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Sun Sep 07 18:33:13 GMT 2008
[RC] water trough at Auburn overlook
Carol Stiles
[RC] getting horse to "pee" thread
Kathie Ford
[RC] [RC] GPS, I don't get it...
[RC] GPS, I don't get it...
Nina Vasiliev
[RC] [RC] Garmin GEKO
[RC] OD -- looking for trail info
Karen Williams
[RC] [Guest] ride and tie mount needed!
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [Guest] ride and tie mount needed!
[RC] [Guest] Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] auctions
Re: [RC] [RC] Poor Renegade
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] Poor Renegade
Mike & Kathy Kelly
[RC] cloud stirrups
[RC] animark ultrasound equip
hope lundquist
[RC] sport saddle bob marshall
J Demuth
[RC] Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?
Linda B. Merims
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?
Linda B. Merims
[RC] Garmin GEKO
Becky Hackworth
[RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Five
Howard Bramhall
[RC] US Rider - Northern California
Tina Rushing
[RC] Chiropractor - Northern California
Tracy Browne
[RC] training pushy young horse
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] training pushy young horse
Kat Forst
[RC] Horse with shy bladder-best suggestion
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] horse transport Tx to GA
[RC] Horse with Shy Bladder - Set a Good Example
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Horse with Shy Bladder - Set a Good Example
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] [RC] Bully and jealousy?
A. Perez
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] [RC] Bully and jealousy?
Alison Farrin
Re: [RC] shy bladder
Karen Parker
Re: [RC] shy bladder
Re: [RC] shy bladder
Sarah McIntosh
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] shy bladder
Re: [RC] shy bladder
[RC] Shy Bladder
Benedikte Whitman
Re: [RC] Shy Bladder
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Shy Bladder
[RC] Poor Renegade
steve shaw
Re: [RC] Poor Renegade
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Poor Renegade
Re: [RC] Poor Renegade
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Poor Renegade
Tiffany D'Virgilio
Re: [RC] Poor Renegade
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] classifieds - possible hoax
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Arab x QH
Tamara Taylor
[RC] [Guest] [RC] Ground Bees
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [Guest] [RC] Ground Bees
[RC] Training/Pushy young horse
Lysane Cree
Re: [RC] Training/Pushy young horse
Jim Holland
[RC] QH/Arab cross
Lysane Cree
[RC] arab/QH
Larry Miller
[RC] arab/qh for distance riding
Ed Kilpatrick
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] arab/qh for distance riding
Snodgrass, Bonnie
[RC] horse training in general
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] summer hideout
[RC] riding friends information
[RC] HELP-Horse with shy bladder!!
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] Bully and jealousy?
Budler,Cindy - Afrox
[RC] looking for riding friends
Re: [RC] looking for riding friends
[RC] eithics
[RC] [RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
Maureen A. Fager
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
Timothy Worden
[RC] [FWD: Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?]
Re: [RC] [FWD: Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?]
Re: [RC] [FWD: Is there any code of ethics in endurancehorse selling?]
Lif Strand
Re: [RC] [FWD: Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?]
Susan Young Casey
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [FWD: Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?]
Re: [RC] [FWD: Is there any code of ethics in endurance horse selling?]
[RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
Jennifer Thompson
Re: [RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
Joan Ruprecht
Re: [RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
David & Maggie
Re: [RC] Arab/QH as a distance horse?
Barbara McCrary
[RC] need info on possible link between hard water and tying up
Message not available
Re: [RC] need info on possible link between hard water and tying up
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] need info on possible link between hard water and tying up
McGann, Barb
[RC] Magnesium Deficiency - Spring Pasture - Complications
Lynne Tomovick
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Magnesium Deficiency - Spring Pasture - Complications
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Magnesium Deficiency - Spring Pasture - Complications
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Hobbling Question
RE: [RC] [RC] ? classifieds - possible hoax
Whiteaker, Steve
RE: [RC] [RC] ? classifieds - possible hoax
[RC] Spring Weather
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Spring weather
sandy . l . holder
[RC] attaching to side of halter
Roberta Jo Lieberman
[RC] classifieds - possible hoax
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] classifieds - possible hoax
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] classifieds - possible hoax
Re: [RC] classifieds - possible hoax
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
[RC] OT -fraud alert for paypal members
Teresa Van Hove
Re: [RC] Re: [RC] ? MY MP/loose horses
[RC] Re:Parelli tricks, etc.
