If the only reason for the rule change was to assure that
the horses were prepared and protected, the FEI could have a rule that allowed
sanctioned endurance rides from a pre-approved list of sanctioning bodies, and a
placement and/or time requirement, if desired.
The minimum set of rules allowed could also be specified
so that additional sanctioning orgs. could be sure they qualified.
The AERC found that they had to do this a few years ago
when they wanted to make sure that dangerous events did not happen on the same
venue as AERC rides. The problem was that in the Midwest (UMECRA country)
and possibly other areas CTR rides (called Competitive Rides by UMECRA) were
traditionally held on the same venue as AERC Endurance Rides.
P.S. I go along with Maryanne in her interpretation.
The FEI may be trying to not only be the biggest fish in the pond, but also the
only fish in the only pond.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875