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Current to Sun Mar 15 07:50:12 GMT 2009
[RC] need horse transport from Tucson to near Silver City, NM
Anderson, Kristie Lynn
Re: [RC] FITS 100
Angie Mikkelson
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Ride Refunds
Re: [RC] Ride Refunds
Re: [RC] Ride Refunds
Re: [RC] calculating mileage
Re: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Re: [RC] 20th Birthday...
Beth Walker
Re: [RC] pads for endurance with dressage saddles
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] [Consider This] Gait Analysis// eadweard muybridge
[RC] Imus 4 Beat Saddles
[RC] professional horse transporters
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] Old Pueblo Day 2
Carla Richardson
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] where to get flaxseed
Charles Coleman
[RC] Thanks Angie for the FITS reports! from the henchman
Chrystal Woodhouse
[RC] Hmmm FITS??
[RC] pads for endurance with dressage saddles
Cindy Collins
[RC] re: Josie :)
[RC] re: Marlene's boots
[RC] plug for EN classifieds :)
Cindy Stafford
[RC] where to find flax seed?
[RC] feed the flaxseed ?
[RC] feed the flaxseed ?
Crysta Turnage
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
Re: [RC] What is a correction mouth piece? (was: trying to find a bit) - k s swigart
Re: [RC] 20th Birthday...
Dawn Carrie
Re: [RC] calculating mileage
Re: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Re: Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Donna O'Gara
[RC] ridestories domain available
Dream Weaver
Re: [RC] FEI and AERC
Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Re: Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Drin Becker
[RC] Ride Refunds
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] Teff Hay
Re: [RC] GPS field writing
Re: [RC] FEI and AERC rides
Re: [RC] Trying to find a bit...
Endurance Net
[RC] test
Re: [RC] [Consider This] Gait Analysis
[RC] [Ride Stories] Post Ride Reflections
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Malaysia: Shuaib Ishak Wins ISN-RTES-PENNEndurance ...
[RC] [Snapshots] 2009 Old Pueblo - Sonoita Arizona
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Old Pueblo Results and Glue-On Hoof Boot Demo
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Australia: Heat took its toll at Oberonride
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] A rough rider for fine horses
[RC] [Consider This] Rehydrating your horses skin and coat
[RC] [Consider This] Investors sought for Endurance movie
[RC] [Consider This] Building better hooves
[RC] [Snapshots] 2009 Mayan Adventure - Ignacio DeWit
[RC] [Snapshots] 2009 Fun in the Sun (FITS) - Angie McGhee
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] 3/12/2009 12:44:00 PM
[RC] [Consider This] Joints: Part I
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] New push for rare Shagya horse breed
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Top riders set for His Majestyrace
[RC] [Consider This] Lame or Ataxic? Kinetic Gait Analysis Can Tell
[RC] [Consider This] Gait Analysis
[RC] [Consider This] AAEP 2008: Emergency Care at Endurance Events
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Hamdan scores big victory
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] UAE: Hassan Bin Ali swoops late to win
[RC] newbie at eagle ranch
Florida Endurance
[RC] Enough is enough
Ginger Bill
RE: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
RE: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
Re: [RC] Teff Hay
[RC] Driver and horses killed in Napa County
[RC] Fwd: Fw: cool horse trail web site
Jackie Bumgardner
[RC] Horse Transportation-Houston Area to So. CA
Jackie Floyd
Re: [RC] plug for EN classifieds :)
jamie ward
[RC] Triticale grass hay
Jay Randle
[RC] Fernvale FEI ride, part 1
[RC] Fernvale FEI ride, part 2
John Teeter
Re: [RC] FEI vs AERC
Fwd: [RC] Old Pueblo day 2
[RC] Old Pueblo day 2
Re: [RC] Enough is enough
[RC] Fwd: Rider cards
[RC] Fwd: Rider cards
[RC] 2009 C.R.O.N Catalon Championship
Re: [RC] October Ride
K Hanes
[RC] Oak Leaf Run Ride cancelled
k s swigart
[RC] Why does the FEI have new qualification rules? (was: FITS 60...)
[RC] Old Pueblo day 2
[RC] Doesn't account for altitude (was: Pueblo day 2)
[RC] Rider Cards
[RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
[RC] What is a correction mouth piece? (was: trying to find a bit)
[RC] Myler Bit Mouthpieces
Subject: Re: [RC] Ride Refunds
Karen Lynd
[RC] Arab Gelding being auctioned / trying to notify Sheri or Hans Devouassoux
[RC] please notify Sheri or Hans Devouassoux of Arab Gelding being auctioned /
Karen Standefer
RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - k s swigart
Karen Sullivan
Kathie Ford
[RC] freeform question
Kathleen A. Crothers
[RC] Eagle Ranch Ride CT region
Kathy Mayeda
Re: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - k s swigart
Re: Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Re: Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Katrina Mosshammer
Re: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Kevin Myers
[RC] [Enduring] The Red Rocket - Far's Fast 55
[RC] [Enduring] The Red Rocket - Far's Fast 55
Re: [RC] FITS You like moving pictures?
