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A Lofty Goal: Monk and Lindsay Graham || A Blessing in Mule's Feet: Golden Lightning and Jan Worthington
Steely Determination II: Steel Patriot, Bogart VF and Charisse Glenn
Looking Down the Trail: LZP Julioslastchance and Sue White Hedgecock
"Run Like the Wind Bullseye!": Hot Desert Knight and Farzad Faryadi
Problem Horses: Syrocco Reveille, Syrocco Harmony and Meg Sleeper
Kentucky Horse Park || WEC - Day Before
World Endurance Championship Vet In Day
2010 World Endurance Championship - Part I
2010 World Endurance Championship - Part II
2010 World Endurance Championship - Part III

USA 2010 World Equestrian Games News

Hunterdon residents bound for World Equestrian Games in Kentucky

NJ.com - Full Article

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lillian Shupe/Hunterdon County Democrat

Some Hunterdon residents are headed down to Kentucky for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG). Some will be there to watch, some compete and others will be working behind the scenes.

The games get underway with opening ceremonies on Saturday. It is the first time the Games have been held on American soil and the first time all eight world championships will be held together.

Kingwood Township resident Meg Sleeper will compete in endurance riding which will start on Sunday morning.

An Endurance Ride is a competition testing the speed and the endurance ability of the horse. To be successful, the competitor must have knowledge of pace and efficient and safe use of his horse across country. The competition is against the clock over a distance of 100 miles with at least five stops for veterinarians to check the horses’ fitness to continue. The competitor who finishes the ride in the shortest time wins.

Last fall Sleeper was on the team that won a test event at the same location as the Games. Sleeper finished sixth overall in the event...


Shaker Village the 21st - Heather Reynolds - Reynoldsracing.us - Full Article

Tuesday, 21 September 2010 Sorry, I have not had internet until now. We had to move out of the hotel for the second time right before they decided who would make the team so I have not written since.

Our team which you have probably heard by now is:
Ellen Rapp on Berjo Smoke
Meg Sleeper on Syrocco Harmony
Jan Worthington on Golden Lightening
Heather Reynolds on Ssamiam

Our individual is:
Lindsay Graham on Monk

Deborah Reich on DJB Juniper

We were all on pins and needles to hear who would make it. After our final trot out for the selectors we were all relieved because at that point we had done all we could and it was now up to the committees to decide.

We were waiting from about 10 am until 4:30 pm. A long day to say the least. Then when they did announce the team they did so in alphabetical order and started with Ellen Rapp so poor Lindsay thought she had not been selected, then they announced the individual after that. She was overwhelmed...


Blittersdorf is alternate for U.S. Endurance team

Burlingtonfreepress.com - Full Article

Jeffersonville woman training for World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky

By Mike Donoghue, Free Press Staff Writer • Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Melody Blittersdorf is hoping to take the horse ride of her life.

The Jeffersonville woman is representing the United States on the Endurance team at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky.

The Endurance is a 100-mile horse race with at least five mandatory stops along the way for veterinarians to check the horses to ensure they can continue, Blittersdorf said in a recent interview.

“I’m the only one from Vermont in any of eight disciplines and the only one from New England in the Endurance,” she said. The competition also includes Dressage, Driving, Eventing, Jumping, Para Dressage, Reining and Vaulting.

The international games are held every four years and this marks the first time they are in America, Blittersdorf said.

The list of Endurance riders on the U.S. team was recently cut to five finalists, but Blittersdorf was named as an alternate and could still move up, according to her husband, Jeff Blittersdorf.

He said his wife is still hoping for a chance to perform at the games, which run from Saturday until Oct. 10 and will be aired on national television — NBC-TV — over three weekends...


Close Contact with the World Equestrian Games

Racehorsetoshowhorse.blogspot.com - Full Story and pictures

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First of all, I have to tell you how awesome my husband is...

He bought me a ticket to the Dressage Finals on October 1st so I can watch my idols ride. I am so excited!! I know I'll be tired because I'll be coming back from an 11 day road trip for work and going straight from the airport to the arena but I don't care! Matt has a photo credential (we could only get one) so he'll be there too.

Also, my husband received a call from his cousin who lives in California. Turns out that his step daughter was selected to ride on the U.S. Endurance Team!! Matt and I know very little about endurance riding except that it's one of the FEI competitions at WEG.

We are learning quickly! The riders compete in a 100 mile race that will have several vet checks. The winner of the race is the rider who crosses the finish line first AND the horse recovers as "fit to continue" the fastest in the vet check. Wikipedia has a great explanation (considerably better and more concise than what I could write) of the competition - Click Here to Read.

Matt contacted his cousin's step-daughter and we met up with the team at an undisclosed location near the Kentucky Horse Park. They were training at this farm.

Without further ado, let me introduce to you the U.S. Endurance Team!


WEG for MONK - FEIRedhorse blog

Sad to say, but the only reason that MONK made the WEG team was because Jeremy Reynolds pulled his beloved Smitty. If you knew what the selectors knew you would have to make the same call. You want your "suspect horse" to be the individual rider and not in the 4 horse team. I think the only reason he would be "suspect" was his pull in Danville. MONK has never had any lameness issues until he traveled on that coarse, where he obviously found a hole with his name on it. I have lots to say about Danville, but will leave that for another time. I think under other circumstances I would of pulled my horse and gone home, but the lure of being on the WEG USA team was too strong and I/we succumbed to the pressure. I abandoned what I knew was best for my horse. But I was not the only one, not that that is any consolation...


Pre Shaker Village - FEIRedhorse blog - Full Story

Friday September 17 2010

This is a post that I wrote some time ago, but did not feel it was appropriate to post until now. I will finish the post at the end so you know what happened....

Pre Shaker Village

Not widely known but MONK was in fact pulled at Danville. He had completed the 17 and 24 mile loop when he came up off on the left front at the Vet check. Well, needless to say our hearts sank to the bottom depths of our chests. The head vet told Lindsay that the FAT lady had not sung yet, so to just wait and see what happens.

MONK had been standing at the trailer for over 3 hours. He had been iced and his legs were in wraps with poultice. Becky Hart and a couple of Vets showed up at our trailer and wanted MONK to trot out, so we did. They trotted him out a couple of times, all of which looked perfect to me and others, who were standing around. He was pronounced significantly better, (I think that means not lame)..

Needless to say we were very happy and surprised that he was selected to go to Shaker. I was asked prior to the selection if I would be willing to have a full lameness exam done on MONK, to which I agreed.

As soon as I got to Lexington I got a call from Dr. Duncan Peters from Hagyard vet clinic. We made an appointment for him to see MONK at their clinic, which is right across the street from Lexington Horse Park.

A couple of days prior to the appointment MONK showed up with a large 6" scrape on his left rear butt cheek where he probably skidded out on the wet grass. I was not too concerned as I was pretty sure that there was no lameness to be found.

Dr. Peters did all the standard lameness exam stuff, trotting out, circling and a flexion exam, which I am not too fond of.. MONK showed sings on his left rear, (where he had fallen) of taking a few bad steps after the flexion test. We were sent home with some Bute and said he would call for a re check the next week...


Worthington, 70, on U.S. endurance team

Courier-journal.com - Full Article

By Jennie Rees • jrees@courier-journal.com • September 17, 2010

HARRODSBURG, Ky. — Seventy-year-old Jan Worthington made the five-woman team that will compete for the United States in endurance at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games at the Kentucky Horse Park, team coach Becky Hart said Friday evening at Shaker Village.

Worthington will be the oldest U.S. competitor in any of the eight disciplines at the Games, which run Sept. 25-Oct. 10, and likely will be the oldest for any country. The 100-mile endurance competition is Sept.26.

“Experience, old age and treachery, remember?” Worthington joked.

“I hope I break your record,” said 33-year-old team member Heather Reynolds...


USA WEC Team Announced

Friday September 17 2010

Riding for the USA Team at the World Endurance Championship in Lexington, Kentucky on September 26, 2010 will be:

Heather Reynolds on Ssamiam
Jan Worthington on Golden Lightning
Meg Sleeper on Syrocco Harmony
Ellen Rapp on Berjo Smokey

Lindsay Graham on Monk will be the individual rider.

The US Team Alternate is Deb Reich on DJB Juniper.

Shaker Countdown - Thursday

FEIRedhorse blog - Full Story

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well tomorrow is the day when all the selectors will make their decision on which 5 horse and rider teams will go to WEG. I try and not think about it too much, but it is always hiding somewhere. I am a person who never ever counts his chickens. At the AERC champ ride everyone was whispering, what is wrong with Chris, his horse is leading the race. I held my breath until the trot out at the finish, and a thumbs up from the head Vet.

Actually I have a very good feeling about everything. The level of experience and the professionalism that this group has shown me has been unbelievable. Their willingness to share and to help their fellow team mate shows what kind of people they really are. I feel very privileged to be in the presence of, and included in such a group.

I have a neighbor in California who is very religious and when we have need of divine intervention we ask her to pray. She emailed me the other day and I started out the email by asking her to pray that MONK made the team, then I thought about it a little more and then told her I would like to rephrase that request...

The Republic of Endurance

Horsebytes Blog - Monica Bretherton - Full Story

There's an endurance powerhouse missing from the list of nations competing at the World Equestrian Games.

That is the Republic of Texas.

This realization came while talking to Darolyn Butler last week. We met briefly at the WEG trials in Brothers, Oregon, when she was hoping to possibly be riding herself in Kentucky. That was not to be, but she still had a major role to play - as standard bearer for the State of Texas and international endurance racing in general.

When I asked how many of her horses were nominated, she listed five, plus one she sold. In addition, Kattie Shah's horse Ace's Comett, one of Cecilia Strahle-Engquist's possible mounts, is a resident of her farm, Cypress Trails.

