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Current to Sun Aug 16 06:50:12 GMT 2009
Advantage Saddles
[RC] EZ Ride pad replacement
Amber Roberts
Re: [RC] hurt myself good this time
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] A bit WAY OT
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] The Benefits of Challenge
Re: [RC] Tevis
Re: [RC] Big Horn/Tevis
[RC] Swanton fire
[RC] Fire
Barbara White
[RC] 2009 Tevis photos
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] OT
Re: [RC] OT
Becky H
Re: [RC] Whoa
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] New Model EZRs//was: E-Z ride stirrup pad replacement
Bruce Weary
[RC] Whoa
[RC] Tevis
[RC] Tevis Fairness
[RC] Another direction
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] The Benefits of Challenge
[RC] Free Love
Chastain, Shannon L.
RE: [RC] Santa Cruz and the McCrary's
Cindy Stafford
[RC] biothane breastplates (or collars, or whatever the right term is...)
Cunningham, Marci
[RC] E-Z ride stirrup pad replacement
Dawn Simas
[RC] ProBios
Deirdre C. Monroe
[RC] Caja Coggins and Health Cert
[RC] Caja (NM) Clarification
[RC] Why I like horses
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Pads
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders or "A Tempest in a Teapot"
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] OT
Re: [RC] OT
Re: [RC] OT Tevis
Re: [RC] Diane, tsk, tsk,tsk
Re: [RC] The McCrarys
Don Huston
Re: [RC] mandatory evacuation Swanton and big Creek, lastchance
[RC] Probiotics
[RC] Probiotics
Dream Weaver
Re: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
[RC] Tevis Buckles
[RC] Bridgeport, California: A Little Slice of Heaven - MerriMelde
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Another direction
[RC] Question on ACL injuries
Re: [RC] Question on ACL injuries
[RC] [Consider This] Arthritis fact sheet
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Orfeo: Racing with the stars
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Tarter Becomes Sponsor 2010 WEG
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Syria man riding horseback from Mexico to Canada
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Qatar: Al Shaqab makes successful Frenchendurance d...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Australia: Local riders dominate endurance
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Texas - ACC computer instructor horsing around
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Capistrano Horses, Rider Finish 100-MileRace
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Mongolia: Inner Mongolian InternationalEndurance Event
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Royal team excel in Germany event
Eric Drew
[RC] hurt myself good this time
[RC] get one of these for your bumps and bruises
[RC] wind driven crown fire Scott Creek area of Santa Cruz Mts [Swanton 100 area]
[RC] empire grade fire, major expansion
[RC] fire wind shift...may be heading down canyon towards big creek
[RC] new wildland fire, upper Zayante, Santa Cruz Mts
[RC] swanton area fire report
[RC] manditory evacuation Swanton and big Creek, last chance
[RC] photos from skyline blvd looking at the fire
[RC] manditory evacuation ordered for Bonny Doon
[RC] Lockheed Fire perimeter map
[RC] update: Lockheed fire grew by 1800 acres overnight
Re: [RC] The McCrarys
[RC] Lockheed Fire pics and update
RE: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
[RC] A bit WAY OT
RE: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
RE: [RC] Why I like horses
RE: [RC] Why I like horses
[RC] Videographers at Tevis
[RC] Big Horn vs. Tevis
[RC] Big Horn/Tevis/Woodstock
[RC] Nationals/Kathie
[RC] Tevis Buckles What to do?
[RC] Marys musings
[RC] hoofpick/Kat
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Whoa
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders or "A Tempest in a Teapot"
Re: [RC] Trainer won t let go
[RC] Fwd: Horse Rescue!
Re: [RC] The McCrarys
Ildico Nadasdy
Re: [RC] Why I like horses
Janice Taylor
Re: [RC] Biothane breastcollar
Re: [RC] Pads
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
[RC] Biothane breastcollar
Re: [RC] Biothane brebastcollars and rubs
Jessica Raines
[RC] Why I like horses
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] biothane breastplates (or collars, or whatever the right term is...)
Joe Long
Re: [RC] New topic: Why do you like horses?
[RC] Just How Much Riding Can a 4 yr. Old Handle
Jon . Linderman
[RC] Please cancel
[RC] Tevis Obstacles and finish times
[RC] staggered start/Tevis
[RC] Tevis / Bighorn
[RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock... - k s swigart
RE: [RC] Santa Cruz and the McCrary's - kstandefer
Julie Fuller
[RC] Look-up please
k s swigart
[RC] Interference & Forging
[RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock...
[RC] Tevis Buckles What to do?
Re: [RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock...
[RC] Why I like horses
[RC] The AERC National Championship is only a month away!
Karen Standefer
RE: [RC] Tevis - OT riders or "A Tempest in a Teapot"
RE: [RC] tevis ot
Kathie Ford
[RC] Tevis-OT
[RC] Tevis-OT/correction
[RC] Tevis-OT
[RC] McCrary's
Kathleen A. Crothers
[RC] Thumps
Kathy Copeland
[RC] Miami-Dade County Horse butchering
Kelly Ahearn-Wagner
[RC] mystery problem
Kevin Myers
[RC] Retracing Our Steps At Tevis
Kim Fuess
Re: [RC] Tevis Buckles What to do?
