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Current to Sun Nov 15 07:50:10 GMT 2009
Alexa Olney
[RC] Git-R-Done Fees
[RC] Desert Gold
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
Re: [RC] A card from Donna Winters
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
[RC] A card from Donna Winters
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] diagonals
Bruce Weary DC
Buddy Gleason
[RC] Entry fees
Carey Brock
[RC] Trail Master Course
Cindy Collins
[RC] re: 100 mile incentive
[RC] re: 100 mile incentive
[RC] re: Git R Done fees
[RC] re: trotting diagonals
[RC] re: trotting diagonals
[RC] re: crooked horses
Cunningham, Marci
[RC] Git R Done Special in January
[RC] FEI Entry Fees was Git R Done
RE: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
RE: [RC] Diagonals
Cynthia LeDoux-Bloom
[RC] GitRDone_Inyokern
[RC] GitRDone_ExcellentRideMangement_AERC&FEI
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] Where is everyone?
Darolyn Butler
[RC] redman
Dawn Simas
[RC] acorns can cause founder
Debi Gordon
[RC] CBS Redman is gone...
[RC] a thank you regarding CBS Redman's death
Deirdre C. Monroe
[RC] Rides in Louisiana?
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Diagonals
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
dixie midnight
[RC] Just a quick note......
[RC] A guide for exercises to become a better equestrian.
Dolores Arste
Re: [RC] CBS Redman
Re: [RC] diagonals
Re: [RC] Canter Lead (was: transistion from trot to canter)
Don Huston
[RC] Diagonals (Marci C.)
Re: [RC] Diagonals
[RC] Diagonals
Re: [RC] Diagonals Lynne
Re: [RC] Diagonals
[RC] Diagonals
Re: [RC] Diagonals
[RC] Diagonals
[RC] Name That Diagonal
Re: [RC] Don's Diagonals
Re: [RC] why I hate diagonals
Dunn, Meghan
[RC] Mandolynn Hill Open House
FW: [RC] Mandolynn Hill Open House
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] crooked rider
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] FEI Ride Entry Fee
Re: [RC] Diagonals
Re: [RC] re: trotting diagonals
Re: [RC] Diagonals, etc
Re: [RC] Darned Diagonals !!
Re: [RC] Bluelite by TechMix, Inc.
Re: [RC] Diagonals on Curves
Re: [RC] Diagonals
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] USEF Announces Date and Location for the2010 Adequa...
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Uruguay: ENDURO SARANDÍ GRANDE
[RC] [Consider This] Neigh! Blueprint of horse genetic code revealsremarkable sim...
RE: [RC] Git R Done Special in January-entry fees...
RE: [RC] re: Git R Done fees
RE: [RC] FEI entry fees
RE: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Eric Rueter
[RC] Thank You From the AHA National Distance Commission
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] Thank You From the AHA National Distance Commission
Floyd Reid
[RC] dried fat - Melinda Faubel
[RC] CBS Redman
Jane Rodrigue
[RC] re:lessons learned and Sandhills Ride Story
Jay Randle
[RC] French agricultural student looking for USA horse ranch placement
[RC] The rising trot
[RC] Transition from trot to canter
[RC] Scales
[RC] Trot to Canter transitions
[RC] Don's Diagonals
Re: [RC] Acorns
RE: [RC] Birthday
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Incentive Program!!!
Re: [RC] re: 100 mile incentive
[RC] Colic Surgery costs/decisions
k s swigart
[RC] Horse Insurance
[RC] Git R Done Special in January
[RC] Canter Lead (was: transistion from trot to canter)
Karen Everhart
Re: [RC] CBS Redman is gone...
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] re: Git R Done fees
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] Git-R-Done Fees
Kathie Ford
[RC] Desert Gold
Keith W. Kibler
Re: [RC] thank you to those that suggested running with your horse
Kelly Ahearn-Wagner
[RC] crooked horses
[RC] Diagonals on Curves
Lif Strand
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Incentive Program!!!
RE: [RC] Birthday
RE: [RC] Diagonals
RE: [RC] Diagonals
Re: [RC] re: trotting diagonals
Lisa Green
[RC] WEG 2010, 5 horses only
ll cole
RE: [RC] Diagonals
Lori Bertolucci
Re: [RC] re:lessons learned and Sandhills Ride Story
[RC] Git R Done Special in January-entry fees...