You might quibble that only one of her horses has a rider who is Texas-born and bred - her daughter, Ceci Butler-Stasiuk. The three members of the Namibian Endurance team, Anna Wucher, Kordula Voghts and Olivia Mattaei, and a Colombian, Maurizio Gaona, are riding four more, and the mare she sold, DJB Juniper, is shortlisted for the USET team with American rider Deborah Reich of Croton-on-Hudson,New York.

Still, Darolyn pointed out that only a few countries are likely to field more horses than Texas. I wanted to know exactly how she had become its standard-bearer at the World Equestrian Games, and that meant delving into the past...


Shaker Village the 13th

Reynolds Racing - Heather's Blog - Full Story

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Above you will see Sam's dinner, now you can see where he gets his goofy side from:)

We have been keeping busy. This past weekend Jim Bryant came here again and trotted all of the horses. I think he was happy with the over all group.

On Saturday morning our group was asked to be the guest speakers for the annual Al Khamsa (SP?) convention. At the last minute the speaker that they originally had could not make it so we became the show. Their group was very nice. The club is based on having horses bloodlines that go back to Bedouin blood on all lines of their pedigree, or so I understood it, sorry if I have it wrong.

After our speech about the WEG endurance team we headed out and had brunch at Cracker Barrel. After we were all fed we headed over to Spy Coast.

Spy Coast is a hunter jumper barn. It is a stunning facility. The barn was immaculate, airy and state of the art. We all admired the barn. Spy Coast arranged for the USA team to park our trailers on their property which is great, as it will be the closest possible place for us to park next to the crew area for ride day. We were also able to view the crew lay out from their property.

While we were there we saw Ivanhoe, Michelle Roush's mount. Spy Coast is the proud owner of this mare...


U.S. Endurance Team training at Shaker Village

AMNews.com - Full Article

By DAVID BROCK - dbrock@amnews.com

September 15, 2010

PLEASANT HILL — If the U.S. Endurance Team has any success at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, it may credit some simple gifts gained from thundering through the hilly terrain once staked out by the Shakers.

Ten endurance riders have been in training at Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill since Sept. 1 with hopes of being one of five chosen for the final U.S. team.

Becky Hart, the Endurance Team’s coach (or Chef d’Equipe,) said a group, including veterinarians, will convene Friday to decide which five riders and horses will move on to the Kentucky Horse Park on Sept. 24 for the competition.

With many locations to choose from, Hart said Shaker Village stood out because of the terrain and the fact the team could take its meals and training within walking distance. Also, instead of working a small pasture or track, members get to spread out on the 33 miles of horse trails at Pleasant Hill...


World Equestrian Games hopeful 'Zar' indeed a breed apart

Courier-journal.com - Full Article

By Jennie Rees • jrees@courier-journal.com • September 15, 2010

You've heard of shaggy dog stories. This is a Shagya horse story.

A rare breed of horse similar but distinct from the Arabian, the Shagya is so scarce in Kentucky that only two or three might be born in the commonwealth in a given year. But one of those, 13-year-old SA Belshazzar, is in the final days of evaluation to represent the United States in the 100-mile endurance race Sept.26 at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington.

It is the first time a Shagya born in the United States — let alone Kentucky — has made it to the short list for WEG endurance, a sport dominated by Arabians, according to Darlene Steven of Finchville, Ky., a past president and founding member of the organization that registers Shagyas in this country.

Of the 10 riders and 12 horses still in the running for the American team, five rider-horse combinations will be chosen Friday. Zar, as the gelding is called, is one of two horses who made the short list with rider Ellen Rapp. He also could serve as an alternate for Rapp if she is chosen for the team with her other horse, a 15-year-old Arabian...

Read more here:

70-year-old World Equestrian Games rider for U.S. already is endurance winner


To Jan Worthington, riding a horse 100 miles during a Malaysian monsoon or unloading more than a ton of hay is just another day.

She's that tough.

She also might be the oldest competitor in the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games that begin this month at the Kentucky Horse Park near Lexington.

Worthington, a mother of three and grandmother of four, is 70. She's on the 10-rider “short list” to compete for the United States in the Sept. 26 WEG endurance event, which involves riding a horse over a total of 100 miles in one day.

If she makes the cut for the five-member U.S. endurance team, Worthington will be America's oldest competitor in any of the eight equine disciplines at the games, which run Sept.25 through Oct. 10. And though final entries aren't due until Sept. 21, she'd very likely be the oldest of any team member, WEG publicists said.

Worthington is an icon in the endurance world and has been involved with the sport for 38 years.

“Jan is the person we all want to be like when we grow up,” said Kathy Hart, the U.S. team's coach-manager, called a chef d'equip. “She's amazing. She can do twice what a normal person can do.”

Legend has it Worthington and her horse Golden Lightning were struck by lightning while competing in the World Endurance Championships two years ago in Malaysia. That's not quite true, she says.

Amid torrential rain she saw a flash of lightning strike the ground yards away. She said she believes her horse, nicknamed Leon, felt the charge through his metal shoes.

“Leon went crazy,” she said — leaping twice and throwing her off, though she held onto her reins.

“And he dragged me.” she said. “All this is going through my mind so quickly, ‘You can't be drug any more. You've got to let go of the rein.' And then in the next instant my thought was, ‘You've come too far. Hang on.' He finally stopped.

“I opened my eyes,” she said — and found herself on her back under the spooked horse's belly.


What are the U.S. Team Horses up to before the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games?


Release: September 14 2010
Author: Joanie Morris

Lexington, KY - Ten days to go before the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (September 25-October 10) and the American horses and riders are putting the finishing touches on their preparation. Where are they and what are they up to?

The ENDURANCE horses are all in Harrodsburg, KY where they are traversing and training through historic Shaker Village less than an hour from the Kentucky Horse Park. All 12 horses (10 riders - as Meg Sleeper and Ellen Rapp each have two) have been training well and staying fit under the guidance of Chef d'Equipe Becky Hart. They will have their final veterinary evaluation on the September 17, after which the final teal will be named.

There are an unprecedented amount of family ties in the endurance group this year: Heather and Jeremy Reynolds are married (both are named to the short list) and Jeremy's identical twin brother, Tim grooms for him. Ellen Rapp's groom is also her identical twin sister Eryn. The chances of being an identical twin are 0.4% or 1 in 250, so the chance of two different identical twins being on this list of 10 is incredible.

Shaker Village "Day Off"

- FEIRedhorse Blog

Monday, September 13, 2010

Riders have a day off on Monday so a trip was planned to go to the Horse Park and see the Arabain exibit and stop by Vonita's office at USEF to visit and look at some of the ideas for team shirts.

I left Shaker first as I needed to go back to the farm where MONK had stayed and I am currently living to park my ONK dog. The farm is right on the way to the horse park so I took a couple of pictures while waiting for all the girls..

The entrance is pretty impressive as are some of the homes on this road. They are all probably on 2 to 5 acre parcels and Ron owns 100 acres of farm land right in the middle of all these very nice homes.. The big hay field that you see in one of the pictures fronts Hwy 68 and that is where I used the brush hog to cut and fashion about 5 or more miles of trails up and down the rolling hills. We had some 1/4 pretty flat runs where I could let him go modertely fast. It has since been hayed so looks pretty park like...

More story and photos

Shaker Village, WEG training 9th and 10th

- FEIRedhorse Blog

Photos from Shaker Village by Chris Martin

Shaker Village the 10th

- Reynolds Racing Blog

Friday, 10 September 2010

Well we have moved out of our rooms for the weekend and we are staying in our trailers. We have been practicing a lot of bullet hand offs on the fly and the horses are getting better.

Yesterday we had a radio interview. Sam was the sound bite for hooves clopping in the background... his moment of fame.

All of the horses are looking good. We did have another horse move into the barn, a cart pony. The good news is that the grounds manager was made aware of our health concerns for our horses and he has put a freeze on any future stall rentals for the rest of our stay. Thank God, or thank Michelle Roush:) We also now have big Quarantine signs on the outside paddocks.


Sept 7th Shaker Village

- Reynolds Racing Blog

Tuesday, 07 September 2010

Today was pretty tame. We all met for a 7:30 breakfast at the dining hall of Shaker Village. There were candles on each table as well as pitchers of juice. It was a buffet. Very pleasant, Ellen and my favorite part was the perfectly crispy bacon. It is rare to find it done the way we like it.

After the breakfast we had a brief meeting and headed to the barn. We put the first set of horses on the walker.

After the walking, all of the horse/rider combos went one at a time in 15 min increments practicing bullet hand offs. (This is where you get handed a jug of water to pour on your horse as you fly by on horseback). That was fun and time well spent. It was windy so we all got fairly wet.

Jeremy and I rode Sam and Smitty after this. They were great. We did a really nice 12 miles at a rapid clip. They are both looking fabulous!...

Read more here:

Shaker Village

- Reynolds Racing - Heather's Blog

Monday, 6 September 2010

We have now been in Shaker Village for a week. Almost all of the riders are here. Meg has not arrived yet but both of her horses have been here and Michelle Roush and her horse arrived yesterday and we got to see Emmit, the ride manager for the World Championship.

Jeremy went straight to work on assembling the Supreme Horse Walker the first day we were here. There was a problem with the fencing as they had not been arranged for. Jason Stasuk fixed that problem with a few phone calls. We are in full operation with the walker going for two sets a day.

The housing we have is nice. All riders got a room and each room has a full bathroom. Jeremy and I got two rooms so Deborah's crew, Emilio is staying in our extra at the moment. Something we were not expecting is that we are on our own for meals and there isn't a place to make food unless you can cook everything in a microwave and store enough stuff for 14 people in one hotel room size fridge!

The horses are healthy and things are looking good. All of the people here are getting along well...


