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[RC] Driver and horses killed in Napa County - Horseraser

Driver And Horses Killed In Napa Highway Crash

NAPA (AP) ― A motorist is dead after crashing into a group of horses that were standing on a rural highway outside the city of Napa.

Three of the horses also died early Wednesday in the accident that killed 46-year-old Mark Trupiano, of Santa Rosa. The remaining two animals were euthanized due to their injuries.

Authorities say Trupiano was driving on a straight, but dark stretch of Highway 121 when he apparently plowed into the horses at about 5:15 a.m. The impact was so great it ripped the hood off his Mitsubishi Gallant.

California Highway Patrol and Napa County animal control officers were trying to find out who owned the horses and why they were roaming free in the road.