Re: [RC] New 30 minute rule for 50s - Long - Heidi Smith
>If the rule says 'in writing
before the ride', I consider the ride meeting being AT the ride not BEFORE the
ride. I would think that would clearly mean in the pre
ride literature sent out to us in advance of a ride. I am asking for
clarification from someone that knows, on one of those fine points that does
warrant clarification. When a person leaves home for a ride, he is under
certain assumptions about what he and his horse can expect as per their personal
level of condition. If he knows one hour is sufficient for his horse, but
30min may be cutting it close, and he is investing time and money he
has the opportunity to make his decision.
Many rides hand you a list of
criteria at signup or at the briefing. This is indeed "before the
ride." And it is a pretty big stretch to think that anyone would come to a
ride thinking that they needed an hour to recover at the end. As long as
this information is in your hands prior to you stepping over the starting line,
you can ride your ride accordingly. That's the point of the "before the
ride" part.
The scenario of having
requirements more strict than those published is not an uncommon one. And
in fact, AERC rules also state that: setting of
veterinary parameters, including but not limited
to pulse and respiration, shall be determined by the head
veterinarian. Since the ambient conditions are of prime concern in the setting
of parameters, these parameters should not be finalized more than 24 hours prior
to ride start. [emphasis mine]
Recovery time is a veterinary parameter. So
if the head vet feels that making this parameter more strict is in the best
interests of the horses given the ambient conditions, it is not only his choice
to do something about it, he is mandated to do so by the rules. And as per
the section of rule 6 already cited, the proper way to do this is to give it to
the riders in writing.
Technically, there is also a pulse parameter of 68
set in our rules for the finish criterion. VERY few rides anymore allow a
pulse this high, but it has become so common not to do so that few rides publish
this in writing prior to the ride anymore, in my experience in this area.
According to the rules, they are supposed to. Again, seems like a minor
technicality as long as all the riders know--but it is something for
RMs to think about so that they are not protested.
I haven't a clue if this ride had its rule
in writing or not. They clearly did a good job of advising
riders about it, in any event. (The riders were apparently less
confused about it than the ridecamp readership seems to be.
<g>) Instead of raising a brouhaha about something that was within
their jurisdiction to do, it might instead behoove us to simply encourage
managers to have a provision to print the parameters in the future to avoid
confusion and to protect themselves from protest from anyone who claims they
didn't know about a more strict protocol.