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2009 Pan American Championship
Images by Steph Teeter

2009 Pan American Championship
Images by Steph Teeter

2009 Pan American Championship
Images by Steph Teeter

Home || Starters List || Official Website || Final Results

Stories: Got Here Just in Time - Steph || Arrival in Uruguay - Dinah Rojek || Day Before the Race - Kathy Brunjes || Hola!! Kyle Gibbon
Vet In Day - Steph || Thursday Morning - Kathy Brunjes || Thursday Afternoon - Kathy Brunjes || On Loop 3 - Steph
Friday Night - Kathy || The Day After - Kathy|| Heading Home - Dinah || Pan Am Departure - Kyle
2 Medallas de oro para la Argentina - Claudia Quentin
Steph's Story:
Part 1, The Venue
Part 2, Team Effort - Uruguay and Argentina
Part 3, Team Effort - USA
Part 4, Team Effort - Guatemala and Malaysia

Images of the Event:
Vetting In || The Road || The Beach || The Camp || The Camp - more || The Finish || Awards Celebration || Team USA

Panamericano Medals

(click to enlarge)
Gold Medal
Martin Lateulade (URU)
and Diyo Bayo

(click to enlarge)
Silver Medal
Pio Olascoaga (URU)
and Batovi Dorado

(click to enlarge)
Bronze Medal
Juan Caceres (URU)
and Spartaco IN

Senior 120 km Finish

1.  6:15 Martin Lateulade - Diyo Bayo (URU)
2.  6:15 Pio Juan Miguel Olascoaga Amaya (URU) - Btovi Dorado
3.  6:28 Juan Cruz Caceres (URU) - Spartaco In
4.  6:28 Patricio Guzman (URU) - Clarita VV
5.  6:31 Pablo De Los Heros (ARG) - Moro Ideal
Full Results

Young Rider Medals

Gold Medal (YR) 120 km
Martina Spelanzon (ARG) and RP Dardanell

Silver Medal (YR) 120 km
Cristina Mutis (COL) and Gaine Four

Bronze Medal (YR) 120 km
Fernando Jr. Spelanzon (ARG) and FS Bucefalo
Young Rider 120 km Finish
1 5:50 Martina Spelanzon (Arg) - RP Dardanell 
2      Cristina Mutis (Col) - Gaine Four
3      Fernando Jr. Spelanzon (Arg) - FS Bucefalo 
Full Results

Non-Panamericano Medals

Gold Medal 120 km - Dominique Freeman (GBR) and Roger HCF

Silver Medal 120 km - HM Tuanku Mizan (MAY) and Tormento

Bronze Medal 120 km - Dato Abdullah Taib (MAY) and Horus
Non-PAC Medals
1. Dominique Freeman - ROGER HCF - Great Britain
2. HM Tuanku Mizan  - TORMENTO - Malaysia
3. Dato Abdullah Taib - HORUS - Malaysia

Team Medals

Gold - Argentina

Pablo De Los Heros

Miguel Pavlovsky

Cristian Petersen

Santiago Vita

Silver - USA

Cheryl Van Deusen

Gabrielle Mann

Valerie Kanavy

Stephen Rojek

Bronze - Guatemala

Clarissa De Wit Aldana

Fernando Paiz Larrave

Laura Paiz Larrave

Jaima Humberto Masilla Vargas

Team Standings at Finish

1 Argentina 
2 USA 
3 Guatemala 

Young Rider Team Standings at Finish

1 Argentina - YR
Full Results

Vetting In (Steph Teeter)

The Road (Steph Teeter)

The Beach (Steph Teeter)

The Camp (Steph Teeter)

The Camp - More (Steph Teeter)

The Finish (Steph Teeter)

Celebration & Awards(Steph Teeter)

Team USA (Steph Teeter)

Campeonato Panamericano de Endurance - 2 Medallas de oro para la Argentina- Claudia Quentin

El concurrido Campeonato Panamericano 2009 tuvo esta vez lugar en la localidad de Costa Azul, Canelones, Uruguay. Este deporte que aún no es olímpico pero que con seguridad no tardará en serlo, es un permanente foco de atención para los amantes de la equitación alrededor del mundo.

