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Current to Sun Nov 22 07:50:10 GMT 2009
Alexa Olney
[RC] GRD/FEI fees...my final say
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] OMG! Diagonals
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
Becky H
[RC] Endurance.net
Bruce Weary DC
Charles Coleman
[RC] Mustang Memorial
[RC] thanks Steph
Chastain, Shannon L.
RE: [RC] Name That Diagonal
RE: [RC] Another question on canter leads
Chris Littlefield
[RC] 25/50/75/100
RE: [RC] Longstreet
Cindy Collins
[RC] re: sitting the canter
[RC] re: left diagonal (Don)
[RC] re: Stonewall saddles
[RC] re: canter and fees
[RC] re: canter & fees
Cindy Stafford
[RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video - rides2far@xxxxxxxx
Re: [RC] Got Curly?
Crysta Turnage
Re: [RC] Diagonals More Dust
Daniela Desilets
RE: [RC] Trot to Canter transitions
Dawn Simas
[RC] where to buy beetpulp near Casper, WY?
Diane Trefethen
[RC] FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Dolores Arste
Re: [RC] Name That Diagonal
Don Huston
[RC] Diagonals More Dust
Re: [RC] Diagonals More Dust
Re: [RC] Don's Diagonals
Dot Wiggins
[RC] canter leads
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Duncan McLaughlin
[RC] Don's Diagonals
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] OMG! Diagonals
Re: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
Re: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not
Re: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not
Endurance Net
[RC] Fwd: pulsebox
[RC] Fwd: FEI horses on bute?
Fwd: So what the rucus RE: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not
[RC] [Consider This] Endurance Horse Study Reveals Common Complaints,Resolutions
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Hussein International Endurance Race WADIRUM - JORDAN
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FEI: Overwhelming Support of Clean SportCampaign
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FEI president Princess Haya refuses toallow a re-vo...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bute will be allowed in horse sportthroughout the w...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Mohammed crowns winners of Dubai Giantsendurance race
RE: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
RE: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not (was AERC/FEI)
RE: [RC] 75 vs 100
RE: [RC] Another question on canter leads
RE: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
RE: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
[RC] white powdery/gooey frogs
RE: [RC] HRMs and mohair girths
RE: [RC] white stockings
heidi larson
[RC] Trail Trials
Re: [RC] Trail Trials
Jay Randle
[RC] Sitting the Canter (for Daniela)
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
RE: [RC] Another question on canter leads
Joe Long
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
Re: [RC] Stonewall Saddles
[RC] diagonals video
[RC] white socks/scratches
k s swigart
[RC] HRMs and mohair girths
[RC] Diagonals More Dust
[RC] Accidentally left a word out
[RC] Another question on canter leads
[RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
[RC] Here is to hoping it is not (was AERC/FEI)
[RC] Here is to hoping it is not
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] Got Curly?
Kathie Ford
[RC] Got Curly?
[RC] Important/Ridecamper stuck in Napa..needs help
[RC] Sandy Adams--response from Wa near Mallot
[RC] Sandy Adams--how about the right email address?
[RC] white stockings
[RC] manure at trail heads
Katrina Mosshammer
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of Future
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Kristen A Fisher
RE: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not
[RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Lif Strand
RE: [RC] [BarefootEnduranceHorses] white powdery/gooey frogs
Re: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
Linda Cowles
RE: [RC] [BarefootEnduranceHorses] white powdery/gooey frogs
Lisa Salas
[RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
[RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
ll cole
RE: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
RE: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not (was AERC/FEI)
Lori Bertolucci
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Lynn White
[RC] FEI/AERC rides
Lysane Cree
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
[RC] could you help me out?
[RC] Desert Gold
[RC] 75/100
[RC] Fw: Mundane as it Sounds, Manure Management
marshall Bates
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
Martha Clausen
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of Future
Mary Howell
[RC] A few add'l 75 mile ride comments
Maryanne Gabbani
[RC] Great clinician - advertising month
[RC] Stonewall Saddles
Maryben Stover
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
RE: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
RE: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not
RE: [RC] re: canter and fees
[RC] Article of interest
RE: [RC] white stockings
RE: [RC] Bute
RE: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video -rides2far@xxxxxxxx
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Endurance Horse Study Reveals Common Complaints,Resolutions
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] DLF International Seeds to Provide GrassSeed for 20...
[RC] [Consider This] Improving the Outcome after Tendon and LigamentInjuries
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Uproar at FEI proposal to allow horses tocompete on...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Great Britain: Horse tax to be mentionedin Queen's ...
[RC] [Consider This] Bute Use: Causes more fractures?
Merri Melde
Re: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
Re: [RC] need photos!
[RC] Got Curly?
[RC] Free Spirit
[RC] The Joy of Being Jose
[RC] Our Favorite Horse photos
Michael Maul
[RC] 75 vs 100
Nancy Mitts
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
Nancy Sturm
Re: Spam:*******, [RC] white stockings
Naomi Preston
[RC] sitting the canter
[RC] Advertiser's month -- TTEAM for Endurance
[RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
RE: [RC] Here's to hoping...It won't
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Richard ALLEN
[RC] Bute
richardson . carla
Re: [RC] white stocking response
Re: [RC] Another question on canter leads
[RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
RE: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] Trailer listing
RE: [RC] AERC members should come first...ALWAYS
[RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
Sandy Adams
[RC] Anyone in Washington State...
Re: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not (was AERC/FEI)
Re: [RC] Here is to hoping it is not
[RC] no clearance for gooseneck
[RC] OMG! Diagonals
[RC] white stockings
[RC] white stocking response
[RC] bute-fei
Re: [RC] Diagonals More Dust
Shelly Williams
[RC] Building a Dressing Room
[RC] HRMs and mohair girths
[RC] HRMs and mohair girths
[RC] Diagonals More Dust
[RC] Diagonals More Dust
[RC] Name that diagonal
[RC] white stockings
[RC] Small horse/large pony wanted
Re: [RC] white stockings
Stefanie Prasch
Re: [RC] FEI vs AERC
stephanie teeter
Fwd: [RC] Mustang Memorial
[RC] Fwd: Desert Gold 2009 Update
[RC] need photos!
[RC] advertiser's month on Ridecamp
Re: [RC] white stocking response
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Sue Walz
[RC] Turkey Trot
[RC] Season Finale at Bell Cow Lake, Chandler, OK
[RC] Season Finale Endurance Ride at Chandler, OK
Re: [RC] Endurance Course of Future
RE: [RC] Endurance Course of future photos & video
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
[RC] Trailrite's Magical Ointment requests
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
Re: [RC] 75 Mile Ride Informal Survey
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US?
Tuni Briz
Re: [RC] HRMs and mohair girths
[RC] Heart Monitor Woes
[RC] FEI Entry Fees
Victoria Thompson
Re: [RC] White stockings and manure management
[RC] diagonals more dust
[RC] diagonals more dust
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