I can certainly agree with this
philosophy. I imagine riders who are going for top positions are
concentrating on their strategy. I like to ride along an look at the
scenery, smell the flowers or sagebrush or whatever, listen to the forest or the
birds or think about the pioneers who rode before us through the same
area. Someone once told me a certain piece of genuine pioneer trail was
"Boring!" Granted, it was flat and on a dirt road all the way, but I rode
a good horse at a nice steady trot, looked at the mountains and wondered what
the pioneers were thinking on that stretch of trail, over 150 years
before. Boring is a state of mind, I think. So, John, I think you
have it right!
Yesterday, while I was riding on the Rainbow Rim Trail along the north
rim of the Grand Canyon on Day 4 of the ride I thought about
something other endurance riders have asked me on occasion.
Sometimes people ask me why I would be crazy enough to want to ride slow and
spend all day out there on the trail on my horse. So here I was on a day
away from the office riding a great horse on a beautiful day in the most
gorgeous scenery imaginable, wondering who's crazy?