Hi all, I hope my warning got out to people in time. I did call ASRA but had to call several times to get a human this morning. She said she'd send someone over pretty quick. I just hope I gave a good enough discription of where they were so they can find it.
I think it was past the second brown trail marker (WS marker) but not sure..1/2 out and just around a turn. Looks like a brown football/pine cone shape but it's all bees.
As I mentioned if they are quiet, and you know where they are you can go around safely, but becareful as it was literally right in the middle of the trail and a horse/person could even step on it.
I was fearful of people night riding and not knowing it was there..but when we left (around 8:30-9:00pm there were no other trailers so hopefully not.
Anyway, if any of you know any people/out of towners riding the finish this week PLEASE somehow warn them to be careful!!
I saw many young kids riding and that a concern to for their safety.
take care, have fun, ride safe!
kathie :)
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