Sunday September 5 2010

Shaker Village, The Machine

FEIRedhorse Blog - Story and pictures

The first few days were spent putting together "The Machine". Very nice variable speed, 6 horse exerciser. We had some horse panels donated, just to use, by a local TSC store. It went together pretty nicely and at one point had about 10 people working on it. Usually all 6 slots are filled, both for the AM and the PM works. Quite a few people on the team have these type of walkers and use them extensively. MONK has been in one before but only maybe for a total of 2 hours and two separate times. They seem to take to it quickly and hopefully are relatively safe. Some of the fancy ones I saw at the big barns are enclosed with shredded rubber for the surface and you can customize the workout. This one is a basic model that you do everything manually on.


Shaker Village, Day 1

FEIRedhorse Blog - Story and pictures

Friday September 3, 2010

As you drive down Hwy 68 on your way to Shaker Village the road start to get pretty narrow and twisty. You wind all the way down to a bridge that goes over the Kentucky river.

At this point you are probably only 6 miles from the Village, but if your towing a big rig you have to really pay attention, road is very narrow and very twisty. As you approach the village the first thing you see is a big sign that says that it is home to the USA Endurance team.


US Endurance Team finds a home at Shaker Village

- Kentucky.com - Full Article

September 2 2010

By Greg Kocher - gkocher1@herald-leader.com

harrodsburg — They were industrious and famous for woodworking and animal husbandry, but the 1800s religious sect known as the Shakers weren't known for their athleticism.

However, for the next three weeks, a restored historic settlement in Mercer County, will host some of the top equestrian riders in the world. Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill is where the U.S. Endurance Team will train for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.

Shaker Village has hosted everything from craft shows to education-reform roundtables for years. But "we have never been a training camp before, so this is a new experience for us," said Madge Adams, president and CEO of the site.

Endurance is essentially a 100-mile horse race with five compulsory stops for veterinarians to check the horses' fitness to continue. The competitor who finishes the ride in the shortest time wins.

Shaker Village was selected as a training site because it was close to the Kentucky Horse Park, where the Games will be held Sept. 25 to Oct. 10, said Vonita Bowers, director of endurance for the U.S. Equestrian Federation. She and endurance coach Becky Hart — called a chef d'equipe in the endurance world — visited several sites last year...

Read more here:

Shagya Arabian to compete in the USA WEG Trials

American Shagya Arabian Verband

August 30th, 2010

Kentucky owned and bred Shagya Arabian horse SA Belshazzar will compete in the USA WEG Trials to determine the national USA WEG Endurance Team at Shaker Hill in the next few weeks. He is owned and bred by Daunna Sellers (859-485-4403) of Verona, Kentucky and is Registered with the American Shagya Arabian Verband (ASAV) a Kentucky Non-Profit Corporation that registers the Shagya Arabian Horse in the USA. Contact person: Darlene Steven, past President, founding member lives in Finchville, Kentucky (502-419-7638)

Belshazzar will be staying in Henryville for two days before leaving for the trials. On Tuesday, August 31st the ASAV will host a media meet and greet from 10 am to 3pm at Connie Caudill’s Farm in Henryville. (see directions below) In attendance will be SA Belshazzar (the WEG shagya arabian horse), Ellen Rapp the rider, Daunna Sellers the owner, Darlene Steven ASAV media rep, Connie Caudill, AERC President (American Endurance Ride Conference) who represents the USA as the volunteer coordinator for WEG endurance competitions. (812-967-5973)

Reporters will be able to take photos, video, talk with the people above, and interact with the horse. He will leave for Shaker Hill on Wednesday, so this is a one day event.

Story factoids:

SA Belshazzar is fathered by Bayram who stands at Seller’s Farm in Verona. Mother is Jayel TongaFarah, both owned by Sellers. He is a grey Shagya Arabian who stands 15.1 hands tall and is 13 years old. He is being ridden by Ellen Rapp and longtime endurance rider from LaMotte, Iowa. Both Ellan and “Zar” have been trained by Jeremy Olson. He is owned by Daunna Sellers of Verona, Kentucky who has bred and raised shagya arabians for over 20 years and is a founding member and breed registrar for the ASAV. Sellers also owns Bayram the sire of “Zar” as he is fondly refer to by everyone who loves him. Bayram’s sire Oman was also the sire of SMR Fayette de Cameo who won the Tevis Cup in 2002 and the Haggin Cup. The Tevis is known as the most grueling 100 mile endurance race in the country.

Hungares, also a Shagya Arabian Horse was the 2006 WEG Endurance Champion was bred by Babolna, the State Stud for breeding horses in Hungary. The horse was owned by Spaniard, Miguel Vila Ubach.

The American Shagya Arabian Verband will hold its 5th National Membership meeting during the first weekend of WEG September 24th - 27th. The meeting will include a Shagya Arabian Judge’s Seminar with Dr. Walter Huber and Dr. Egon Kamarasy both certified International Shagya Judges. The seminar will start on Saturday September 25th break for the WEG Games Opening Ceremony and Endurance 100 mile Race on Sunday, to be continued on Monday the 27th. The membership meeting will be held on Friday evening at Buckcreek Farm in Finchville, Ky. The meeting is open to everyone for free. There is a cost for the Judges Seminar please check the ASAV Webpage for details. www.shagyaregistry.com.

This will be the fourth time the ASAV has held it’s national meeting in Shelby County, Kentucky. Darlene Steven owns Buckcreek Farm and has bred Shagya Arabian for close to 25 years says, “She is excited to have this Shagya Arabian Judges Seminar at her farm. It will be the first time such an extensive and educational event has been held in the USA.” The Shagya Arabian is a rare and endangered breed of horse with less then 2000 breeding animals worldwide. The breed was developed by the former Austro Hungarian Empire of the Habsburg Family, where as after WW II, was segregated into the former East Block of Nations with very few animals outside of those countries. The first record of Shagya Arabians imported to the United States were with the horses with also included Lipizzaners and Purebred Arabians that were imported by General Patton for the U. S. Cavalry at the end of the war. Since that time, individual breeders have imported Shagya Arabian from Europe which today have formed a collection of breeding animals across the United States with a largest group being bred in the Pacific Coast and the Midwest.

Dr. Walter Huber is on the Board of Directors of the Internationale Shagya Araber Geselleshaft and will be the lead clinician for the event. Huber is known as a horsemen and international judge in Europe. Dr. Egon Kamarasy is a retired Professor from the University of Illinois at Carbondale. He was born in Hungary in the 1920’s and was part of the Hungarian Cavalry after WW II came to the United States and became a Political Science Professor. He will assist at the event and is also a ISG International Judge who has officiated at a number of Hungarian Horse Shows

Back in Illinois

- Heather Reynolds' Blog

Sunday, 29 August 2010

On Sunday the 22 of Aug I went to Yosemite and stayed overnight to hike Half Dome with my parents and sisters and some friends. We hiked on Monday and then drove home that night. Jeremy had too many horses to shoe so we sadly went without him. He has done the hike a few times already so it wasn't too horrible for him, although I am sure he would have loved to have gone.

We got back on Monday night around 11:45 pm and then I packed up my bag and got everything ready for my 10 am flight for Tuesday morning. When our tickets to fly were booked, we booked them round trip from the time trial in Illinois to CA and back. Originally I was going to go with Jeremy to Deborah Reich's house and then to home. Unfortunately her dogs got mange from the local fox and I had my ticket changed to go directly home as Merlin was traveling with us. Because of this, on our return trip Jeremy and I were on two separate flights at different times on different airlines from two different airports.

Tim drove Jeremy to San Francisco for a 7 am departure and my Mom drove me to San Jose for a 10 am departure. We meet up in Chicago and drove to Jan and Grace's house. It is about 2 and 1/2 hours from their house. We landed on the 24th and I have yet to see my baggage... it is the 29th today! Delta.

Our horses were great when we arrived with the exception of a sunburn on Smitty's nose. Poor guy, it was bright red and cracked. It looks a lot better now. Their weight was both good though and they were in good spirits.


Endurance riding already has fans in southern Indiana

- Courier-journal.com - Full Article

By Jennie Rees • jrees@courier-journal.com • August 30, 2010

HENRYVILLE, Ind. - Kentucky may be known as the horse capital of the world, but you have to cross the Ohio River into Southern Indiana to find the heartbeat of endurance horse riding in the Midwest.

Henryville, about 20 miles north of Louisville, is a hotbed for endurance riding because of nearby Clark State Forest, which has almost 100 miles of horse trails amid its 26,000 acres.

Endurance is one of the eight equine disciplines that will be showcased at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington from Sept. 25 through Oct. 10, with a 100-mile endurance race set for Sept. 26.

It's a sport that tests both the horse and rider.

“Every ride, I think, ‘Why are we doing this?'” said Cindy Young, who drives from her home in Spencer County, Ky., to Henryville several days a week to train. “Because it's either hot, the flies are bad, the conditions are miserable, there's mud on the trail. Then you're finished, and you go, ‘Oh my gosh, we just finished! That was excellent!'”

The sport started in California in 1954, with its main base on the West and East coasts...

Read more here:

Endurance Rider Kathy Brunjes (USA) Follows the U.S. Endurance Selection Trials for the 2010 Games

- Kathy Brunjes - 2010AlltechWEG.blogspot.com

August 26, 2010

Endurance riders vying for a spot to represent the U.S. endurance community at the 2010 WEG participated in three separate selection trials during the 10-day period of June 18-27th.

Central started the process off with 14 nominated riders and 17 horses gathering in Danville, IL for an 80-mile trial that would demonstrate speed and stamina. Unfortunately weather conditions cut the trial short (to 54 miles) and speed could not be demonstrated due to footing on the course – rain and wind caused mud, wet fields and slippery grass, swollen creeks and trees crashing down across trails. Heat and humidity tested the horses and riders for the 54 miles. Veteran international endurance riders Valerie Kanavy, Margaret Sleeper, DVM, Michele Roush, DVM, Jan Worthington and Ellyn Rapp, along with some newer candidates (Kim Orr, Deborah Reich) successfully completed their shortened trial.

