Re: [RC] coyote threat - Jody Rogers-ButtramWell, I have more than my share of them. They are so bad at the house now, that Joni is not allowed to ride on the trails and fields in front of the house alone. This is where we usually condition and she rides during the day while I'm at work. But the coyotes are too visible and too brave. You don't go back there in the daytime without seeing at least one, and she has had one grown one, that stood in the trail and growled at the horse. Brego (the horse) was scared and didn't want to go past where the coyote had been. She said that she can see and hear them running thru the woods on the side of the trail. We have called some neighbors to come in and hunt them (we don't have time)...Joel has shot at some of them off the tractor, but missed. Joel was afraid if she were to get dumped back there, that they might attack her. So, she is riding in another field that is closer to the road and is totally open.
Jody Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: The coyotes are also breeding with the Eastern Red Wolves that have been
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