[RC] Huggin - Amy MajorI am not a Vet but I know a little about bugs and Pseudomonas is a catch for many different species in that group of bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa in humans is usually thought to be an opportunistic bacteria. Only causing infection and problems when the immune system is compromised somehow. Plus, this particular bug is a big problem in human hospitals where people are already sick and they pick this up during their stay (i.e. nosocomial infections). I am not sure if it is the same with horses. Maybe a Vet can weigh in on this one. But Huggin was in the hospital so long, he may have picked this one up there...it could be causing the pneumonia. And certainly some cancers can immuno compromise you (that is sort of how they grow....they devise ways to escape or suppress the immune system) Any Vets out there that can elaborate
and/or discuss? I would be interested in the equine aspect of such a bug. For academic discussion only...not to start a big discussion on where the bug was pick up (the answer is ANYWHERE!!!).
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