En una carrera que se desarrolló en un recorrido de 120 km. por varios tipos de terreno – playa, arena profunda, caminos de tierra y pedregullo- los jinetes de 12 países, entre los cuales estaban presentes Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, EEUU, Uruguay, Bélgica, Emiratos Árabes, España, Gran Bretaña, Holanda y Malasia. El Rey de Malasia Su Majestad Tuank Mizan no participó del Campeonato Panamericano en vez corrió el Open, en el que ganó la medalla de plata.

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Pan Am Departure - Kyle

The PanAmericans were a wonderful experience, our U.S. Team worked so well together! Everyone did great, amazing horses and a marvelous team! A huge applause to everyone!

After all 4 members of our team completed, we cleaned up our crew areas and headed to the barns. The horses were taken care of and we headed back to the hotel to change and shower for a celebration feast! Steph Teeter and most of our team headed back to the same restaurant that we had gone to a few nights prior. Fortunately, this time our spanish was at peak and it went much smoother :-)

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Heading Home - Dinah

Hi from in-transit on the way home from Uruguay.

What a great performance. The riders were flexible and their ability to adjust while keeping their horses safe and sound resulted in a silver medal for the US of A. Just a quick recap: four horses went and four horses finished in the following order: Valery Kanavy on Princessa, Cheryl Van Deusen and Steve Rojek, who spent the whole ride together riding Al Capone and Saavy. Gabrielle Mann and Big and Easy made it four to finish.

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The Day After - Kathy

we are all sitting around having coffee and pastries (along with the prerequisite ham and cheese sandwiches) and mulling over yesterday´s events. Kyle, Tom, Cheryl and I have already been out to the horses and turned them out and cleaned stalls. Horses look terrific.

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Friday Night - Kathy

Well, the ride is over and we have had a spectacular day! Weather was perfect - 60s and sunny with a breeze - overcast most of morning. And the horses were fresh and (ok, so you are all waiting now for who won) we had a 6th, 11th, 12th and Gabrielle was near the end of the pack - but the important thing is that we finised all four and (ta da) we medaled as a team. SILVER medal!

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Race Day: On Loop 3 - Steph

All of the riders are now on loop 3. They've done 63 kilometers at this point, they're half way around. It's a VERY fast pace, and the young riders are really going at it. All of the USA riders are still in, Valerie, Gabrielle, Steve and Cheryl in that order. The horses look great.

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Thursday Afternoon - Kathy Brunjes

Another busy day...it was gorgeous weather - temps in low 70s and sunny but slight breeze. The horses vetted in today at 8am, with everyone looking terrific - the U.S. were first to present to the vets, and after a little bit of delay due to Val's horse still being in quarantine from the U.S. horses (she went first, and we had to wait for her horse to clear the lanes before the other 3 horses could go in). Riders weighed and we were ready! The horses were hand walked and then we visited the venue and at 11:00 am were all taken out to take a look at the water stops and trails. 47 km will be on the beach, and there is a lot of riding on the side of the highways. The beach areas are beautiful.

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Thursday Morning - Kathy Brunjes

it's 5:45 and I'm waiting for Kyle, Tom, Cheryl and Mary for the trip out to the stables. Coffee is served to me and I am really glad this morning...a little too much vino last night with everyone at dinner...a traditional (per Flavia) Uruguay bbq - Cia & Sue, remember the bbqs in Spain with all body organs included in the mix - even blood sausages.....!!! lots of grilled veggies and lots of meat. Lots of meat. For the faint-hearted, there was some chicken thrown in and a really good sausage made of beef and pork. We all gathered in the common dining area for this feast.

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Vet In Day - Steph

The day is over now, horses are vetted in, riders, crews, officials - all of the people who make these events - are pretty much ready for tomorrow. The OC is still printing and updating and answering questions and trying to keep smiling as the tasks keep piling up - the details, the fires to fight... all the STUFF that goes hand in hand with hosting an major FEI Endurance Championship. All in all spirits are high. The weather is absolutely perfect - warm but not too hot, some sunshine, and a nice breeze to go with it. The smell of the beach and sandy forest trees - eucalyptus, pines - a little touch of fall in the air.

