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Sun Sep 07 18:37:36 GMT 2008
[RC] Splash...right into the trough
Jonni Jewell
[RC] How to improve a horse's wind?
C. Eyler
[RC] Endurance horses with 'off'gaits ?
Laurie Durgin
[RC] modifying stirrup leathers on BM Sport Saddle (BMSS)
Mike & Kathy Kelly
[RC] magazines for sale
[RC] Bitless Bridle vs "S" Hackamore
Betty Demar Mueller
[RC] Cold Springs]
Cora Greene
[RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Randy or Cheryl Winter
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Re: [RC] sayings for getting bucked off
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
[RC] Enduovations?
Bill and Jan Stevens
[RC] Alternative to/Eminence, MO trail ride
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Alternative to/Eminence, MO trail ride
ll cole
Peggy Burgess
[RC] thanks
June Scheunemann & Mike Bernsdorf
[RC] [RC] Horse Wanted - Karen Ellis
Floyd & Margaret Reid
[RC] World Equestrian Games Aachen 2006
[RC] Poem to help grieving horse owner
Heather Saunders
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Poem to help grieving horse owner
[RC] Horse Wanted - Karen Ellis
Floyd & Margaret Reid
[RC] Ride Managers and Dates
[RC] Endurovations Web Site
Cunningham, Marci
[RC] Oak Leaf
Larry Miller
Re: [RC] Oak Leaf
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] [RC] Eminence, MO trail ride
ll cole
RE: [RC] [RC] Eminence, MO trail ride
Jerry & Susan Milam
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] Eminence, MO trail ride
ll cole
[RC] Eminence, MO trail ride
Diane Conklin
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Eminence, MO trail ride
[RC] Hunting Season and the 3rd day of Camp Far West
Michael Maul
[RC] swimming horse
Re: [RC] swimming horse
Bette Lamore
[RC] [Guest] Poem to help grieving horse owner
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] Red Rock (National Championship Pre-Ride) July 5th
RE: [RC] Red Rock (National Championship Pre-Ride) July 5th
Steph Teeter
RE: [RC] Red Rock (National Championship Pre-Ride) July 5th
[RC] Oak leaf run
Re: [RC] Oak leaf run
Maggie Mieske
[RC] [RC] Directions for getting rid of E-Mail Virus - Lauren Horn
[RC] Julie Suhr's e-mail
[RC] It was a Hoax - Sorry
Lauren Horn
[RC] The instructions on how to Remove avirus is is a hoax
Steven Proe
[RC] laid up for ride season
June Scheunemann & Mike Bernsdorf
Re: [RC] laid up for ride season
Joan Ruprecht
[RC] Directions for getting rid of E-Mail Virus
Lauren Horn
[RC] Using TTOUCH/TEAM methods to improve relationship with horse (long)
Karen Casemier
Re: [RC] Using TTOUCH/TEAM methods to improve relationship with horse (long)
Stephanie E Caldwell
[RC] Foxx Fyre finds a home
[RC] anyone willing to lend an S hackamore?
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] Heat Rash & dehydration
Darolyn Butler-Dial
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Heat Rash & dehydration
[RC] Fw: State Line Tack Coat & Hoof Formula
April Johnson
[RC] [Guest] Camp Far West -Third Day
Ridecamp Moderator
Re: [RC] Endurance Polls/Recovery Times
Re: [RC] Endurance Polls/Recovery Times
Heidi Smith
[RC] 100 mile distance canceled in NW RIDE OVER THE RAINBOW on July 5
Michael Maul
[RC] Anyone willing to lend me an "S" Hackamore to try?
RE: [RC] Anyone willing to lend me an "S" Hackamore to try?
Karen Williams
[RC] Endurance Polls
Aaron Turnage
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Endurance Polls
Re: [RC] Endurance Polls
Chris Austin
Re: [RC] Endurance Polls/Recovery Times
Aaron Turnage
[RC] [Guest] weight division:stats
Ridecamp Moderator
Re: [RC] splash! (now funny habits)
Re: [RC] splash! (now funny habits)
Re: [RC] splash! (now funny habits)
Re: [RC] splash! (now funny habits)
Sisu West Ranch
[RC] weight division:stats
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] [RC] RE:splash
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] RE:splash
Jonni Jewell
[RC] RE:splash
Barb Jefferson
[RC] Deep Sands Arabians
Steph Teeter
[RC] Deep Sands Arabians
Steph Teeter
[RC] RE:splash
Jonni Jewell
Re: [RC] RE:splash
Jeannie Gillen
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] Splash!
