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Current to Sun Nov 29 07:50:09 GMT 2009
Anna Wolfe
[RC] FEI and bute
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Bute
[RC] A card from Donna Winters
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] Munchkins
Buddy Gleason
[RC] access
[RC] Old Horse/my opinion only
[RC] Horse Help & Health Questions. Online Horse Vets Give Medical Care Advice for your Foal, Filly, Mare, Stallion or Gelding.Advice on Horse Illness, Diseases, Behavioral Problems, & More! - Just Answer!
[RC] Horse Help & Health Questions. Online Horse Vets Give Medical Care Advice for your Foal, Filly, Mare, Stallion or Gelding.Advice on Horse Illness, Diseases, Behavioral Problems, & More! - Just Answer!
[RC] euthanasia
Cindy Collins
[RC] re: Munchkins & Bruce
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] Holiday
Dawn Carrie
[RC] Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, and the Day After
[RC] Author of Poem
Don Huston
Re: [RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman)
Re: [RC] FEI and bute
Re: [RC] FEI and bute
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] bute-fei
Re: [RC] FEI and Bute
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] FEI and the system of voting
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] UAE: Singh and Al Merri post victories inAbu Dhabi
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Christine Yeoman: suspension fromendurance competit...
[RC] [Endurance Videos] test post
heidi larson
[RC] need link to subscribe to ridecamp!
Re: [RC] euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Jay Randle
[RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman) Part 1
[RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman) Part 2
[RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman) Part 3
[RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman) Part 4
[RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman) Part 5
[RC] Trens Tesmen (Translation: Trans Tasman) Final
[RC] Starting an older horse in endurance
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
k s swigart
[RC] FEI/Bute
[RC] Old endurance horse lameness
[RC] Death Valley Warmup I & II, PS Region
Karen Ellis
[RC] Scottsdale Arabian Show
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
RE: [RC] re: euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Euthanizing an old horse
[RC] Euthanizing an older horse and that can of worms
[RC] FEI and the system of voting
RE?: [RC] FEI and the system of voting
Lisa Douglass
[RC] Advertiser's Month on Ridecamp
Lisa Salas
[RC] Headlines and comments say it all
[RC] RC re:Headlines and comments say it all
ll cole
RE: [RC] [ozarkcountryenduranceriders] 2010 AERC CENTRAL REGIONCELEBRATION [1 Attachment]
RE: [RC] re: euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Lucie Hess
[RC] Happy Thanksgiving, and Season Finale ride
[RC] My Black Friday, Riding instead of Shopping
Lynn White
[RC] That can of worms...
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] Freecolicreport.com
[RC] advertiser's month
Maryben Stover
RE: [RC] Curly horses in endurance
RE: [RC] Curly horses in endurance
RE: [RC] Curly horses in endurance
RE: [RC] Curly horses in endurance
RE: [RC] conditioning the older horse...?
Melinda Faubel
[RC] Instructors in the Salinas, CA area
[RC] [Consider This] Bute and the Urinary Tract
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Spain: Developments for 2010 Lands KaliberV Raid al...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FEI vice president publicly slams decisionto allow ...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Brazil: Compeonato Brasileiro Dia 05 deDezembro em ...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Canary Islands: Iban Fernandez revalidatedhis triumph
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Support for FEI chief
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Virginia: Trails to open soon, Residents alreadyusing
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Bahrain: Shaikh Hamdan invited toendurance races
[RC] [Consider This] New West Nile Virus Vaccines for Horses Approved
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Petition against the FEI - "ProgressiveList"
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] World of equestrianism dismayed after FEItake 'bute...
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Great Britain: Small companies sharing a bigmarket
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Senior vets demand Princess Haya reopens'bute debate'
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Aachen takes a stand for clean horse sportand will ...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] British vets say bute in competition willlead to 'c...
[RC] [Consider This] Equine obesity at epidemic levels, says charity
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Australia: Promotional Endurance Video Cli[p
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FEI painkillers rules contradicts theirresearch in ...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] FEI president Princess Haya defendscontroversial dr...
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Spain: 2010 V Raid Kaliber Tierras deal-Andalus
[RC] [Consider This] Do Your Wormers Work?
[RC] [Endurance Tracks] Arabian Horse Foundation Begins SwayzeScholarship
Merri Melde
[RC] Delirious!
[RC] Folly
Michael Maul
[RC] OT but useful - Opening Office 2007 files in older Office versionslike Excel 2003
Michelle Aquilino
[RC] re: euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Nancy Sturm
Re: Spam:****, [RC] re: euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Naomi Preston
[RC] Curly horses in endurance
Natalie Herman
[RC] Adveritising month...
[RC] re: Advertising month
Nina Vasiliev
[RC] Auburn/Cool trail?
RE: [RC] Trans Tasmanian
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Need Vet
Richard ALLEN
[RC] online petition concerning bute
[RC] Old endurance horse lameness
Re: [RC] Old endurance horse lameness
Re: [RC] conditioning the older horse...?
[RC] euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Sandy Adams
Re: [RC] Old endurance horse lameness
[RC] Conditioning the older horse/person
Shelly Williams
[RC] Cellulitis
[RC] FEI and Bute
[RC] Old endurance horse lameness
[RC] conditioning the older horse...?
[RC] Freecolicreport.com
[RC] FEI president Princess Haya defends controversial dr...
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] FEI/Bute
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
stephanie teeter
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] Holiday
[RC] Mandolynn Hill Farms
Stephanie Wind
[RC] conditioning the older horse...?
[RC] Camping at Season Finale Endurance Ride at Chandler, OK
Teri Hunter
[RC] FEI Drug Vote
[RC] FEI and bute
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
Re: [RC] FEI and bute
Re: [RC] FEI and bute
Re: [RC] FEI and bute
Re: [RC] FEI and bute
Re: [RC] FEI and Bute
Re: [RC] FEI and Bute
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] New FEI drug rule...question about placings at a ride
Re: [RC] re: euthanizing an old horse (opening a can of worms)
Re: [RC] FEI and the system of voting
[RC] Desert Gold - babysitter?
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