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[RC] How to improve a horse's wind? - C. Eyler

Last summer was the first time my gelding was in pretty good condition (after several years of LSD, emphasis on the sloooow).  We did a 25 mile ECTRA CTR (required to average 6 mph) in September, and by mile 15 or so I was sorry I hadn't entered the 35-miler because it was pretty effortless for him.
He was off work for much of the winter (stone bruise, later a nasty cut, then mountains of snow), and our muddy, sodden spring made for a slow start back into a good conditioning routine.
We're routinely doing 20+ mile conditioning rides now, but his wind is not as good as last year.  Our rides (2X or 3X weekly) consist of mostly trotting, with some walking and cantering, on fairly hilly terrain.  But if I have him trot up significant hills, he'll eventually start to make a loud wheezing noise.  There is no evidence of respiratory problems, and he's not kept in dusty conditions or fed dusty hay.  The only time he ever made such a noise last year was one very hot/humid day when I pushed him a bit too hard.
Would more cantering on appropriate terrain improve his wind?  Or should I just have him walk up the steeper hills for the time being?  Or both?