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Mon Sep 08 11:59:50 GMT 2008
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] PanAm: 10 Year Reunion!
[RC] [RC] Angie's Stallion
Dream Weaver
Re: [RC] [RC] Angie's Stallion
Opal Perry
[RC] WN horses
Re: [RC] WN horses
Dot Wiggins
RE: [RC] [RC] WN horses
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Angie's Stallion
[RC] Huginn Friday Update
RE: [RC] [RC] beware of speeding bicyclists
Alan&Marlene Hopp
[RC] [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
[RC] Ladies Only Problem !!!
[RC] Riding Trails in Bledsoe St Forest
Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] Angie's new horse
Angie Fura
[RC] Sharon Saare saddle fitting update
Susan Norris-Romero
[RC] Sharon Saare saddle fitting schedule
Susan Norris-Romero
[RC] What Saddle Bag! For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Re: [RC] Seven, Angie's "Diamond in the Rough"
Renee Dorsey
Re: [RC] Seven, Angie's "Diamond in the Rough"
Nancy Sturm
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Seven, Angie's "Diamond in the Rough"
Rebecca Fabiszak
Re: [RC] [RC] Seven, Angie's "Diamond in the Rough"
Debbie Kirchner
[RC] Barefoot AT Ft. Howes Montana
Darolyn Butler
[RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
Mary Maynard
Re: [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
Beth Walker
RE: [RC] [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
holly walker
Re: [RC] [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
K Hanes
Re: [RC] [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
Beth Walker
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] facial paralysis due to twitching the nose
Roxanne Ciccone
[RC] Seven, Angie's Stallion (for now)
RE: [RC] Seven, Angie's Stallion (for now)
Jim Holland
[RC] {re] coyote threat
L gin
[RC] For Ladies..in case you missed this one last year..
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Sensation saddle
L gin
RE: [RC] [RC] Sensation saddle
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Paul Sidio
Re: [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Barbara McCrary
RE: [RC] [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Ranelle Rubin
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Re: [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Re: [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Tevis, Eastern Horses
Truman Prevatt
[RC] RC, fender rub
L gin
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Shaikh Khalid sixth
[RC] Fireworks Water Crossing
[RC] loose horses update?
Kathie Ford
RE: [RC] loose horses update?
Dolores Arste
[RC] Barefoot vs. shoes
Maureen A. Fager
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FRA: CEI**120km Bahrain Cup Results
Re: [RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FRA: CEI**120km Bahrain Cup Results
John Teeter
[RC] odd training question
Juli Bechard
RE: [RC] odd training question
Elizabeth Chase
[RC] Thank you for "Ladies only"
andrea crisfi
[RC] coyote threat
L gin
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Re: [RC] [RC] coyote threat
Debbie Kirchner
Message not available
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] coyote threat
patty peck
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Carol Scott
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] coyote threat
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] coyote threat
abigail Madden
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Sisu West Ranch
RE: [RC] coyote threat
Katrina Mosshammer
Re: [RC] coyote threat
Barbara McCrary
RE: [RC] coyote threat
Marjorie Carman
[RC] Angie's Stallion
Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] Angie's Stallion
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] Angie's Stallion
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Angie's Stallion
[RC] coyote threat
FW: [RC] coyote threat
Alison Farrin
Eric Drew
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] tevis starting list 27.3 yr old
[RC] re: underwear question (for Sharon)
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] [RC] re: underwear question (for Sharon)
[RC] tevis starting list
Pamela Freeman
Re: [RC] tevis starting list
abigail Madden
[RC] tevis starting list 27.3 yr old
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] [RC] tevis starting list
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] saddle fit
jamie ward
[RC] we need riders!
Betty & Ken Wolgram
[RC] Fw: Article rejected due to size greater than 12500
Ericka Nelson
[RC] Member discussion of our revised drug rule
Michael Maul
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FEI Endurance Task Force Starts Work
[RC] Riding in/near Estes Park, CO
[RC] Undergarment Advice
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] June horsenews
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Out of state hay at Tevis?
Ashley Kemerer
Re: [RC] Out of state hay at Tevis?
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Out of state hay at Tevis?
Lynn Kinsky
Message not available
Re: [RC] [RC] Out of state hay at Tevis?
Crysta Turnage
Message not available
Re: [RC] [RC] Out of state hay at Tevis?
Dawn Carrie
RE: [RC] Out of state hay at Tevis?
