding any of the young horses for a few months or so (can't two hand).
What I found to be hard was mounting!  I can't pull myself up so have to rely on a rock, stump or slope to get up on.  Because one of the problems they fixed in my shoulder was a torn upper biccep which they anchored down, means that I can't lift anything or pull or push anything for about 1-2 months.  I am doing my P/T three times a week and although I do have a lot of shoulder pain I am seeing that I am getting my range of motion back.
When I asked my P/T guy, what do you think about me trying to ride this week?  He is a rider also.  He said well, if you don't come off your horse, and can promise me that you won't try to grab on with your right arm then you can probably ride, but if you feel unsecure then don't.
I know that with horses there is always a risk, but I am having  my hubby saddle for me and do all the hard stuff and I am not riding alone and not doing anything tough.  I am riding only our trusty finished horses that I can single hand.
Thanks to the fellow RCampers for their support and wisdom after I had my surgery and had all those questions about how soon I could ride.  I can ride....but not the way that I want to...I know that will come in time.