Re: [RC] High Ties
Drin Becker
[RC] loose horses, attaching to side of halter, other horse stuff, round penning, etc.
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] loose horses, attaching to side of halter, other horse stuff, round penning, etc.
Stephanie E Caldwell
[RC] loose horse - me too!
Laura Hayes
[RC] Iraqui horses/KGO REPORT LIVE
Debby Burgess
RE: [RC] advice on 50 milers
Jonni Jewell
[RC] Iraqui horses/ AP story
Jonni Jewell
[RC] Where is the Pulse?!
Diane Conklin
Re: [RC] Where is the Pulse?!
[RC] containment
June Scheunemann & Mike Bernsdorf
Re: [RC] containment
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] containment
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] containment/knives
Stephanie E Caldwell
[RC] side halter rings
Jonni Jewell
Re: [RC] [RC] ? MY MP/loose horses
[RC] Re: [RC] ? MY MP/loose horses
Re: [RC] [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] Iraqui horses
Maureen A. Fager
Re: [RC] [RC] attaching to the side of the halter
Laurie Durgin
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] attaching to the side of the halter
[RC] More on containment
C. Eyler
[RC] New FDA labeling for Zimecterin
C. Eyler
Re: [RC] Loose Horses
Drin Becker
[RC] Fwd: FW: Check out Wave A Flag
Debra Reid
[RC] Shoe/pad/filler question
C. Eyler
[RC] Need Advice on 50 milers
Alicia Mansuetti
[RC] on-line article on teaching hobbling
A. Perez
[RC] attaching to the side of the halter
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] attaching to the side of the halter
[RC] Horsecollars
Libby & Quentin Llop
[RC] teaching to hobble (step one)
Jonni Jewell
[RC] re: loose horses
A. Perez
Re: [RC] re: loose horses
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] re: loose horses
Howard Bramhall
Re: [RC] [RC] neck collars
Laurie Durgin
[RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Teresa Van Hove
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Re: [RC] Kneeling to bridle
April Johnson
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Reason to round pen
April Johnson
Re: [RC] Reason to round pen
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Reason to round pen
RE: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Bob Morris
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Shelley Kerr
Re: [RC] [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Shelley Kerr
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Jim Holland
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Whiteaker, Steve
RE: [RC] [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Shelley Kerr
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Re: [RC] re: hobbling to saddle
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] Chewing on the bit
Laurie Durgin
[RC] [RC] MY MP/loose horses
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [RC] MY MP/loose horses
[RC] Marciante saddles
[RC] Iraqui horses
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Iraqui horses
April Johnson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Iraqui horses
[RC] 1st Day Gambler's Results (55miles)
[RC] Cheasapeake 25 mile ECTRA competetive and 15 mile novice
Charles Coleman
[RC] horse getting loose while bridling/collars, leads,etc.
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] horse getting loose while bridling/collars, leads,etc.
rrohwer Rohwer
[RC] Need a Saddle for a Wide Backed Pony (little horse)
Re: [RC] Need a Saddle for a Wide Backed Pony (little horse)
Barbara McCrary
[RC] Solstice saddle sale
Beverly Gray
[RC] OD Alert!
Karen J Zelinsky
[RC] Chewing on the bit
rrohwer Rohwer
Re: [RC] Chewing on the bit
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Chewing on the bit
[RC] Gambler's Special
[RC] Descanso Entries (PS Region)
[RC] Bridling Barbara White..
steve shaw
Fw: Re: [RC] [RC] Bridling a horse...
Shelley Kerr
[RC] horse collars
Joan Curtiss
[RC] Reasons for leads with loops
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Halters, Leading and Tying
Roberta Jo Lieberman
[RC] Arabian Horse Registry
Carolyn Burgess
[RC] Echinacea
Jeannie Gillen
[RC] Help transporting horse
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Help transporting horse
Re: [RC] Help transporting horse
Joan Ruprecht
[RC] Bridling a horse...
steve shaw
Re: [RC] Bridling a horse
Stephanie E Caldwell
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Bridling a horse...
