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Re: [RC] [AERC-Members] Weight division - Howard Bramhall

What is so unusual about AERC, and I swear this rule was invented by a bunch of big wimmen who got together late one night at a ride, after a few Lite-beers, and came up with the idea that you can ride in any weight category lighter than what you actually weight.  Gives an entire new meaning to the phrase, "Do these tights make me look fat?"
What this rule means, to someone like me, who is just a 6 pack short of being a heavyweight, is I can ride in any category, from Middle Weight on down.  One of these years, I swear, I'm gonna register as Featherweight, just for kicks, to see if I can ever get a weight category prize and go up there, in front of ya'll, and get my Featherweight award!!!!  And to see my name, just once, in Endurance News, as a featherweight would be incredibly funny.   Problem is, competition is quite serious in those light weight categories.  It's where the tiny hiney riders actually live.
Only in America, that's for sure.  lol.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:45 PM
Subject: [AERC-Members] Weight division

I am a little confused on how the weight divisions work.  When I joined AERC, I joined as a featherweight because I was right on the line between featherweight and lightweight, and I usually drop some weight in the spring.  Well, the deadline to change your weight division was coming up and I still had not dropped any of my winter weight so I changed to a lightweight.  Now I am dropping my winter pounds and feel i am going to weigh in as a featherweight.  How does this work when you are registered as a lightweight, but weigh in as a featherweight?