1. Spell out the board (ie: special feed,
blanketing, paddock turn out, pasture only, exercise, whatever you can think of,
have a pricing list and have boarders select from that list what services that
they want or if its no frills state it as such)
2. Have a due date for board and late fees
spelled out up front.
3. If you insist on vaccinations
and proof thereof, put it in the contract.
4. Have a termination clause for both boarder
and boardee.
5. Have a time that boarders can come. This seems
to cause a lot of trouble. You don't want boarders there at 11pm at night
fiddling around, having lights on, making noise ect. unless there is a special
circumstance and you have been made aware of it ahead of time.
6. Trailer parking, have a designated area for this
and state it in your contract.
There are so many more items that you can list, I
could go on for days. what is really important for all parties is that you start
off on the right foot by naming and disclosing every possible item you can think
of UPFRONT so that there are no miscommunications or surprises