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Thanks on two issues

First off, thanks for all the replies on how to make coffee at a ride.
I had no idea there were so many ways to make coffee!  I should compile
them to add to my web page I'm building.  BTW,  my personal favorite was
the one where you walk around the camp with an empty coffee mug and a
sad, dejected look on your face hoping that someone with hot coffee will
feel sorry enough for you to offer some! ;-)

The blanketing advice on trailering is really appreciated.  It saved me
some money.  I hadn't worried about blanketing my horses until I had
read somewhere, and I can't find where, that an endurance rider had
invented a blanket designed to keep their spines warm when trailering.
The money saved on not having to buy two blankets can go towards a ride
or perhaps a Supracor saddle pad or even better, some deerskin riding
pants that I've always wanted.

As for the vent thing:  I keep my vents open to face forward.  But I
also have been hauling in the Texas heat.  I also haul with the drop
down windows down, the bar guard up, and fly masks on their faces.
Although it drove me nuts with worry this summer to haul in 103 degree
weather my horses were cool.  At least as cool as they would have been
standing under a shade tree in the pasture.

My newest horse fresh from Colorado is so confused right now.  He came
all haired up for winter and now is shedding thinking that summer is
coming again.  I think he's had fall days in Texas ever bit as hot as
the hottest summer Rocky Mountain weather he's ever had to endure.


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