East sponsored the next trial at the Fair Hills location (Elkton, MD) with nine horse/rider combinations presenting. The course was 80 miles, and weather cooperated this time around for riders. Heat and humidity was again a factor, and tested both horses and riders. Four riders completed the course successfully (Nicki Meuten, DVM, Lisa Green, Deborah Reich and Meg Sleeper, DVM)...


Endurance Event Volunteer's Introduction to WEG

- Mimi Porter blog

12 August 2010

The first step in my adventure as a volunteer for the endurance phase of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games was taken July 26, 2010, when I attended my first volunteer training meeting. It is estimated there will be about 8,000 volunteers and World Equestrian Games Foundation staff working during the Games. Many of the workers have come from places other than the Lexington area, taking their vacations to volunteer. The room was abuzz with excitement about what was to come, the anticipation heightened by a beautiful promotional video played on a big screen in the front of the room.

We were told that the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games will be the largest equine event ever held in the United States, and the largest, over the 14 days, sporting event ever held in Kentucky. Just typing this sentence gives me chills! I have attended the Kentucky Derby many times, never considering the logistical and safety challenges the staff of that event must face. When I think of Derby day, I think of traffic problems. During the World Games, traffic heading to the Horse Park will be re-routed directionally so all traffic enters from one direction and exits heading the opposite direction. All left turns into and out of the Park are eliminated, which will speed up the overall traffic flow. Several different traffic and parking scenarios have been proposed so everyone attending the Games should remember that the traffic, the lines, the crowds, and the excitement level will be on a grand scale. Car-pool. Be patient. Be courteous—words to live by.



- FEIRedhorse blog

Friday August 20, 2010

100 Acre Farm in Nicholasville, Kentucky

Trying to remember why I abandoned my nice comfortable life to live in a box with wheels for months on end. Actually not that bad, been to some very interesting places and met some wonderful people, an experience that I will always hold dear.

Danville to Kentucky was not too far, about 7 hours, but it was nice and hot, highest temp I saw was 97. Just as I got into town the AT&T network went down so could not call Ron Brown to get the final few miles of directions to the farm.

Arrived in Nicholasville, KY at about 1:30 PM on Thursday the 16 of August. Ron has 100 acres in the middle of a upper scale neighborhood, just seconds from the Hwy, we are about 15 miles to Shaker Village and the same to Lexington Horse Park, so perfect. He has two very large older barns that are in good repair. Ron's dream is to have really nice boarding and exercise facility.

MONK loves Kentucky, as do I. He likes that green stuff they put on the ground, they have a little in California, but it goes away fast. Here he has it has far as the eye can see, he runs in it, rolls in it and then eats it, what more could you ask.. He has quite a routine when I give him his hay and grain as I can hear him right outside the trailer door. He eats a little hay, some grain and then some of that green stuff, and so it goes...


First USA Bred Shagya on Short List for WEG Endurance

- USEF.org

SA Belshazzar (Bayram x Jay El Tongafarah ox) named by USEF to go to Shaker Village. First USA Shagya to travel to Dubai, UAE to race in the President's Cup. First USA Shagya to do a 100 miles in 9 hours 17 min. In 2006, a purebred Shagya won the WEG endurance 100 mile endurance race and "Zar's" breeder, Daunna Sellers, of Verona, Ky. is wishing for another Shagya win. The Shagya breed is a rarity in the horse world with only about 150 breeding animals in the U.S. It's versatility has been proven, as the Shagya excels in all the disciplines, but lately it has found a niche in the endurance world.

According to the American Shagya Arabian Verband, inc. the breed originated in Hungary and has been developed since 1789 from purebred Arabian stock. Recognized in 1978 as a distinct breed by the World Arabian Horse Organization, WAHO, the Shagya has struggled to comeback following WWII when it almost became extinct.

The Shagya registry is holding an annual meeting and a judging clinic Sept. 25 and 27th

-- The clinic will be held in Finchville,KY. (between Louisville/Lexington), just off the main hwy. and easy drive from WEG grounds. The registry is honored to have as clinician, Dr. Walter Huber, ISG judge and renowned speaker. Dr. Huber is interesting and fun and you will enjoy hearing about his lifetime experience with the Shagya breed. He is a resident of Germany and vice president of http://www.shagya-isg.de/index.php

Information about the clinic and annual meeting may be found at www.shagyaregistry.com

Contributions and sponsors are welcomed to fund SA Belshazzar towards his quest for the WEG race. They may be sent to ZAR Fund, 15918 Porter Rd., Verona, Ky. 41092

Horses, riders from WEG to work out at Shaker Village before games

- USEF.org

Story at http://www.amnews.com/stories/2010/08/18/loc.142004.sto By BEN KLEPPINGER
August 18, 2010

PLEASANT HILL — Shaker Village has been selected to host the U.S. Equestrian Endurance Team in the run up to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games this fall.

A dozen horses and 10 riders will arrive at Shaker Village on Sept. 1, where they will do light conditioning work with the horses, Endurance Team Coach Becky Hart said. Riders will exercise the horses on a circular treadmill known as a ‘eurociser,’ climbing hills and doing some short canter, she said.

The riders also will keep in shape by going on hikes, jogging, bicycling and swimming.

Hart said the horses already are very fit and will need only minimal training before the games. On Sept. 17, the list of riders will be halved as the final five are selected to represent the U.S. at the games. Then the team will move to the World Equestrian games venue on Sept. 24.

Hart said the team chose Shaker Village because it had everything they were looking for, from stalls and access to trails, to living quarters close to the horses and on-site meals. Shaker Village also will provide the team with a nice level of privacy because it is a good distance away from Lexington, she said.

“Privacy and a place where we can retain our focus and dedication to winning a medal for the United States was an important part of opting for Shaker Village,” Hart said.

USEF Names Endurance Short List/Nominated Entry for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games

- USEF.org

Release: August 16 2010
Author: Joanie Morris

Gladstone, NJ – The United States Equestrian Federation has named the following horse/rider combinations to the Short List/ Nominated Entry for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games according to the USEF Selection Procedure for Endurance. From this group the Definite Entry will be named to represent the United States in the Endurance Championships. The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games take place from September 25-October 10, 2010 in Lexington, Kentucky.

The following horse/rider combinations have been named to this Short List/Nominated Entry in alphabetical order:

Melody Blittersdorf/50/Jeffersonville, VT/Synthetic/10/Arabian/Gelding/Rider
Lindsay Graham/28/Napa, CA/Monk/8/Arabian/Gelding/Christopher Martin
Ellen Rapp/28/La Motte, IA/Berjo Smokey/15/Arabian/Gelding/Jeremy Olson
Ellen Rapp/28/La Motte, IA/SA Belshazzar/13/Shagya-Arabian/Gelding/Jeremy Olson
Deborah Reich/50/Croton On Hudson, NY/DJB Juniper/8/Arabian/Mare/Rider
Heather Reynolds/33/Los Gatos, CA/Ssamiam/9/Arabian/Gelding/ Rider and Jeremy Reynolds
Jeremy Reynolds/30/Los Gatos, CA/Sir Smith/11/Arabian/Gelding/Rider and Heather Reynolds
Michele Roush/43/North San Juan, CA/Ivanhoes Debutante/11/ Anglo-Arabian/Mare/Spy Coast Farm, LLC
Margaret Sleeper/42/Frenchtown, NJ/Syrocco Harmony/8/Arabian/Rider
Margaret Sleeper/42/Frenchtown, NJ/Syrocco Reveille/10/Arabian/Rider
Ceci Butler Stasiuk/28/Humble, TX/DJB Cytron Kon JMF/15/Arabian/Darolyn Butler
Janice Worthington/70/Scales Mound/Golden Lightning/10/Arabian/Rider

For many of the riders who will represent the United States in the sport of endurance, the competition will be a family affair: Heather and Jeremy Reynolds are married and Jeremy’s identical twin brother, Tim, is his groom. Ellen Rapp’s groom is also her identical twin sister Eryn.

Danville WEG final selection ride

- FEIRedhorse.blogspot.com

August 13 2010

"MONK goes to Shaker Village"

Lots of pictures in the Danville file on this link http://picasaweb.google.com/Webtackusa , there are I think two videos on that link.

What appears to be a nicely groomed trail is a ankle buster. I walked about 3 miles of the manicured trail and was surprised to find hoof sized holes, probably left over from the mud ride now covered with nice evenly cut grass..

MONK and Lindsay were in the saddle early. MONK was #1, and I guess you can read into that what you want too, I know I did. We had 6 horses in our group and I think there were 5 groups and the highest number I remember seeing was 26. Team #1 left at 5:45am, riders were out cantering their horses by 5:30am. Teams were spread 20 minutes apart.

Teams were allowed one groom, all other team members became crew to help cool down the incoming horses. When not helping others you could then go do your own thing with your horse.

Crew persons were down in numbers from the previous trials we had been too which hindered the process a little, but everybody worked together nicely and got the job done.

I was busy most of the time and did not keep track of the actual pulls but there were lots, and mostly for lameness...


Top Ten

- Heather Reynolds' Blog

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Yesterday it was announced who was in the top ten for the USA World Endurance team. The top ten riders are: Ellyn Rapp, Michele Roush, Jan Worthington (our host), Meg Sleeper, Melody Blittersdorf, Lindsay Graham, Ceci Stasuik, Deborah Reich (friend and client) and Heather and Jeremy!!! It was really cool to make it. Sam and Smitty are both looking great.

It was a billion degrees yesterday and we all were putting up a healthy sweat as the announcements were made. Then there were discussions of future details and time lines.