Re: [RC] FEI and AERC
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
[RC] Aegis "Aspen" helmet? - Sharon Levasseur
[RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - k s swigart
Re: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - Carrie
[RC] Rehydrating the skin - Leonard.Liesens
[RC] What is a correction mouth piece? (was: trying to find a bit) - k s swigart
Kristen A Fisher
RE: [RC] newbie at eagle ranch
RE: Subject: RE: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
RE: [RC] Skin tent study
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Aegis Aspen helmet
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] What is a correction mouth piece? (was: trying to find abit)
[RC] Rehydrating the skin
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] Trying to find a bit...
RE: [RC] Trying to find a bit...
Re: [RC] What is a correction mouth piece? (was: trying to find a bit)
Lynn White
[RC] calculating mileage
[RC] riding shoes for difficult feet
[RC] hissy FITS
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] [Consider This] Horses were tamed a millennium earlier than previously thought
Re: [RC] plug for EN classifieds :)
Re: [RC] plug for EN classifieds :)
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] riding shoes for difficult feet
Marlene Moss
[RC] riding shoes for difficult feet!
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] GPS field writing
Re: [RC] FITS 100's at 90 miles
Re: [RC] Ride Refunds
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] Ride Refunds
Re: [RC] Enough is enough
Re: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Leading riders for King Hamadrace
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Great Britain: Tested staying power
[RC] [EnduranceEurope Bulletins] Great Britain: Tested staying power
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] UAE: Over 100 riders to battle it out forhonours
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Australia: Meg proves tough enough in theUAE
Merri Melde
[RC] Owyhee Tonic
[RC] Vamos A Espanya
Merry Wicklund
[RC] Horse Hauling
Re: [RC] Horse Hauling
Michael Maul
[RC] 20th Birthday...
[RC] flax seed
[RC] where to get flaxseed
Mike Sherrell
FW: [RC] [Consider This] Horses were tamed a millennium earlier than previously thought
[RC] FEI and AERC rides
Rae Callaway
RE: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] teff hay users?
RE: [RC] Trying to find a bit...
[RC] Ray Hunt
RE: [RC] newbie at eagle ranch
Re: [RC] Why does the FEI have new qualification rules? (was: FITS 60...)
Re: Fwd: [RC] Old Pueblo day 2
[RC] Rehydrating/ girth galls
[RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
[RC] Correction FITS 75 Friday results
[RC] FITS 100 Sunday up to date
[RC] FITS 50 Saturday
[RC] FITS 100 60 miles
[RC] Finish of the 55 Sunday
[RC] FITS 100's at 90 miles
[RC] WOW! FITS 100 mile race to finish
[RC] FITS 100
[RC] FITS You like moving pictures?
Re: [RC] FITS You like moving pictures?
[RC] GPS field writing
[RC] FEI version GPS field writing
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
[RC] Ya GOTTA see this. >g<
[RC] Videos up
[RC] Rider cards
Re: [RC] 20th Birthday...
Re: [RC] 20th Birthday...
Robert J. Morris
[RC] AERC Year Books
[RC] GPS Skywriting - Angie!
Sandy Adams
Re: [RC] FEI vs AERC
Re: [RC] Enough is enough
Sharon Hahn
[RC] Ride refunds
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] FITS reports! from the henchman (ride award donations)
[RC] Revisiting boot issues for doing both Endurance and CTR
[RC] Aegis "Aspen" helmet?
RE: [RC] pads for endurance with dressage saddles
[RC] Teff Hay
[RC] bit recommendation oh and saddle recommendation
[RC] Why does the FEI have new qualification rules?
[RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - Dream Weaver
[RC] where to get flaxseed
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Ya GOTTA see this. >g<
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] FITS 100's at 90 miles
[RC] Old Pueblo day 2
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] re: Josie :)
Re: [RC] Rider Cards (was FEI)
Re: [RC] where to find flax seed?
Tamara Stewart
[RC] Potato Boot Camp No Hands Video!
[RC] Potato Boot Camp and No Hands Bridge- Great Music!
[RC] FEI, qualifying, btw....
[RC] Rider Cards
[RC] Rides of March
[RC] Rides of March
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] FITS 100 60 miles
Re: [RC] Old Pueblo Day 2
Re: [RC] FEI
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rider Cards
Re: [RC] Rehydrating your horse's skin and coat - Carrie
Tx Trigger
[RC] Myler Bit mouthpieces
[RC] Myler Bit Mouthpieces
Re: [RC] where to get flaxseed
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