?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?ab ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? abandoned (as in a sever weather event)
DNS ? ? ? ? np ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? registered, entered, but didn't show up to start
DQ ? ? ? ? ? dis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?abusive behavior to person or animal
and at FEI a few notes:
If a horse or rider stops or is stopped on course it must be marked as elimination at the following vet gate.?For example, if a horse falls on the course on the second loop and is lame following the fall and stops, it?must be marked as ‘el-la’ at the third vet gate.?(Note that this was the stipulation which was violated at the recent European Championship)
If the horse is stopped by the vets on loop 4 as it is too tired to continue, and the horse receives treatment?it must be marked as ‘el-tr’ at the fifth vet gate.
If the rider becomes lost on the third loop and chooses not to continue but it taken off from the course,?this must be marked as ‘el-el’ at the fourth vet gate.
if a horse is eliminated for more than one reason i.e the horse is lame and also has metabolic problems?then all causes of elimination should be marked i.e la/me or la/tr.