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Current to Sun Aug 02 06:50:11 GMT 2009
Re: [RC] 2009 Tevis: Merri Melde
Amber Roberts
[RC] Name our new horse?
Re: [RC] Name our new horse?
[RC] Name our new horse?
Re: [RC] Name our new horse?
Re: [RC] Name our new horse?
[RC] Re:] Horse Name...
Re: [RC] Name our new horse?
[RC] Call name for Heavens Gift
[RC] Free Clinton Anderson tickets
Amy Cieri
[RC] Mohair Cinches
Amy Major
[RC] now horse's name
Ann Blankenship
[RC] Foresthill for Tevis?
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Re: [RC] Mongol Derby- interesting politics-NOT envious
Re: [RC] Why is Angie mean to Jody?
Barbara White
[RC] Vendors Tevis Weekend
Becky H
[RC] Less than a week to go.
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Barbara Mc
[RC] FW: [Terry] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Bruce Weary
[RC] Envy
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] Envy
Candace Kahn
[RC] Vendors at Tevis
Chastain, Shannon L.
RE: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
Chris Littlefield
[RC] VA Highlands
Christina McCarthy
RE: [RC] Virginia Highlands Endurance ride
RE: [RC] (RC) Ride Between the Rivers - Steven Hay
[RC] Mules on Tevis
[RC] Pre Tevis
D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson
[RC] Barbara and Crickett
[RC] Cool Breezes
[RC] Rider #167
Dessia Miller
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Re: [RC] Envy
Dolores Arste
[RC] Mongul Derby again
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] It's Official
Downs, Daryl
[RC] Young Riders Championships
[RC] Ride Between Rivers- Steven Hay
[RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
Re: [RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
[RC] Dear French/ Virginia Highlands
RE: [RC] Dear French/ Virginia Highlands
RE: [RC] Why is Angie mean to Jody?
[RC] Best Friend Forever
Dream Weaver
[RC] where's robie park?
[RC] Mohair cinches
Elizabeth Walker
Re: [RC] Mongol Derby- interesting politics-NOT envious
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Re: [RC] Mohair cinches
Re: [RC] Mohair cinches
Re: [RC] Mohair cinches
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Mongolia: Reddy to compete in Mongol Derby
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Mexico: Oaxacan youth brings home silvermedal
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] USA: Preparations in full swing for TevisCup
RE: [RC] Why is Angie mean to Jody?
RE: [RC] Best Friend Forever
RE: [RC] Why is Angie mean to Jody?
[RC] Boarding in NH
Ginger Bill
RE: [RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
[RC] VT 100 Featured on National Public Radio
heidi larson
Re: [RC] Mules on Tevis
Re: [RC] Name our new horse?
Re: [RC] Call name for Heavens Gift
Re: [RC] Sarah wins Tevis.
Jackie Floyd
Re: [RC] Tevis Webcast
Jay Randle
[RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby
Jean Miller
[RC] Shore to Shore
Jennifer Fleet
[RC] Website for horses that need homes?
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] Beerr and Inner tubes
Re: [RC] Beerr and Inner tubes
Re: [RC] Virl Norton
Re: [RC] Ride Between Rivers- Steven Hay
Re: [RC] Ride Between Rivers- Steven Hay
[RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
Re: [RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
Re: [RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
Re: [RC] Dear French/ Virginia Highlands
RE: [RC] Dear French/ Virginia Highlands
[RC] ATTENTION for the Virginia Highlands ride
Re: [RC] VA Highlands
Re: [RC] Mules on Tevis
Joe Long
Re: [RC] Ft Meade Remount--short version
[RC] Merri needs to go for it
[RC] Tevis 2009 Updates going on NOW!
[RC] Tevis updates
K Hanes
Re: [RC] Shore to Shore ride; need info and help please- Farzad & 2 horses
k s swigart
[RC] Mosquito Dunks
[RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
[RC] Could have been "prevented"
[RC] How did the UAE get in on it (was Mongol Derby...)
[RC] Envy
[RC] Be careful what you wish for
[RC] A cage for Numb Nuts
[RC] Stats from this years Tevis Cup Ride
Karen Franklin
[RC] Rental property
Karen Sullivan
[RC] forwarding an email that came to me regarding the mongol Deby: Fwd: Quislings in the Barn
Karri Wilson
[RC] trainer compensation
Kathie Ford
[RC] bee warning/Overlook
[RC] bees/Auburn Overlook update
Kathy Copeland
[RC] 10 tips to becoming a better equestrian
Kevin Myers
[RC] Merri Melde Rides Tevis
Kira Everhart-Valentin
[RC] Horse property for sale - Northwest Indiana
Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF
[RC] Name our new horse? - Amber Roberts
FW: [RC] It's Official - Merri Melde
[RC] Tevis Webcast
[RC] Nevermind (webcast)
Kristen A Fisher
RE: [RC] Name our new horse?
