If you are on the correct diagonal at the trot, you will assist your horse to pick up the correct lead at the canter as he transitions from trot to canter.
Again, this needs to be practiced on the circle in order for the inexperienced or confused rider to more easily see and feel what is going on.
While trotting in a circle to the left, and sitting when the outside (right) front leg hits the ground, encourage your horse to move into the canter (lope). For our purposes it doesn't really matter what type of aids you use, as endurance riders come from many different backgrounds, and levels of riding experience. The standard English way to ask for the canter is to move the rider's outside lower leg slightly behind the girth and squeeze, while the inside lower leg is at girth level.
What we are looking for is that the rider must be on the correct diagonal at the trot, and as the rider rises (because he is getting pushed off the horse by the thrust of the inside hind leg pushing forward) he asks the horse to move into a canter. Because the horse is pushing off on the inside hind leg, and the rider's weight is rising, it is much easier for the horse to "lead" off with his inside front leg at the same time that the inside hind leg is thrusting his weight forward.
This is how to get a smooth transition from trot to canter.
DISCLAIMER: These instructions do not follow the 'normal' way of teaching a rider with dressage leg aids. These instructions are my way of teaching a rider the basics of learning the rising trot correctly so that the transition from trot to canter is easier on both the horse and the rider.