Re: [RC] Small horses and endurance riding - Renie Burnett
On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 10:30:21 -0400 Merryben@xxxxxxx writes: > Any of you
oldtimers that ever saw Rowell and Jim Jones, Rowell was a > tiny little
stallion and Jim was a big man. They did fine....mb >
I helped Jim train Rowel; he tossed me once so high I felt
like I was flying, until my nose hit the dirt and I skidded about 20 feet.
He became a wonderful endurance horse and Jim was a terrific rider. Rowel
weighed under 900 lbs, Jim and tack weighed 220. A neat thing back then
was Kerry Ridgeway with MOSTAR, Joe Hampton, with TARBEE, and Jim with
ROWEL, all small horses and all sired by RAWA from the old Travelers' Rest farm,
the same place that Wendell Robie got his stallion BANDOS. Tough
little horses; I guess this makes me an "Old timer!"