RE: [RC] Mosquito dunks - submerged
RE: [RC] Mohair cinches
RE: [RC] Mohair cinches
[RC] Horse Name...
[RC] Merri at the Tevis
Lif Strand
Re: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
Re: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
Re: [RC] Mongol Derby- interesting politics-NOT envious
Re: [RC] RE Mosquito dunks - submerged - Victoria Thompson
Lori Bertolucci
Re: [RC] VA Highlands
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull
[RC] Less than a week to go.
[RC] Tevis Travel: delays on I-80 between NV and Truckee
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] Less than a week to go.
Marirose Six
[RC] Ft Meade Remount--short version
Marlene Moss
[RC] "sometimes it's the lady (disguised as a tiger)" Ft. Mead Remount
Martha Clausen
[RC] Congratulations Merri
Mary Howell
[RC] Go East Coasters at Tevis!
[RC] Pt 2: Go East Coasters at Tevis!
[RC] One more East Coaster
[RC] (RC) Ride Between the Rivers - Steven Hay
[RC] [Consider This] The Science of Wound Ointments for Horses
[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] USA: Tevis Cup Endurance Ride VetCountdown Begins
[RC] [Consider This] Poisoning in Horses: Common Toxic Substances
Merri Melde
[RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
[RC] 2009 Tevis: Kevin Myers
[RC] 2009 Tevis: Merri Melde
[RC] It's Official
[RC] 2009 Tevis: Lynne Glazer
[RC] 2009 Tevis: Hal Hall
[RC] where's robie park?
[RC] I Get By With A Little Help From My (Tevis) Friends
[RC] Virl Norton
[RC] (no subject)
[RC] Tevis
[RC] Sarah wins Tevis.
Mike Sherrell
FW: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
[RC] Tevis
[RC] Merri Melde
Nancy Mitts
RE: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
[RC] Tevis
[RC] Mongol Derby- interesting politics-NOT envious
Ranelle Rubin
RE: [RC] It's Official
RE: [RC] Tevis Travel: delays on I-80 between NV and Truckee
Re: [RC] Less than a week to go.
Rebecca Hackworth
[RC] Tevis Web coverage
[RC] Tevis Saddle Survey
Re: [RC] Beerr and Inner tubes
Re: [RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
RE: [RC] Dear French/ Virginia Highlands
Re: [RC] Why is Angie mean to Jody?
[RC] Georgian leading Tevis?????
[RC] Super trail photos!
Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] RE Mosquito dunks - submerged - Victoria Thompson
Rosalie Marley
Re: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
Re: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
Ruth Maher
[RC] The ultimate ride map?
[RC] Virginia Highlands Endurance ride
[RC] Virginia Highlands Endurance ride
sandra fretelliere
[RC] MERRI, Tevis is calling you!
[RC] Virginia highlands - Daryl/Jody
Sandy Adams
[RC] Mohair cinches
RE: [RC] dopplers question
RE: [RC] FW: Tevis question & Merri
[RC] A cage for Numb Nuts
[RC] It's Official
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
Re: [RC] How did the UAE get in on it (was Mongol Derby...)
Re: [RC] now horse's name
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] How did the UAE get in on it (was Mongol Derby...)
Steven Hay
[RC] Ride Between the Rivers--WV
[RC] FW: Tevis question & Merri
susan cooper
Re: [RC] I Get By With A Little Help From My (Tevis) Friends
Suzy Henderson
[RC] shipping boots for Arabs
Terry Banister
FW: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
RE: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - K. Riordan
RE: [RC] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
[RC] FW: [Terry] Regarding the Mongol Derby - Kat/Terry/FEI Position
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Question and answers for new vets
Re: [RC] Shore to Shore ride; need info and help please- Farzad &2 horses
Re: [RC] Beerr and Inner tubes
Re: [RC] Envy
Re: [RC] Ride Between Rivers- Steven Hay
Re: [RC] Ride Between Rivers- Steven Hay
Re: [RC] Why is Jody mean to Daryl?
Re: [RC] Ride Between Rivers- Steven Hay
Re: [RC] Virginia highlands - Daryl/Jody
Re: [RC] Dear French/ Virginia Highlands
Re: [RC] Why is Angie mean to Jody?
Victoria Thompson
[RC] Water trough mosquito dunks
[RC] Mosquito dunks - submerged
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