Re: [RC] Splash!
rrohwer Rohwer
Re: [RC] Splash!
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Splash!
[RC] splash!
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] splash!
Jon . Linderman
Re: [RC] splash!
[RC] colic question
Pam Johnson
[RC] Endura-Max
April Johnson
[RC] Endurance "Group" in New England in 1800's...
[RC] Saw ad for CMK endurance horses
beth glover
[RC] Horses that toe out
Lysane Cree
Re: [RC] Horses that toe out
Heidi Smith
[RC] help!! ulcer PREVENTION??
Re: [RC] [RC] Senior horse - PSaintjohn
A. Perez
[RC] Senior horse
Re: [RC] [RC] Winter coat in June
ll cole
[RC] [Guest] told husband about horse
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] weight divisions
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] weight divisions
Heidi Smith
[RC] Weight divisions - quick stats
Jon . Linderman
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Weight divisions - quick stats
Re: [RC] Weight divisions - quick stats
Jon . Linderman
Re: [RC] Weight divisions - quick stats
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Weight divisions - quick stats
rrohwer Rohwer
[RC] Extruded Maize/Corn
Budler,Cindy - Afrox
[RC] Tevis Entries
Joan Dowis
[RC] [Guest] Poker Ride
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] losing a beloved friend
Lynda K Thompson
[RC] re: Lost control
Michelle Fink
Re: [RC] re: Lost control
[RC] Winter coat in June
ll cole
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Winter coat in June
Re: [RC] Winter coat in June
Mike & Kathy Kelly
Re: [RC] Winter coat in June
Heidi Smith
[RC] [Guest] Weight divisions
Ridecamp Moderator
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [Guest] Weight divisions
Re: [RC] [Guest] Weight divisions
Steven Proe
Re: [RC] [Guest] Weight divisions
Heidi Smith
[RC] Rye hay
Tracy Browne
[RC] Maggie's Hopkins Creek
Larry Miller
[RC] 2003 Sunriver Results
John Teeter
[RC] [Guest] need horse hauled from Purump Nv to Reno Nv.
Ridecamp Moderator
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [Guest] need horse hauled from Purump Nv to Reno Nv.
[RC] Lost control
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] lost control
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] re: heart rate vs. legs
Re: [RC] [AERC-Members] Weight division
Howard Bramhall
[RC] Fort Howes Photos-2
Bill and Jan Stevens
[RC] I need your help w identification/Fort Howes
Bill and Jan Stevens
Re: [RC] [RC] heat rash
DeAnn Schnepple
[RC] Heart rate vs legs, starting out
A. Perez
[RC] Swanton Pacific
Barbara McCrary
[RC] heat rash
Mike & Kathy Kelly
Re: [RC] heat rash
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] heat rash
Howard Bramhall
Re: [RC] heat rash
Heidi Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] heat rash
[RC] Won't delete
Re: [RC] Horse won't keep weight on...
A. Perez
[RC] Multi-day (S2S) questions
Re: [RC] Multi-day (S2S) questions
John Teeter
[RC] Sunriver
Steph Teeter
[RC] Time to buy hay again
Mary Orosz
[RC] Last thing on Hopkins!
Re: [RC] Last thing on Hopkins!
Maggie Mieske
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Last thing on Hopkins!
[RC] Hopkins Creek part three
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Hopkins Creek part two
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Hopkins Creek part one
Maggie Mieske
[RC] custom Sheepskin cover for Torsion saddle
Mike & Kathy Kelly
[RC] Training rides near Sacramento, CA?
Nina Vasiliev
Re: [RC] [AERC-Members] New Discussion Subject
Howard Bramhall
RE: [RC] [AERC-Members] New Discussion Subject
Bob Morris
[RC] Completion Awards
k s swigart
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Rae Callaway
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Bette Lamore
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
[RC] looking for work in UK
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] [RC] Hopkins Creek, walking and sand
Deanna German
[RC] Winding Stair (u know ur n truble)
Darolyn Butler-dial
Re: [RC] [Guest] Dawsonville, GA Ride in AUG???
Ridecamp Moderator
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [Guest] Dawsonville, GA Ride in AUG???
Ridecamp Moderator
Re: [RC] [Guest] Dawsonville, GA Ride in AUG???
