A couple of possible ideas - could your saddle be bridging and digging
into his loins, and he's "giving" in back due to pain? Or, could
his rear toes be long and catching on the ground as he brings his foot
forward? Just some thoughts...
Okay, what do you guys mean by this? I have had a recent thing
start happening in my boy and wonder if this is what you're refering to.
Mostly when going downhill, but sometimes on level, he drags a rear foot and
it catches and he actually "steps" down on his fetlock joint. Big OUCH,
like a sprained ankle and from my perspective in the saddle, his hindquarters
drop like he stepped in a hole, his head flies up to catch himself. I
didn't know what he was doing until someone told me that I was riding
with. Has to hurt! Never lame though.