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Re: RC: Re: Re: What about blankets when trailering?
>One other thing-if you are going sans blanket, you need
> to make sure to keep your horse clean or at least brushed out. If they get
> coated with mud, they can't fluff that hair and keep themselves warm, so
> daily currying is needed.
> Tiffany
This is true, Tiffany, and is something those of us in colder climates
forget to mention, since when it is substantially below freezing, we don't
have mud, either. <G> We are also "fortunate" (if one wants to call it
that) in that our rainfall is quite sparse, so mud is not common even in
above-freezing times. (And dare I mention, pastures with grass, where there
isn't mud?? Ah, the joys of finally being on a place with hay meadows,
where most of the horses can go out after the hay is put up!)
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