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] Preparing for Tevis
Re: [RC] Preparing for Tevis
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Preparing for Tevis
Re: [RC] Preparing for Tevis
[RC] heads up!
Maggie Mieske
[RC] ....My Mistake!!!:(
John Teeter
Re: [RC] ....My Mistake!!!:(
Heidi Smith
[RC] Run For the Gold
Scott Johnson
[RC] C'n'C ride in Colorado -any news?
Teresa Van Hove
RE: [RC] FW: You think you have a problem when........
Jonni Jewell
[RC] FW: You think you have a problem when........
[RC] heart monitor training rates?
Joslyn Seefeldt
Re: [RC] heart monitor training rates?
rrohwer Rohwer
Re: [RC] heart monitor training rates?
Truman Prevatt
Re[2]: [RC] heart monitor training rates?
Bill Johnson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] heart monitor training rates?
Beth Bennett
Re: [RC] feeding broodmares
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
<Possible follow-ups>
rrohwer Rohwer
[RC] Fw: [AERC-Members] You are a member of the AERC
[RC] Idiot's Guide to Endurance Riding (long)
Deanna German
[RC] My Hopkins Creek experience
[RC] Western North Carolina Trails
[RC] AERC members list
[RC] AERC Member List
[RC] MEN I have a saddle question
Bill Johnson
[RC] [Guest] [RC] Horse Wanted - Karen Ellis
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] Magic Mountain Challenge
Ridecamp Moderator
Re: [RC] [Guest] Magic Mountain Challenge
Becky Hackworth
[RC] Prod Your Directors
Randy H Eiland
RE: [RC] Prod Your Directors
Jerry & Susan Milam
[RC] [Guest] horse not lame.....Sue Koost.
Ridecamp Moderator
Re: [RC] Sunburned nose
Lysane Cree
[RC] Gut Sounds
Scott Johnson
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Gut Sounds
Alison Farrin
Re: [RC] [Guest] supracor///
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] Horse Sunburn Protection
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] Need Calvary tips or suggestions
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] Sunriver 100
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] To Fort Stanton from Georgia
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] supracor
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] lease forms
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] night riding
Ridecamp Moderator
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] [Guest] night riding
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] [Guest] Preparing for the Tevis
Ridecamp Moderator
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [Guest] Preparing for the Tevis
Ridecamp Moderator
Re: [RC] [Guest] Preparing for the Tevis
carol a barnes
[RC] [Guest] Caravaning to Fort Stanton Ride from southeast
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] RC] [Guest] Rolling, rolling, rolling
Ridecamp Moderator
[RC] horse wont keep weight on while working?
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] horse wont keep weight on while working?
Heidi Smith
[RC] re: oils in feed
Andrea Day
[RC] Carolina Moonlight Ride
Pam & Buddy's email
[RC] Anyone had experience with a 'calcified salivary gland'?
Alison Dunn
[RC] Sunriver CEI
Linda Lavis
Re: [RC] Sunriver CEI
John Teeter
[RC] Hopkins Creek
Larry Miller
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Hopkins Creek
Larry Miller
[RC] Fwd: Horse Sunburn Protection
Tamara Taylor
[RC] Over the Rainbow
[RC] Skinny Yearling
Tamara Taylor
Re: [RC] Skinny Yearling
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
[RC] trailer ties
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] trailer ties
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] trailer ties
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] trailer ties
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] trailer ties
Jackie Winkleman
RE: [RC] trailer ties
Jerry & Susan Milam
Re: [RC] trailer ties
Heidi Smith
[RC] Horse camping in N. Georgia and N. Carolina
[RC] Horse sunburn protection
Diane Conklin
Re: [RC] Horse sunburn protection
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Horse sunburn protection
[RC] Horse is not lame, but can't be shod
sue koost
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Horse is not lame, but can't be shod
Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] Horse Age Poll
Joan Ruprecht
[RC] AHAM Ride in Petosky - Need Specifics
Kari Hanes
Re: [RC] AHAM Ride in Petosky - Need Specifics
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Torsion Treeless Saddle
Re: [RC] Horse won't keep weight on while working..
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] Horse won't keep weight on while working..
Truman Prevatt
[RC] soya/canola oil
Gabi (Ra'anana Farm)
Re: [RC] Horse won't keep weight on while working..
Pam & Buddy's email
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Horse won't keep weight on while working..
Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
[RC] Be Careful Reading This One
Howard Bramhall
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Be Careful Reading This One
Fwd: [RC] Be Careful Reading This One
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