Re: [RC] FEI is OK with Bute ... no reaction from the US? - stephanie teeter
The reality of dual sanctioned rides is having to deal with differences in AERC and FEI - differences in rules, policy, and culture. The biggest difference in my experience is that AERC allows 60 minutes at the finish, FEI allows 30. We have DQ'd riders from FEI completion, and awarded AERC completion if warranted. It can be a bit of a squiggly mess at times, having seen FEI riders DQ'd at the finish for lameness (with only one presentation permitted), and then allowed to re-present later (within 60 minutes) for AERC placement if the horse came sound. I suspect the bute/banamine/aspirin duality you brought up would have to be treated similarly.
Also - even though I'm soured on FEI, I am still 100% supportive of our AERC members that have FEI ambition and - even though the current FEI administration has some issues... FEI still represents the world standard for the highest level of equestrian competition for those with talent and ambition.
On Nov 21, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Susan wrote:
Excellent posts on the subject. Most of AERC riders have no interest in FEI rides and are thinking, "So what? Bunch of idiots! (Except for our friends that ride FEI, of course.)"
So...we're having an AERC ride that is also a FEI ride. Now the rules are drastically different. If a horse, cross entered in the FEI race and AERC ride, is found to have a legal amount of bute in him according to FEI rules, does he get placed in the FEI race and DQd in the AERC ride?