When it was all over we drove to Jan and Grace's house and we were really tired. We ran into Jan at McDonald's and she said that Grace had asked if she should make supper and Jan had told her we would be home too late and then Jan added, " besides we can have popcorn and whiskey when we get home, we need to celebrate somehow."

We did just that. A first.

Well I have to go take care of the beasts.


Unofficial Results of WEG Selection Trial

- Lucie Hess August 12 2010

Here is an UNOFFICIAL, unranked list of riders who have been chosen for the pool of horses/riders to be selected from for the upcoming WEG.

The list is not official until the Executive Committee of the USEF approves it on Sunday Evening.

The final list of definite entries (5 horse/rider combinations plus 1 extra horse) is due on Sept 21.

Melody Blittersdorf/ Synthetic

Lindsay Graham/ Monk

Ellen Rapp/ Berjo Smokey and SA Belshazzar

Deborah Reich/ DJB Juniper

Heather Reynolds/ Ssamiam

Jeremy Reynolds/ Sir Smith

Michele Roush/ Ivanhoes Debutante

Margaret Sleeper/ Syrocco Harmony and Syrocco Reveille

Ceci Butler-Stasiuk/ DJB Cytron Kon JMF

Janice Worthington/ Golden Lightning

Observation Trial

- Charisse Glen - Malibuendurance.com August 12 2010

The Observation Trials were held on Aug 10, in Danville, Illinois. We arrived safely. Carl left us and flew back home. I set up camp with my friend and coach Trevor Copland from New Zealand, along with Iza Watcher from San Miguel, Mexico and both Steel and Bogart.

Acclimating to the weather has been great. HOT and Humid can't even begin to cover what we have lived in.

It has paid off, with the fact that we don't feel the heat any longer even though it has been in the 100+ and 85+% humidity.

Horses have a way of bringing us the greatest joys as well as teaching us life long lessons. I am grateful to have experienced both and this trip was a mixture of the two.

The horses were going well, although I still had concerns that Steel's knee was a bit problematic.

Bogart VF was perfection.The day before the trials Trevor, and I along with Sue Hedgecock and Cheryl Dell were out previewing the trail. Trev was cantering in the rear and suddendly the trail gave way and he was knee deep in a hole.

Thankfully Bogart did not break anything, but certainly stained himself.

When we returned, we felt he was slightly off. BUMMER! Becky came up about that time and I let her know. If I could have with drawn him, I would have. I knew that I did not want to risk any permanate injury, but without starting the trials my chances would be over. Bogart is a great horse with a hugh heart, tougher than nails and fiercely competitive.


WEG Selection Trial

- Paul Sidio - August 11 2010

I was told there were at least 11 pulls and maybe 13.

They did this weird "Don't tell the riders but we are cutting the ride from 80 miles to 52 miles, but want them to think it is still 80 miles until they get ready to go out again, and then we tell them not too" . So the riders, and horses sat/stood there in the hot sun for their 40 minutes hold, and then were told they were done for the day.

I think they shortened the distance because they were afraid they might not have 10 horses still in it at the end of 80 miles. They had to combine the first two groups into one group and also the 4th and 5th group too? It wasn't that hot until the end. Interesting to me that we had about a 40% pull rate at 52 miles from the best horses in the country when trying to run at a world competition level speed on a level and firm course. From what I saw it seemed that the pulls were pretty much equally spread from the top seeded riders to those on the bubble.

Three main things hit me about this event. #1) Even though we were at a top level, the riders, crew, owners all had great positive supportive attitudes. Those that got pulled handled it very well. Can you imagine how disappointing it would be to have spent all that time and money to get this close and have it end that quickly? People hugged their horses, hugged their crew and friends, then would say something, like, "well it just wasn't our day", and go on. Everybody did well, not just as equestrians, but as human beings. It was good to see.

#2) The crews and volunteers did an amazing job on the horses despite the chaotic organization, or lack of organization. The night before we were told they wanted to see a smooth graceful ballet in the crew lines. Instead, imagine being at a very large wedding that has had an open bar for several hours and the DJ makes everybody get up and do the Chicken Dance. We made up for the lack of a plan with energy, enthusiasm and endurance. The continuing positive attitudes and willingness to keep on going would astound those who think working with endurance riders is like herding cats. They had about 60-80 people milling around the crew area. When horses came in, they were swarmed by willing and helpful folks pouring water, and passing fresh buckets up. Nobody complained about doing their tasks. After each group came through, there was a steady stream of people carry empty buckets back to the water tank, refilling them, and replacing them on the line, and grabbing bags of ice to put in the water. They did this for about 7 straight hours. It often seemed that as much water got on us crew, as on the horses, but we kept pouring:-) Out on the road crew area they only had about 8 people to hand water and e-lytes to riders quickly roaring in and out. The road crew saw the riders 2 or 3 times per loops. Instead of buckets, they had old milk or laundry jugs with the tops cut off. They were out there for close to 7 hours with the nearest porta potty about 3 mile away. They did incredible work. They had about 250-200 horse encounters over the day, with only 8 people. They had riders coming at them from 3 different directions, so had to lay out water to allow for that, and had to figure which direction the next group would likely come from, and had to have a spotter looking for them, and had to have e-lytes ready for those who had sent them out, had to have drinking water for the riders, help adjust tack, etc etc etc. They were amazing.

I have to admit that I am still shocked by the lack of a crew plan. I asked several people about the crew plans for WEG, and got blank looks. I feel confident that every other nation with any slight hope of medals has their crews ready and trained, but maybe they don't? I hope we have a crew plan.

#3) I am still very impressed by the dedication of those involved in trying to make Team USA. How many people would spend all this time, work and money and then still be eager for the chance to go spend 3 weeks away from home trapped in a motel, and then with only a 40% chance of making the Team? Can you imagine being a West coast or East coast rider and sitting in Shaker Heights for weeks until a few days before WEG and then being told, "Thanks for coming. Have a nice trip home. By the way, would you like to come to WEG and maybe pick up trash in the parking lot? Or direct traffic?". Those folks are way more dedicated than I am.

I think the conditions in Illinois hurt the West coast riders more than the other riders. It seems to me that humidity is harder to acclimate too than hills. I don't know what their completion percentages were.

So today they will choose the 10 finalists. (Just like a TV reality show.). I wouldn't think they would select a rider who was pulled yesterday, no matter their national standing. So riders who were down the list must be hoping to move up to make the Top 10. They will present this morning, and hope they have that little bit extra to make the cut. Then they will sweat it out , (literally, cause it will be in the mid 90's), until this afternoon.

They all did well, and not only represented our country well, but also did well by our sport.

Final Time Trial

- Heather Reynolds blog

August 10 2010

It has finally happened, the time trial is over. We will find out tomorrow who will be in the top ten. Smitty and Sam had a great day. The weather was crazy and the trail was technical.

Loop one was a 17 mile trek through hazy humidity that would fog up your sunglasses, I tried it. The bugs were crazy, it felt like it was raining on your face but it was just the bugs, currently my right eye is bloodshot from the bugs landing in it.

We had a 40 min vet check after each loop. Our next loop cooled off a bit. The humidity lifted as it was preparing to rain. The result was that loop 2 was cooler. We were able to pick it up on loop 2 which was 24 miles.

Another 40 min hold. About 5 min before I was out, it let loose. There was so much rain that it was crazy...


WEG Selection Trial

- Lucie Hess - August 10 2010

I've been at the Final Selection Trial since Sunday evening. The Selection Trial was today. The 28 horses were started in 5 groups begining at 5:40 am and every 20 minutes afterward. The weather in the morning was overcast and in the upper 70's with a nice wind, humid but tolerable. A storm blew in and a heavy rain fell, for a 1/2 hr or so, bringing the humidity higher and the trails a bit slick in places. Then the sun comes out and it was HOT and HUMID.. everything that could sweat did. Boy can I sweat alot just standing still.

The riders completed 52 miles, 3 loops. I think 9 or 10 horses pulled, mostly lameness and a few were metabolics. The final 10 or 12 that will go to Shaker Village to prepare for the WEG will be picked after a vet check in the am. I think all the horses even the pulled ones will be trotted/presented to the Vets and selectors tomorrow. Then the selectors will have to make hard decisions.

All the horses and riders here are at the top of their game.. all of the horses look GREAT!

I've been having fun catching up with my friends that I only see at the WEG or WEC rides. My job here has been to help gather statistics on how fast the horses were going and their recovery times.. Don't even ask me who did what.. it's already erased from my brain. Vonita Bowers and I spent the day entering data. I did a bunch of going and getting theinfo and she put it in the data base.

I did get in the "bucket brigade" at the last bit. They needed a bit of help cooling off the last few horses. I just had to get wet and muddy.

Tony Troyer did a great job organizing everything trail wise/ location wise. He had the local fire dept. come out and bring water to the main vet check and an away crew spot. They hauled a TON of water.

A few unnamed folks enjoyed ourselves in the fire dept's big water container at the end of the ride. Well, it was HOT and the water was just sitting there!

We may not know until after 1 pm who will be selected to go to the Shaker Village.. I'm not sure I will stay that long.. All I can say is that there is limited wireless reception at the ride site, so I'm in a Mcdonalds about 6 miles away. So I may not be able to post again until I get home or stop along the way.

Having a great time, as usual.. wish you were here!

Greetings From the USA WEG Selection Trial

- Paul Sidio - August 9 2010

Hello from Danville Illinois.,

Tomorrow am they will run the trials. This is not a race. It is a selection trial.

There are 28-29 horses here who have been grouped together in bunches of 5 or 6 . Each group will start at ten to 20 minute intervals. This gives the front group about one hour of cooler weather. The good news is that we may get some cooler weather in with highs near 90 instead on upper 90's. The bad news is that it may storm.