[RC] Pulls at OK ride
Kathleen A. Crothers
RE: [RC] [RC] Pulls at OK ride
Nancy Mitts
[RC] rubbing stirrup leathers
Tx Trigger
[RC] [Where in the World] ESP: Merri in Spain
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Christina McCarthy
Re: [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Barbara McCrary
[RC] Photographer at Pine Tree (Maine)?
Sharon Levasseur
RE: [RC] [RC] Photographer at Pine Tree (Maine)?
Susan Cushing
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Photographer at Pine Tree (Maine)?
Katherine Brunjes
[RC] Saddle search & Archives
FreeForm USA
RE: [RC] [RC] Saddle search & Archives
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
RE: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] For Ladies Only - having a back up plan
Jessica Spoone-Raines
[RC] The Teenager Method of Barefooting.....
Karla Watson
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FRA: National Championship of France
Re: [RC] Sensation saddle question
Re: [RC]
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC]
Ericka Nelson
[RC] How to read Ridecamp effectively
Crysta Turnage
[RC] Fwd: FW: Night Runner
Crysta Turnage
[RC] [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
Dream Weaver
[RC] Barefoot getting old - another solution
Alissa Norman
Re: [RC] Cure for virus that emails entire address list
Gretchen Bass
[RC] Tie-up/follow-up
[RC] Quivering horse...the answer!
[RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
Andrea Day
Re: [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
Andrea Day
Re: [RC] [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] [RC] Barefoot or not - hopefully helpful response :-)
Dana B.
Re: [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
John Teeter
RE: [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] Barefoot or not, it's getting really, really old
John Teeter
[RC] for ladies only
Re: [RC] for ladies only
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
RE: [RC] for ladies only
Sharon Levasseur
RE: [RC] for ladies only
Katrina Mosshammer
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] For ladies only
Susan Favro
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only
melanie . o
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Crysta Turnage
RE: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Smith, Dave
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Dawn Carrie
[RC] For Ladies Only
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] For Ladies Only
Crysta Turnage
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only
Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Jody Rogers-Buttram
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Karen Franklin
RE: [RC] For Ladies Only
Sharon Levasseur
RE: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Daniela Desilets
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] For Ladies Only
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] For Ladies Only
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] for Ladies only
Lucy Trumbull
Re: [RC] For Ladies Only
[RC] For Ladies Only
Pam Salem
[RC] For Ladies Only
Liz Masters
Re: [RC] For Ladies Only
Barbara McCrary
[RC] What's she worth
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Re: [RC] [RC] What's she worth
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Amber Roberts
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] [RC] What's she worth
ll cole
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Patty P
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Karen Everhart
[RC] Slaughter and foreign shipment
Ranelle Rubin
Re: [RC] What's she worth
Fwd: [RC] What's she worth
RE: [RC] What's she worth
Re: [RC] What's she worth
RE: [RC] What's she worth
Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] [RC] What's she worth
Debbie Kirchner
[RC] Ride Em Cowboys Results Central
Chastain, Shannon L.
Re: [RC] Ride Em Cowboys Results Central
[RC] what shoes really do...
Diana Peterson
RE: [RC] what shoes really do...
Karen Standefer
[RC] Groin injury question - horse not human
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] Groin injury question - horse not human
Betsy O'Shea
[RC] Horse slaughter(I hate the term) revisited
Rebecca Fabiszak
Re: [RC] RC Cure for virus that emails entire address list
Rebecca Fabiszak
Re: [RC] Cure for virus that emails entire address list
Amber Roberts
[RC] Mas de Spain
merri melde
[RC] Shoes and slipping
Re: [RC] Shoes and slipping
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Shoes and slipping
RE: [RC] Shoes and slipping
Katrina Mosshammer
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] shoes and slipping
Tx Trigger
Re: [RC] shoes and slipping
Beth Walker
[RC] for ladies only
Betsy O'Shea
Re: [RC] for ladies only
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] for ladies only
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] for ladies only
Glenda Snodgrass
RE: [RC] for ladies only
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] for ladies only
Chrystal Woodhouse
[RC] Arabian Ice Boots??
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Arabian Ice Boots??
[RC] SR Enduro Saddle
Brian & Sara Minsk
[RC] which horse heart rate monitor?
Marta Kozlowska
[RC] NASTR 75 ride story and photos
Lucy Trumbull
Re: [RC] [RC] NASTR 75 ride story and photos
Dawn Carrie
Re: [RC] NASTR 75 ride story and photos
Don Huston
Re: [RC] [RC] RC What Shoes Really Do
[RC] Huginn, Tuesday 7/10 3rd Bacteria found.