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Hola! - Kyle Gibbon

Here we are at the Pan American Games in Costa Azul, Uruguay. Also known here as the ¨PANAMERICANO DE ENDURANCE¨. We have 4 american riders representing the United States in a team and they are Gabrielle Mann (CA), Stephen Rojek (VT), Valerie Kanavy(VA), and Cheryl Van Deusen (FL). Our grooms/crew include Desiree Mann, Kyle Gibbon, Dinah Rojek, Mary Farris, Tom Hutchinson, Kathy Brunjes and Grace Ramsey. Other components of our team include Vonita Bowers, our vet Jim Bryant Jr., and Chef d´equipe Becky Hart. Gabrielle Mann will be riding CM Big Easy, Stephen Rojek on Seyvilla Triproof, Cheryl Van Deusen on Da Al Capone. I am not sure who Valerie will be riding.
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Arrival in Uruguay - Dinah Rojek

Hello from Uruguay,
The horses look fabulous and if poor Kathy Brunjes would arrive, all would be complete.

Kathy spent days getting here, due to weather, missed connections and delays. Hopefully Tom Hutchinson is picking her up as I write this, Steve Rojek, Becky Hart, Vonita Bowers, Kyle Gibbon and I arrived yesterday. We packed into a car with our luggage piled to the ceiling for a short trip to Atlantida to dump the stuff then on to the venue.

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Got Here Just In Time!! - Steph Teeter

The day is over now, horses are vetted in, riders, crews, officials - all of the people who make these events - are pretty much ready for tomorrow. The OC is still printing and updating and answering questions and trying to keep smiling as the tasks keep piling up - the details, the fires to fight... all the STUFF that goes hand in hand with hosting an major FEI Endurance Championship. All in all spirits are high. The weather is absolutely perfect - warm but not too hot, some sunshine, and a nice breeze to go with it. The smell of the beach and sandy forest trees - eucalyptus, pines - a little touch of fall in the air.
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Thursday pm in Uruguay - Kathy Brunjes

Day Before the Race

Another busy day...it was gorgeous weather ' temps in low 70s and sunny but slight breeze. The horses vetted in today at 8am, with everyone looking terrific - the U.S. were first to present to the vets, and after a little bit of delay due to Vale still being in quarantine from the U.S. horses (she went first, and we had to wait for her horse to clear the lanes before the other 3 horses could go in). Riders weighed and we were ready! The horses were hand walked and then we visited the venue and at 11:00 am were all taken out to take a look at the water stops and trails. 47 km will be on the beach, and there is a lot of riding on the side of the highways. The beach areas are beautiful.
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Steph's Story- Wrap Up, Part 1. the Venue

My first experience with Uruguay endurance was as pleasant as this most recent event. They are wonderful people, and first class Endurance competitors. Uruguay has been doing 'Raids' for almost 50 years. These are fast distance races - 100 kilomters, 60 miles - with the emphasis on fast. They have also been breeding horses during this time that would excel in this sport. They have a special breed of 'endurance horse' - and they are amazing to see. Not the typey pretty Scottsdale Arabian, but more like a cross between a thoroughbred, an arabian and a greyhound dog. When you see these horses you think 'fast and tough' . And they are. Most of the purist Arabian breeders cringe at the homely heads and gangly look, but heck... they're tough and they're fast.

Home || Starters List || Official Website || Final Results

Stories: Got Here Just in Time - Steph || Arrival in Uruguay - Dinah Rojek || Day Before the Race - Kathy Brunjes || Hola!! Kyle Gibbon
Vet In Day - Steph || Thursday Morning - Kathy Brunjes || Thursday Afternoon - Kathy Brunjes || On Loop 3 - Steph
Friday Night - Kathy || The Day After - Kathy|| Heading Home - Dinah || Pan Am Departure - Kyle
2 Medallas de oro para la Argentina - Claudia Quentin
Steph's Story:
Part 1, The Venue
Part 2, Team Effort - Uruguay and Argentina
Part 3, Team Effort - USA
Part 4, Team Effort - Guatemala and Malaysia

Images of the Event:
Vetting In || The Road || The Beach || The Camp || The Camp - more || The Finish || Awards Celebration || Team USA

Definite Entries