Each group is supposed to go 12 /2 mph for the 80 miles. This includes pulse down time so they need to really go over 13mph. They are supposed to stick together, so if somebody has to adjust tack or give e-lytes the rest of the group is supposed to wait on them. The selection committee will be going around on ATV's watching how the horses and riders go.

Crewing will be interesting to watch. As nearly as I can tell from the instructions given at the meeting,... There will be a gauntlet of buckets and the head groom will lead the horse through and everybody he/she points to will throw water on the horse until the groom says stop. Then only the one groom and rider will be allowed to take care of the horse during the holds. Now this may seems confusing to some of you, but it is even more so me here. They chose/ drafted volunteers to be the road crew. These folks will get to stay out of camp all day and throw water on horses passing by. They will have no shade, and the port potty may not be there. You have never seen so many people try to avoid eye contact as when they were picking those lucky people.

So we have these 28 or so hardy souls who have planned their lives around this. They ride tomorrow, and sometime Wednesday afternoon, the selection committee will tell 10 or 12 rider/horse teams they have qualified to advance to the next round. These chosen ones will have to pack up and go to Shaker Heights Kentucky and hang out there for 3 weeks. Then the week before WEG, they will choose 4 and an alternate from those 10-12 to represent us. Can you imagine how it would feel to go through all this, and be #6 on the list when it is all over?

So there will be no report of who "wins" tomorrow. They will do the announcement of the 10 winners later

Paul N. Sidio
Spokane MO Rider
Team Namibia Groom...

I'm Melting

- Heather Reynolds blog

Monday, August 9, 2010

Well this is really enjoyable. We are about to go to sleep. Tomorrow is the time trial where people will make it or break it. Hopefully everyone makes good choices. It was 93 degrees out today with similar humidity. It was freakin' hot out to put it bluntly. You know it is hot out when the local horses are sweating just standing still.

We were assigned our groups for tomorrow, it will be mainly groups of 6. We are to do 80 miles at 12.5 MPH average speed. The trail is pretty technical. We will see what happens.


Another Day in Illinois

- Heather Reynolds blog

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today is Thursday. This morning Jeremy took care of Smitty and Sam's feet for the trial. They are ready. This is the first day here that doesn't feel like we are in the Amazon. The heat and humidity are much lower today.

Merlin got in trouble today for going in the hen house and barking at the chickens (but it was so fun!!). Jan made sure to let him know that it was a very bad idea. Just last week Jan and Grace gave away one of their Jack Russels (Pee Pee, as he would get so excited that he would pee) for going on a killing spree in the hen house. I am sure the birds are still traumatized. I don't think that Chihuahua's have the strength in their jaw to shake a chicken but none the less it is against the rules to stir the hens up.


Road Trip to Illinois

- Heather Reynolds blog

We were going to leave for Illinois for the final time trial on the road to the WEG on Tuesday after Tevis. However, the new truck that we had just bought for the new trailer wasn't ready. Dodge had to make some repairs to the truck before we could have it and they really took their sweet time with the parts order.

We had been able to enjoy the new trailer at Tevis as Skip had pulled it with his truck. It was really cool and much bigger than the old one. We waited until Wednesday night and decided that we couldn't wait any longer and that I needed to pack up the old rig and we would head out on Friday. What a bummer. Oh well. It is kind of ironic as we had told ourselves that we would save our money and take the old rig and then changed our minds to upgrade, to be more comfortable and then after spending the money, here we are in the old small rig.

We left at 10 am on Friday morning and we arrived in Scales Mound, Illinois on Sunday morning at 7:30 am. We don't mess around.

Sunday we spent with Jan and Grace. They are so awesome... More...

Ready, Set, "GO"!!!

- FEIRedhorse blog - Full Story by Chris Martin

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ten "10" days to go, it is what it is, what's done is done, etc. etc.. I am getting nervous already. You always wonder if you did too much, or not enough. MONK has handled the humidity and temperatures like he does most things, in stride... He looks great, I brought my scale, but have not weighed him. Sounds silly but at home everything is the same, everyday. He hears me coming on the quad and goes potty and walks over the the stall door ready to come in. Here things are different, he is basically on pasture for maybe 20 hours out of 24. He does come in for a fly vacation and snacks but that's it.. There is not much I can do about his weight at this point, other then not have him do any work, which is where we are at about NOW.... I do put his additives and elytes in his snacks, which some times he eats it all, and other times does not touch it.

But he still has lots of cover and I particularly like the fact that he seems very "happy" with his band of mini horses, all girls of coarse, all out on pasture. He does have one REAL girlfriend though, she follows him everywhere and calls to him, and hangs with him all day long.

All tack issues have been resolved, at least for me, hopefully it will be the same for Lindsay. I have been taking some preventative measure to keep him from getting scratches, which hopefully will work.

MONK has been ridden barefoot just around the farm for the last couple of days, all on nice mowed hay fields. We made a little 1.5 mile track around edge of the rolling hay fields. Only a couple of scares, one was when we were right next to the rail road tracks when the train came, they sure make lots of noise, and we were only maybe 150' from the tracks. Fast trots on the downhills, cantor and run the hills, pretty fun when he LISTENS... This is usually only when he has not been ridden much...

Read more here:

Agoura's Queen of Equestrian

Agourahills.patch.com - full article

By Mira Reverente

Agoura Hills resident and endurance rider Charisse Glenn is on the road less-traveled to Illinois and Kentucky, galloping her way to the World Endurance Games.

Willowy and lithe, Charisse Glenn moves with the confidence of an athlete. As a female in the not too common sport of endurance racing, she's unperturbed and used to the endless fascination and curiosity.

Training relentlessly for the last three years, Glenn has her sights set on one of five spots in the US Endurance Team. Endurance racing is one of eight disciplines in the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky this September. Since it has not been designated as an Olympic sport, the WEG is considered the pinnacle of endurance racing.

No Horsing Around

Endurance racing is a combination of the skills of one horse and one rider, who compete in 50- to 100-mile races and must finish within a specified amount of time. The Agoura Hills resident is the only rider from Southern California to qualify and be nominated to the World Equestrian Games. Her So Cal-bred horses, Bogart VF and Steel, have also qualified...

Read more here:

Corydon, Iowa, Continued... -FEIRedhorse blog

Monday, July 26, 2010
Corydon, Iowa - Part 2

Corydon, Iowa, con't

Congratulations to Garrett Ford and his barefoot horse "Fury" for winning the prestigious Haggin Cup. Talked to Garrett briefly this morning. I think he said they left Foresthill in the high 30th places, by the time they got the to Quarry, they were about 13th. All of the comments from the Vets spurred them on to pick it up a little as it was said that they had the freshest looking horses of all those in front of them. They ended up 7 and 8, I think, but top ten for sure. Garrett was also told that Lisa's horse was probably the 2nd most sound horse showing for BC. This is quite a accomplishment.

Time will tell, and the numbers are already showing that the barefoot horses are steadily climbing as to being sounder long term then shod horses. If you look at pulls for lameness you will consistently see that it will be considerable lower for the barefoot horse. I could write a whole blog about that but will save that for another day. I credit lots of MONK's success to his being a barefoot horse and the advent of the newer concussion sucking boots, thanks to the persistence of Garrett Ford...

Sunday, July 25th, day after Tevis..... Worked on getting MONK's tack squared away. Goober Glued some strips of Velcro onto the HAF saddle pad and some onto the Thinline pad so that they will not come apart while pulling saddle at Vet checks. We had trouble with the HR monitor at the WEG test ride in Oregon, seems as though the battery on the transmitter had gone dead, replaced it and now have a extra, just in case. MONK was taken from his heard and put into the large building next to the trailer, the flys don't seem to want to go that far inside the building. I try and put MONK in there twice a day, to let him eat some real horse food, which is is not that much interested in. I worked on his feet some and put on his boots and tacked him up.


Corydon, Iowa - Part 2 -FEIRedhorse blog

Friday, July 23, 2010
Corydon, Iowa - Part 2

Rode MONK on Wednesday, humidity was about 80 and the tempature was about 85, it was overcast with some heavy looking clouds. MONK was ready to go,he was shying at everything, we were booted and were just traveling the edge of these nice country roads. We had just had 6" of rain two days before so everything was nice and soft. We did about 12 miles at a pretty good clip, with a nice warm up and cool down. MONK wanted to go fast on the hilly parts so I let him, but you have to let him ease into it or he will think he can do what he wants and go as fast as he can. Most of the time our speed was somewhere between 12 and 15 miles an hour. When I brought MONK back to the farm we did not go to the barn, we went to where my trailer is parked and there is another very large metal building, probably 50x80 or so. Inside Angle has her two horse trailer parked deep inside the building. I had noticed previously that when I took MONK into the building the big horse fly or the little flies for that matter did not follow us in. The humidity inside the building is very high, kinda like a sauna but without the high tempatures. MONK got a nice bath I parked him inside the building for a couple of hours until the flies went to bed.

So my new plan is to maybe do a high line inside the metal building for the nights when we are going to have torrential rains with thunder and lightning...


Fundraiser to support burgeoning equestrian sport

- Malibutimes.com - Full Article

By Michael Aushenker / Special to The Malibu Times

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

For the first time, the World Equestrian Games, or WEG, will be take place on United States soil. A culminating endurance riding competition will take place in Lexington, Kentucky, on Sept. 26, and one local rider, Charisse Glenn, is going for the gold on behalf of the USA. To defray costs, a fundraiser will take place this Sunday in Agoura Hills.

"It's [the WEG] the equivalent of the World Cup or the Olympics, held in different countries every year," Glenn said. "This is the highest level that a rider can compete at."

Endurance riding is an equestrian sport based on controlled long-distance races. In America, most endurance rides span 50 or 100 miles. The first horse to cross the finish line wins.

Endurance riding has an avid following throughout Europe, Australia and the United Arab Emirates, which Glenn called "a huge contributor to developing the sport worldwide. It is the largest growing equestrian sport in the world. It's on the bubble of becoming the next sport to watch...