Re: [RC] Moss Rock Endurance
April Johnson
[RC] neck collars
Andrea Day
Re: [RC] [RC] neck collars
Shelley Kerr
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] neck collars
Linda B. Merims
[RC] neck collars
Linda B. Merims
[RC] ice packs--homemade
Andrea Day
[RC] MY MP/loose horses
Rides 2 Far
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] MY MP/loose horses
Rides 2 Far
[RC] MY MP/loose horses
Rides 2 Far
[RC] halters around neck
Jonni Jewell
Re: [RC] halters around neck
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] halters around neck
Jonni Jewell
[RC] MP Loose horses
Rides 2 Far
[RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
April Johnson
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
rrohwer Rohwer
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
rrohwer Rohwer
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Stephanie E Caldwell
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
David & Maggie
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Mike & Kathy Kelly
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Barbara White
[RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Horse getting loose while bridling
[RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Four
Howard Bramhall
Re: [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Shelley Kerr
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Tina Hicks
Re: [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] MY Million Pines Story
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] [RC] Boarders
Laurie Durgin
[RC] MY Million Pines Story
Rides 2 Far
[RC] ice packs
David & Maggie
[RC] backing rigs(hey howard, whatcha doin up there?)
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] Bekki's Million Pines Ride Story
Rides 2 Far
[RC] Thin pad recommendations
Jerry & Susan Milam
Re: [RC] Riding goggles anyone?Or why I can't ride today. ...
Re: [RC] [RC] Horses and Husbands
Elizabeth Brown
[RC] Should I take on a boarder?
Equine Law Online
[RC] boarding from the perspective of a younger person
[RC] Boarders
Tamara Taylor
[RC] tremors
Ron Lerma
Re: [RC] [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
DeAnn Schnepple
RE: [RC] [RC] ? goggles, and keeping them fog-free
Sydney Vale
[RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Kristi Schaaf
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Linda B. Merims
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Linda B. Merims
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
[RC] [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Linda Hedgpeth
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Linda B. Merims
Re: [RC] Where to find leads with a loop instead of snap?
Barbara McCrary
[RC] sport saddle at Million pines
Mike Bailey
Re: [RC] [RC] Should I take on a boarder?
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Million Pines and Lessons Learned
Alicia Mansuetti
Re: [RC] Million Pines and Lessons Learned
C. Eyler
Re: [RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Two
Heidi Smith
[RC] Should I take on a boarder?
Karen Casemier
Re: [RC] Should I take on a boarder?
Re: [RC] Should I take on a boarder?
Kat Forst
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Should I take on a boarder?
Rae Callaway
[RC] Equine dentist
Sue Brown
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] equine dentist
Re: [RC] [RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Three
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Million Pines 25 Top 10
Rides 2 Far
[RC] Million Pines 50 Results
Rides 2 Far
[RC] goggles, and keeping them fog-free
A. Perez
[RC] Dogs on the farm
Mary Golden
[RC] Mars vs Venus, backing trailers
A. Perez
[RC] Lightening ~ Scary Stuff
Re: [RC] [RC] Backing Rigs
Shelley Kerr
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] [RC] Backing Rigs
Alison Farrin
[RC] Fw: Cancer society needs our help
sue koost
Re: [RC] Fw: Cancer society needs our help
John Teeter
[RC] Horse color vision - for curiousity if nothing else
[RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Three
Howard Bramhall
RE: [RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Three
Karen Williams
RE: [RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Three
Diane Conklin
Re: [RC] Endurance, Carolina Style: Part Three
Howard Bramhall
Re: [RC] loin rubbing
Mickie Newnam
[RC] Need name of vet near Moscow, ID
Sue Riegel Williams
[RC] smile
Laurie Whaley Pearson
[RC] I love my country and Million pines
Laurie Whaley Pearson
[RC] test
Maggie Mieske
[RC] here is here!
Charles Coleman
[RC] backing rigs
Jonni Jewell
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