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] re: Git R Done fees
Re: [RC] FEI Entry Fees was Git R Done
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] re: Git R Done fees
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
Re: [RC] Diagonals, etc
Re: [RC] Darned Diagonals !!
Re: [RC] diagonals
Re: [RC] Crooked Horses
Re: [RC] re: Was crooked horses and riders... now scales for balanced riding
Re: [RC] Fwd: GRD Fees
Lucie Hess
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] Thank You From the AHA National Distance Commission
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
[RC] Fwd: Desert Gold 2009 Ride
[RC] Acorns
[RC] Acorns
Marirose Six
[RC] "Feeling" your horse
Mary Howell
Re: [RC] Passing of endurance greats and diagonals
[RC] Statement from KPP on Neigh Lox concern
Maryben Stover
[RC] Birthday
RE: [RC] Birthday
RE: [RC] Git R Done Special in January
RE: [RC] FEI entry fees
RE: [RC] FEI entry fees
[RC] Redman
Melinda Faubel
[RC] GitRdone ride fee
[RC] dried fat
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Endurance season opener set foroff
[RC] [Consider This] To Blanket or Not to Blanket?
[RC] [Consider This] Phil Carroll: Horsing Around with a Six-Pac
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] New Zealand: Horror horse injury sparkscall for fir...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Neigh-Lox contamination claims are"unsubstantiated"...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Cuba: San Vicente Ranch: a School ofExcellence
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Australia: Trans-Tasman Team Announced
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] New Zealand: Endurance High PerformanceWEG Focus Sq...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Spain: Triumphs of Asturias and AndalusiaInterauton...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Canada: Toronto to host 2015 Pan Am Games
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Abu Dhabi: More than 70 riders to takepart in chall...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Mongolia becomes 40th nation to join theLong Riders...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Top riders for endurance seasonopener
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Abu Dhabi: Al Baloushi expects much fromJayhal Ghost
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Abu Dhabi: Al Reef off to a winning start
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Shaikh Nasser wins 90km race
Merri Melde
[RC] To Be (Fat) Or Not To Be?
[RC] Ride 'em like you stole 'em! - by Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] Ride 'em like you stole 'em! - by Maggie Mieske
[RC] L.O.V.E. ride photos
[RC] Fixin' What's Broke
[RC] Skiff
Michelle Aquilino
[RC] diagonals
[RC] re: crooked horses and riders
Nancy Mitts
RE: [RC] re: 100 mile incentive
Nancy Reed
[RC] what I hate diagonals
Naomi Preston
[RC] fixing crooked riders & scales & Feldenkrais
Natalie Herman
[RC] Re:horse insurance
[RC] re: horse insurance
[RC] Redman
[RC] Redman
Rachel Neppl
[RC] have riders... need horses!
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Still looking for "Boyfriend Horse"
[RC] Neigh!! Blueprint of horse genetic code reveals remarkable similarity to humans | Mail Online
richardson . carla
Re: [RC] re: horse insurance
[RC] 100 Mile Incentive Program!!!
Re: [RC] Horse Insurance
Ruth Maher
[RC] fixing crooked rider, mechanical help?
[RC] Lessons I have learned and Sandhills ride story...part 1
[RC] Another kind of Top Ten
[RC] Part 2: Lessons learned and now Sandhills Ride story
[RC] Name clarification
[RC] Jane
[RC] FEI entry fees
[RC] crooked horses
[RC] crooked rider
[RC] fixing crooked rider
[RC] fixing crooked rider
RE: [RC] Bluelite by TechMix, Inc.
[RC] To be fat (or not to be)
[RC] diagonals & treeless - Mary Howell
[RC] Bluelite by TechMix, Inc.
[RC] Diagonals
[RC] diagonals
[RC] diagonals - Dolores Arste
[RC] Acorns
[RC] Mustang Memorial, NJ ????
Re: [RC] CBS Redman is gone...
stephanie teeter
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
[RC] Fwd: GRD Fees
Re: [RC] Entry fees
FW: [RC] Diagonals
susan cooper
Re: [RC] To be fat (or not to be)
Susan Cushing
RE: [RC] Diagonals
Teri Hunter
[RC] FEI Ride Entry Fee
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
Re: [RC] FEI entry fees
[RC] Diagonals, etc
[RC] Darned Diagonals !!
[RC] Diagonals & Two Pointing
[RC] Crooked Horses
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