Read more here:

WEG Regional U.S. Endurance Team Selection Trials Held


by: Marsha Hayes
July 05 2010, Article # 16594

The quality and depth of the horses and riders vying for the five coveted spots on the United States endurance team for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrain Games were made apparent after three regional selection trials held June 20-28. "We identified some very good horses," noted Chef d'Equipe Becky Hart, three-time World Endurance Champion.

The trials, held in Fairhill, Md., Danville, Ill., and Prineville, Ore., were all attended by the five selectors, a three-member veterinary panel, Hart, and Vonita Bowers, Director of Endurance and Reining Activities for the United States Equestrian Federation. The selection team is looking for horses capable of covering 100 miles in around eight hours, or less.

In her role as team leader, coach, and trainer, Hart has been studying workout logs and heart rate monitor printouts of the 50-60 candidate horses to help her organize them into compatible groups before sending them on loops of various lengths and speeds. The veterinary panel members Jim Bryant Jr., DVM, Dipl. ACVS; Todd Holbrook, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM; and Duncan Peters, DVM, monitored the horses' soundness, hydration, and recovery times.


WEG 2010, Two more hurdles.....

FEIRedhorse blog

Almost there!

In May of 2010 MONK's blog had 5000 hits, as of today it has had 7000 visitors. Interesting concept marketing a horse through a blog, which was not my intent when we started the WEG quest, MONK's blog has kinda created a life of it's own. It was just a fun way to keep track of things, when someone asked about my horse I could always point them to his blog. Easy place to have a story that goes along with all of the ride photo's.

Since the WEG test ride there has been even more interest in MONK. We got quite a uplifting "Go MONK" from all of our Face Book friends. MONK is one of the pioneers in the Glue on boots from EasyCare Inc.. We train in the Gloves and race in the Glue-on's, applied with just Goober Glue. I credit these boots with a goodly portion of MONK's success. There is no way that I could train MONK on the terrain that I train on and keep him sound without the concussion absorption that these boots provide.

We have been answering lots of questions from people interested in MONK and our quest to get on the the USA team for the WEG in September. Most want to know how he got so good at only 8 years old, and actually we do not know how good he really is. WEG test ride gave us lots of confidence in his abilities, but looks like we are just scratching the surface. Not sure there is a correct answer to that question, mostly it is just MONK. Certainly we have done some things right in keeping him fit and fresh. My original plan was to have a foreign rider get a COC on him so that if we did not make the USA team we had a backup plan. After winning the AERC champ ride by accident I decided that we would only ride for the USA team, so we have all of our eggs in one basket, so to speak...

Read more at http://feiredhorse.blogspot.com/2010/07/weg-2010-two-more-hurdles.html

How to get to the World Equestrian Games

Horsebytes blog - Monica Bretherton

July 1 2010

"He's a rock star!" I said.

Chris Martin grinned in agreement.

His face took a more reflective cast as he acknowledged his good fortune, "He's a once-in-a-lifetime horse."

After my burst of enthusiasm, I felt a twinge of unease. Several horses I had been rooting for were already out of the ride. I glanced over at Monk, who was standing, one hoof cocked, outside the EZ-up canopy that sheltered his crew from the high desert sun. He had the physical attributes - a deep chest, short back, a strong hind end, straight, well angled legs and sturdy feet - a structure that had carried rider Lindsey Graham through the first three loops of the selection trials for the US Endurance team for the Western region. No obvious reason to worry there.

"The hardest thing is finding ways to get him fit," Chris said. He ponies Monk off a Quad, but that alone isn't enough.

Unlike a racetrack conditioner, Chris is not limited to workouts on a level surface and uses the steep hills near his home for mounted workouts too. "I'm 190 pounds," he pointed out. Even so, he has trouble driving Monk's heart rate up into the zones that are considered cardio-building. He has done most of the conditioning on Monk, hauls him to rides, takes pictures and promotes him through his blog - a combination trainer and stage dad...

Read more here:

This Week in International Endurance

June 29 2010 - USEF.org

Over the last week the USEF hosted three Regional Selection Trials for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, paring down the number of eligible horse/rider combinations for the US Endurance Team from 62 to 47.

The Central Selection Trial was held in Danville, IL on June 19. Athletes and horses faced hot, humid and muddy conditions, turning a fast course into true test of endurance. At the East Selection Trial held in Fair Hill, MD on June 22 there was a repeat of the heat and humidity which plagued the Central Selection Trial, but no mud to contend with. The third selection trial took place in Prineville, OR on June 26, the conditions were perfect and the course was fast.

The horses and riders who attended one of these trials will be eligible to attend the Observation Trial August 8-11, in Danville, IL. Following the Observation Trial, the top ten horse/rider combinations will be named to the nominated entries, from which the final five horse/rider combinations will be selected to represent the US on the Endurance Team in September at the World Games.

Smells Like Team Spirit - Monica Bretherton

June 29 2010

"I'm like a duck, calm above the water and paddling madly underneath," said Darolyn Butler about her state of mind on Friday, June 25th.

It iss the day before the Western region selection trials for the U.S. Endurance team. 17 of 19 horses presented had vetted through, and Darolyn had a double reason to worry. She had a hopeful member of the Namibian team, Anna Wucher, riding her second qualified horse, DJB Cherry's Juliet.

She was not the only one who was preoccupied with the upcoming ride. "You think about it every waking hour," said California rider, Kassandra DiMaggio.

The pressure comes not just from the rigors of the 80-mile ride they'll be attempting, but from the fact that every move will be scrutinized by the Enduramce Chef d'Equipe, Becky Hart and her five selectors, all endurance riders with international experience: Roger Yohe, Cathy Davis, Anne Stuart, Alex North and Linda Howard. Even if you have years of experience or have ridden on teams with the selectors, there are no givens, because they have to chose the horses and riders with the best chance of winning a medal.

Read more here: http://blog.seattlepi.com/horsebytes/archives/212812.asp

West Coast Time Trial - Reynolds Racing - Heather's Blog

June 28 2010

Jeremy and I packed everything up to go to the West Coast Time trial on Wednesday and then went home to get some sleep. We couldn't fall asleep so we watched an episode of House on our laptop. We fell asleep around 11:45. At 2 am I heard Jeremy ask if I was awake, I chose to pretend like I was still sleeping. I heard him get up and realized that he was going to go running!! He was too excited to sleep. I slept until he got back around 2:30 am. He then told me it was time to start our trip.

Up and at 'em!! We caught the horses and started our 11:30 hour drive. It was really uneventful, after the last trip that is a really great thing.

We arrived at the camp around 3pm. There were a number of familiar faces already there. After setting up camp we visited with Sue and Dennis Summers, Christoph and Dianne, Doug Swingley, Charisse and Carl, Andy Bown ( Andy caught wind of Jeremy's diet took it upon himself to keep Jeremy fueled on Chia seed concoctions all weekend. They were great.), Darolyn Butler, Ceci and Jason and all of the Namibian girls that were with Darolyn.

Read more here: http://www.reynoldsracing.us/heathers_blog/view/297/west_coast_time_trial

WEG Test Ride, Brothers, Oregon - FEIRedHorse blog

June 27 2010

19 horse and rider teams gathered at a wide spot in the road in Brothers Oregon on the 25th of June. Inspection of horses was at 2PM followed by a general rider/crew meeting at 5PM. Riders were placed into 4 groups of 4 or 5 riders. The trail consisted of a 80 mile coarse in 5 loops of mostly flat desert trails

Start of the ride was to be at 8am about 2.5 miles from ridecamp out to another wide spot in the road…..not kidding. Crew needed to be in place prior to the riders leaving. Groups left at 20 minute intervals.

MONK and Lindsay were in group one which consisted of 5 riders. Jeremy and Heather Reynolds, on Smitty and Sam, riders Carolyn Giles, and Cheryl Dell rounded out the team. They were first on the coarse at 8am.

Read more here: http://feiredhorse.blogspot.com/2010/06/weg-test-ride-brothers-oregon.html

Endurance Rider Kathy Brunjes (USA) Blogs About Spring Training and the Upcoming 2010 Games Endurance Selection Trials

Tuesday, May 18 2010


Training in the NE going along nicely - weather has been phenomenal, with temps in the mid-70s. April in Maine usually means icy trails, 2-3 foot snow banks and temps around 40 degrees. With the mild weather, we are not only able to get out on trails usually blocked until mid-May, but we're also getting some good "heat" training in for the more southern competitions coming up. Southern, of course for those of us in the NE, means anything south of Massachusetts!

The weekend of April 10-11 was an FEI endurance "qualifying" event in Inyokern, California - I was scheduled to attend this, flying out to San Francisco, to compete on a young horse belonging to fellow WEG nominees (and friends) Heather and Jeremy Reynolds. Unfortunately I had to cancel due to a death in my family. We'll try to get together in mid-May outside of San Jose for another qualifying event for both riders and horses.

Our major training attempts are focusing on the prestigious Biltmore Challenge (first weekend of May) in Asheville, NC. The course winds around the Biltmore estate. All FEI endurance events are qualifying events for riders and horses working up the FEI mileage "ladder" and the (formerly called) certificate of capability required in the qualification process.

Read more here: http://2010alltechweg.blogspot.com/2010/05/endurance-rider-kathy-brunjes-usa-blogs.html

WEG quest - Countdown: FEIRedHorseBlog


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Difference!

Where they come from, I am not sure, how they got that way, I don't know either. But I am not naive enough to think that I actually built a world class athlete, but I think you have to be smart enough to realize what you got when you got one, and know that it is a "special gift", to be carefully taken care of. Most of my horses have been top ten or top 5 endurance horses but I really had to work at getting them into that kind of condition. The good thing about that is that I was very familiar with building the athlete from the ground up. I would say that there is quite a difference between that top 5 endurance horse and that special once in a lifetime horse. The difference is in pure athletic ability.