Debbie Kirchner
[RC] cyst on leg?
susan graham
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] cyst on leg?
Rae Callaway
Re: [RC] cyst on leg?
Beth Walker
RE: [RC] Huggin
Angie Orr
Re: [RC] [RC] Huggin
Debbie Kirchner
[RC] fender rubbing side of horse
Pamela Freeman
Re: [RC] [RC] fender rubbing side of horse
Elizabeth Funderburk
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] fender rubbing side of horse
Rae Callaway
[RC] Shamrock Ride
Kathleen A. Crothers
[RC] Ft. Meade Remount, Sturgis SD
Kerry Greear
Re: [RC] Ft. Meade Remount, Sturgis SD
Laney Humphrey
[RC] Huginn - Monday Update
[RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Judy Houle
[RC] RC What Shoes Really Do
Carolyn Burgess
RE: [RC] [RC] RC What Shoes Really Do
Juli Jakub
RE: [RC] [RC] RC What Shoes Really Do
Ranelle Rubin
Re: [RC] [RC] RC What Shoes Really Do
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Sherri Lyngar
RE: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Katrina Mosshammer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Barbara McCrary
RE: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Chastain, Shannon L.
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Susan Cushing
Re: [RC] [RC] Re:RC What Shoes Really Do
Laney Humphrey
[RC] PFC 2007 ride camp directions
Broken Diamond Ranch
[RC] extruded pellets in beet pulp
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] extruded pellets in beet pulp
Re: [RC] extruded pellets in beet pulp
Beth Walker
[RC] Snohomish WA farrier
Mary Krauss
RE: [RC] [RC] Snohomish WA farrier
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] [RC] Snohomish WA farrier
Chris Paus
[RC] A BIG THANK YOU from Sofie & Kristine!!!
Re: [RC] A BIG THANK YOU from Sofie & Kristine!!!
John Teeter
[RC] CSHA Mariposa "Run For The Gold"
[RC] Rule 13 revised
Sharon Hahn
Re: [RC] Rule 13 revised
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Rule 13 revised
Beth Walker
Re: [RC] Rule 13 revised
Sisu West Ranch
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Rule 13 revised
[RC] test
John Teeter
[RC] Used full-cover sheepskin for English AP for sale?
Crysta Turnage
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] GBR: A successful Ride day at Euston!
John Teeter
FW: [RC] Rain rot remedy, anyone?
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Huggin
Alice Yovich
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Huggin
Amy Major
[RC] Tevis crew needed-Victoria Thompson
Dianna Chapek
[RC] Tevis questions
karen coombes
RE: [RC] [RC] Tevis questions
Ranelle Rubin
Re: [RC] [RC] Tevis questions
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Tevis Questions
[RC] Lost Horses Sighted?
jane switzer
Re: [RC] Lost Horses Sighted?
[RC] [RC] husbands first ride on his new horse-story
RE: [RC] [RC] Quivering horse
Susan Cushing
[RC] What Shoes Do
Karen Standefer
RE: [RC] Almost Totally Sound Barefoot
Karen Standefer
[RC] husbands first ride on his new horse-story
Re: [RC] husbands first ride on his new horse-story
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] husbands first ride on his new horse-story
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] beware of speeding bicyclists
Alan&Marlene Hopp
Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.5062 Panacur - older horse
[RC] Possible girth galls? Pressure points?
Katherine Hogg
Re: [RC] Possible girth galls? Pressure points?
[Fwd: Re: [RC] Panacur - Older horse]
Diane Trefethen
[RC] Huginn can come HOME!!!! 7/8/07
Debbie Kirchner
RE: [RC] Creek between Robinson flat & Cougar Rock?
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Creek between Robinson flat & Cougar Rock?
[RC] Riding a wet horse
Cynthia Eliason
Re: [RC] Riding a wet horse
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Riding a wet horse
Re: [RC] Riding a wet horse
[RC] Riding a wet horse
Skyla Stewart
[RC] riding a wet horse
Alice Yovich
Re: [RC] riding a wet horse
Don Huston
[RC] Quivering horse
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] quivering horse
patti pizzo
[RC] Fly control
[RC] rain rot remedy--nothing sometimes works
Mary Krauss
Re: [RC] rain rot remedy--nothing sometimes works
Re: [RC] rain rot remedy--nothing sometimes works
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Beta/Biothane by the foot?
Rebecca Wyatt
Re: [RC] rain rot remedy--nothing sometimes works
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] ??? for everyone---riding places in KY
Truman Prevatt
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