I started this
wonderful sport competing in 25’s, often Top 10 and even BC’d but
then it became less of a challenge and I
wanted more. So, I started competing in 50’s. I truly enjoy
most 50’s but I wanted to see if I had the determination, the fortitude,
the gumption even to compete in a 100. So, I took advantage of the 75 mile ride
at Goethe last year, and we survived. I even had fun but I was TIRED and I
think my horse was also. But we were both good and no more worse for wear than
a tough 50.
My second 75 was the
most challenging ride I have ever done but not due to the terrain but due to
mental challenges. Once again we survived, no worse for wear but so very
thankful to see the finish line.
Sooo, we went to the
Old Dominion. We signed up for the 100. And we FINISHED. No, we weren’t
first but we weren’t last either. We had a good ride and now I am looking
forward to trying the 100 at Leatherwood and hoping Angie works out the logistics
to offer a 75 at Longstreet. She’s trying to figure out how to get enough
trail in without having to navigate the real rocky terrain. If you were to ask
me, it’s all new trail if we do it backwards …but I’m weird
like that.
I’m glad the
various distances have been offered. I wouldn’t have tried the 50 without
trying the 25 first and so on. And I agree with Julie, you have to have the
DESIRE to move further up. You and your horse CAN do it. And if you don’t,
at least you tried and that’s more than most people will ever do.