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2009 Pan American Championship
Images by Steph Teeter

2009 Pan American Championship
Images by Steph Teeter

2009 Pan American Championship
Images by Steph Teeter

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Stories: Got Here Just in Time - Steph || Arrival in Uruguay - Dinah Rojek || Day Before the Race - Kathy Brunjes || Hola!! Kyle Gibbon
Vet In Day - Steph || Thursday Morning - Kathy Brunjes || Thursday Afternoon - Kathy Brunjes || On Loop 3 - Steph
Friday Night - Kathy || The Day After - Kathy|| Heading Home - Dinah || Pan Am Departure - Kyle
2 Medallas de oro para la Argentina - Claudia Quentin
Steph's Story:
Part 1, The Venue
Part 2, Team Effort - Uruguay and Argentina
Part 3, Team Effort - USA
Part 4, Team Effort - Guatemala and Malaysia

Images of the Event:
Vetting In || The Road || The Beach || The Camp || The Camp - more || The Finish || Awards Celebration || Team USA

Day Before the Race

Another busy day...it was gorgeous weather ' temps in low 70s and sunny but slight breeze. The horses vetted in today at 8am, with everyone looking terrific - the U.S. were first to present to the vets, and after a little bit of delay due to Vale still being in quarantine from the U.S. horses (she went first, and we had to wait for her horse to clear the lanes before the other 3 horses could go in). Riders weighed and we were ready! The horses were hand walked and then we visited the venue and at 11:00 am were all taken out to take a look at the water stops and trails. 47 km will be on the beach, and there is a lot of riding on the side of the highways. The beach areas are beautiful.

We got back around 1:30 and the riders and horses got ready to ride a portion of the beach with an escort. Kyle and I stayed back at the stables with Mary to put crew stuff together while the riders were out riding, and others went back out to re-look at the water stops and plan who would be at which stops tomorrow. After we got the crew stuff organized, I went in search of Mercedes Tapia and visited with her for a while. Saw a good many of the Malaysian riders from last year, and that was fun. The King had not year arrived - at least not at the venue.

We are back at the hotel and ready for an early bed - lots of pizza, some pasta and leftover organs (!) from last night and one last rider meeting and crewing meeting with Becky and Vonita and Jim. Everyone has gone off to shower or bed, but I wanted to post one more note to you all before I retire. Kyle is waiting for the computer, so Ied to be in the mid-high 60s and sunny with a slight breeze - perfect. The horses are ready and everyone is relaxed and prepared. There will be 39 starting the PanAms, about 26 in the young riders, and 6 in an open division. Not a huge number of horses, but enough to make it interesting. There are 6 teams competing tomorrow.