Kristen A Fisher
[RC] Equine 'Thumps' Are More than Mere Hiccups
RE: [RC] get one of these for your bumps and bruises
RE: [RC] Santa Cruz and the McCrary's
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] The McCrarys
[RC] Test
[RC] Trainer won t let go
Lif Strand
RE: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
RE: [RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock...
RE: [RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock... - k s swigart
[RC] Santa Cruz fire
Re: [RC] Free Love
[RC] Mystery problem
[RC] Mystery problem
RE: [RC] Mystery problem
Re: [RC] mystery problem
ll cole
RE: [RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock...
RE: [RC] The McCrarys
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
[RC] Tevis Fairness
Lynn White
[RC] E-Z ride stirrup pad replacement
[RC] E-Z ride stirrup pad replacement
[RC] Tevis/Woodstock/Big Horn
Lynne Glazer
[RC] Tevis Photos Up
[RC] Tevis
[RC] Swanton fire-Eric Drew
[RC] No Subject
[RC] The McCrarys
Marirose Six
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
marshall Bates
Re: [RC] Interference & Forging
[RC] Comments on the complaints about Tevis
Re: [RC] OT
[RC] re: salt
Mary Howell
Re: [RC] Why I LOVE horses
Mary Krauss
[RC] Tevis fascination is making me a better rider
Maryben Stover
RE: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
RE: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
[RC] Tevis
RE: [RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock... - k s swigart
RE: [RC] biothane breastplates (or collars, or whatever the rightterm is...)
RE: [RC] Tevis Buckles
RE: [RC] The McCrarys
[RC] Mike Ross Ride Between the Rivers
Melissa Margetts
[RC] Riding Tevis after major medical challenges
[RC] & coming up on the outside from behind......
[RC] Pucker point. Now isn't that special
[RC] Diane, tsk, tsk,tsk
[RC] No sniveling in Tevis
[RC] loosing shoes at Tevis
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] South Africa: Local equestrians excel at200km endur...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Australia: Young Riders leave for theWorld Champion...
Merri Melde
[RC] 2009 Tevis Cup: Phase II
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders or "A Tempest in a Teapot"
[RC] 2009 Tevis Cup: Phase III
[RC] 2009 Shine and Shine Only
[RC] Bridgeport, California: A Little Slice of Heaven
Michelle Aquilino
Re: [RC] Interference & Forging
Re: [RC] Interference & Forging
[RC] E-Z ride stirrup pad replacement
[RC] Treed/Treeless "Controversy"
[RC] Graves Mountain (VA)
[RC] Interference and Forging
[RC] Farrier
[RC] OT Tevis
[RC] OT Tevis
[RC] Knee problems...
[RC] Tevis Buckles
Nancy Mitts
RE: [RC] E-Z ride stirrup pad replacement
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] Tevis Buckles
Naomi Preston
[RC] The Benefits of Challenge
Natalie Herman
[RC] Redwood 2
[RC] Redwood 2
[RC] Big Horn 100
[RC] saddle repair
[RC] Pucker Point
RE: [RC] Roger Barrett
RE: [RC] Tevis Buckles
Psychic Pup
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] Pads
RE: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
RE: [RC] Tevis
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] get one of these for your bumps and bruises
Richard Sacks
[RC] McCrary Home Safe
[RC] Roger Barrett
Re: [RC] Trainer won t let go
Re: [RC] Tevis/Woodstock/Big Horn
[RC] Why I like horses
[RC] My rescue, Talisman
Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] Loose Salt
Sandy Adams
[RC] Region II Regional Championship Ride
[RC] Fwd: Competitive Trail & Endurance Riding
[RC] interference and forging
Re: [RC] interference and forging
[RC] Tevis obstacles
[RC] Tevis after major medical challenges
[RC] Big Horn/Tevis
Sharon Hahn
[RC] New topic: Why do you like horses?
RE: [RC] Big Horn/Tevis
Shelly Williams
[RC] Interference and forging
[RC] Tevis - OT riders
[RC] Tevis - OT riders
[RC] coming up on the outside from behind
[RC] Tevis - OT riders
[RC] Big Horn/Tevis
[RC] mandatory evacuation Swanton and big Creek, lastchance
[RC] If Tevis is Like Woodstock
[RC] Wus Tevis
[RC] biothane breastplates (or collars, or whatever the right term is...)
[RC] Big Horn/Tevis/Woodstock
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] interference and forging
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] OT
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Why I like horses-not
Re: [RC] Interference and Forging
stephanie teeter
[RC] EquineMonitors.com
[RC] tevis ot
Steve Hallmark
[RC] Videographers @ Tevis
FW: [RC] Why I like horses
susan golshani
[RC] re: Riding Tevis after major medical challenges
[RC] Caja del Rio ride - Free Bodywork Demo
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
Re: [RC] Interference and Forging
Re: [RC] Tevis - OT riders
Re: [RC] Interference and Forging
Re: [RC] Loose Salt
Re: [RC] The Benefits of Challenge
Re: [RC] Interference and Forging
Victoria Thompson
[RC] Why I like horses
[RC] iron free hoofsite
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