Why WEG?

Things change a little when you get older. 4 or 5 years ago when I found out that the World Equestrian Games were going to be in the USA I thought about how cool it would be to compete at that level for the USA team. I don't know that I ever had any aspirations of riding in such a event, but certainly in building the athlete. After hearing that a Shagya horse had won the WEG in Germany I thought it would be a good idea to get one. I looked around and could not find any geldings so bought a stallion. Well the stallion did not work out but about the same time I realized that he was not a endurance horse I started riding MONK who was about 4 at that time.

I guess you never know where that next world class athlete comes from, but certainly did not think he was in my back yard. In the beginning we were just having fun and pretty much my quest for that WEG horse was just another faded dream. As MONK became more mature he really showed lots of promise. I started doing some local endurance rides and he did quite well. He never seemed to tire, his attitude was all business.

If you think about the persons you know with really good, once in a lifetime horses, you know that it does change how you do things and your outlook some. I know a few who were just having fun with their horses running mid pack, then all of a sudden they come up with a really good horse and now they are top ten, top five and winning rides.

Less is More

Not sure this is true for all horses but once MONK was legged up and had done a few 50's we pretty much changed how we conditioned...

Read more here: http://feiredhorse.blogspot.com/2010/05/weg-quest-countdown.html

2009 AERC National Champion Endurance Rider and UC Davis Veterinary Student, Lindsay Graham (USA)


Monday, May 3, 2010

Hi, my name is Lindsay Graham and I am a fourth year veterinary student at UC Davis. I have been competing in endurance since 2004 but began riding as a kid and showed in hunter/jumpers for several years. On the international level, I competed in the 2005 North American Endurance Championships as a Pacific North Squad member on a horse named Phoenix Affair. This horse also took me to a 7th place Tevis Cup finish in 2006.

At the end of the 2008 endurance season I began riding a horse named Monk, owned by Chris Martin of Grass Valley, CA...

Read more at http://2010alltechweg.blogspot.com/2010/05/2009-aerc-national-champion-endurance.html

USA: Riders chase ranking points at Texas Bluebonnet Classic

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


US endurance riders on the USEF Endurance Ranking List continued to chase points this weekend at the Texas Bluebonnet Classic CEI held at the LBJ National Grasslands near Decatur, TX. Riders negotiated very muddy conditions that turned a typically fast course into a real test of endurance.

In the 160km distance, Olivia Matthaei from Namibia bested the field with a ride time of 12:09:20 aboard DJB Boomer, owned by Darolyn Butler of Humble, TX. Steve Rojek and his horse Beaujolais were the highest placing US combination, finishing fourth.

Karen Binns Dicamillo and RGS SHA Strike Two finished the 120km distance in 8:48:52, just one second ahead of her daughter Jessica Dicamillo and RGS Crestwind Premier.

In the 80km distance Young Rider Devan Horn (USA) turned in the fastest time for the course finishing in 4:57:09.

Endurance Rider, Kathy Brunjes (USA) Blogs for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi! my name is Kathy Brunjes, and I live in Maine. I have been involved in the endurance discipline on the international level since 2000, and have competed in endurance since I was a teenager. I was part of the USA- East endurance squad at the 2001 PanAms (as a rider) and a competitor (and team member) for the endurance team at the 2002 World Equestrian Games (in Jerez, Spain), a rider for the USA-East endurance squad at the 2005 North American Edurance Challenge and rode for the USA at the 2007 World Endurance Championship Pre-ride (The Sultan's Cup) in Malaysia, the 2008 President's Cup in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and then was selected for the 2008 World Endurance Championships (Malaysia), riding as one of the four-member team. Theatric, the horse that I rode in Malaysia in 2007, Abu Dhabi in 2008, and Malaysia in 2008 will be my nominated horse for the 2010 WEG.

Theatric is a 16h. chestnut Arabian gelding, with much international experience.

Read more here - http://2010alltechweg.blogspot.com/2010/04/endurance-rider-kathy-brunjes-usa-blogs.html

USEF Standings as of March 25, 2010

USA Standings as of 3/25/10

1. Ceci Butler-Stasiuk
2. Kyle Gibbon
3. Valerie Kanavy
4. Meg Sleeper
5. Kathy Brunjes
6. Heather Reynolds
7. Kimberley Orr
8. Deborah Reich
9. Christoph Schork
10. Steve Rojek

USEF Announces Selection Procedure For WEG Endurance Team

February 28 2010

The U.S. Equestrian Federation selection procedure and application for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Endurance Team are now available online at www.usef.org/documents/highPerformance/endurance/SelectionProcedures.pdf.

Athletes who are on the National Training List at any time between Dec. 1, 2008, and May 10, 2010, are eligible to apply for the WEG. Selectors will also issue wild card invitations to endurance athletes who are not eligible to apply for the WEG. Applications to request a wild card invitation are also available online at www.usef.org/documents/highPerformance/endurance/WEGWildCardRequest.PDF. Wild card requests must be received no later than April 19.

There will be three regional USEF Selection Trials:

The Central Selection Trial – June 19, 2010, in Danville, Ill.
The East Selection Trial – June 22, 2010, in Fairhill, Md.
The West Selection Trial – June 26, 2010, in Prineville, Ore.


Thursday, February 25, 2010


The FEI has implemented a new procedure for FEI Registration that states any horse or rider that is not registered before they compete will be disqualified. FEI Article 113 will be strictly applied and all Athletes/Horses must be registered prior to taking part in an FEI event. FEI organizers should be checking the FEI registration for horses and riders and should not allow anyone to compete without them. If such registration is not completed, the Athlete/Horse will be disqualified in accordance with the applicable article. If you are renewing an FEI registration you can complete it online at USEF www.usef.org by signing into your USEF Login. NOTE: The FEI considers the Riders/Drivers/Vaulters as the Person Responsible for ensuring that their registration and the registration of their horse is complete prior to competing. The processing of FEI registration can take up to 4 weeks so if you need your number right away there is a RUSH service that you can request for an additional $30.00. If you have any questions or concerns regarding FEI Registration please contact Ashley Sabo at 859-225-6989 or via e-mail at asabo@usef.org. ATHLETES' AND HORSES' REGISTRATIONS FOR 2010 AND THE VALIDATION OF RESULTS

Referring to the General Regulations Art 113, as per below:

Article 113 - Registration of Athletes and Horses

All Athletes and Horses must be registered with the FEI, unless otherwise specified by the Sport Rules and with their own or, where appropriate, their host NF before they can be permitted to take part in an International Event. (See also Article 119 - Sport Nationality Status of Athletes and Chapter V Horses). NFs are responsible for registering all Athletes and Horses and shall ensure that such Athletes have the appropriate corresponding sport nationality. Any Athlete and/or any Horse who is not registered with the FEI shall be automatically disqualified.

The registration system is linked to the results publications.

Pamela Burton’s WEG Endurance Predictions

Friday, February 12, 2010

Discoverhorses.com - Full Article

The U.S. will feel the pressure to stand on the podium as endurance championships return to American soil. The U.S. won an individual gold medal at every World Endurance Championship (WEC) from 1986 until 1998--Cassandra Schuler (1986), Becky Hart (1988,1990,1992), Valarie Kanavy (1994 & 1998) and Danielle Kanavy (1996). But in recent years the team has bowed to competitors from France, Spain and the United Arab Emirates.

Selection of US Horse/Rider Combos for the 2010 WEG is a multi step qualification and selection process. Each country is allowed five horse/riders, four Team and one Individual. The horse/rider combination must meet FEI Qualification for the 2010 WEG, formerly called a Certificate of Capability (COC) . Riders who have applied for WEG and attended one of the June Regional Selection Trials will be able to attend the final Observation Trial in August where 12 horses/riders will be chosen. The 12 horse/riders will travel to the Lexington area and remain in training while the final determination of the Five member Squad and the traveling reserve is made.

The top contender for a gold medal at WEG will be Spain’s Maria Alvarez Ponton, the first rider to hold both world and European titles at the same time on her 13-year-old French-bred gelding Nobby.

More at: http://www.discoverhorses.com/endurance-predictions.html

USA: Git R Done Special - results

Friday, January 22, 2010

As the 2010 World Equestrian Games grows closer, riders around the world are gearing up for qualifications and demonstration rides. Ride manager Daniel Brown organized a 'Git R Done' AERC/FEI ride in the southern California desert for just this purpose. A few dozen riders attended, entering the 50, 75 and 100 mile event.

Heather Reynolds won the 100 mile event riding Ssamiam in a time of 9:59:57. Jeremy Reynolds and Makazin won the 75 mile ride with a time of 7:07:41, and Junior rider J.J. Donley (riding only under AERC sanctioning) won the 50 mile ride on My Mamselle with a time of 4:59:23.

Full results can be seen here


Get R Done 2010, MONK wins Best Conditioned 100 mile horse

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Horse Named Monk blog

Right to the point, inquiring minds want to know the results before the story, so the highlights first, story second. MONK and Lindsay came in 2nd, approx. 20 min or so behind team mate Heather Reynolds.

MONK looked great all day long and Lindsay kept to her game plan and kept us on track for WEG.. MONK won Best Condition, his 3rd or 4th in a row, depending on how you look at his double win at AERC champ ride. This was our last qualifying ride for the WEG and should put us very high on the National Training List.....we are currently 22nd, this ride we should maybe put Lindsay in top 5 or so....not supposed to matter as long as your on the list.

No more rides (FEI) until June when they do the selection ride in Bend Oregon.

You may or not know that when you do a FEI ride you are required to have a team of at least 3 riders. The team can be on any distance. They have a short meeting and express their goals for each and then talk about if they accomplished their goals. Our team was Heather and Jeremy Reynolds. Heather rode the 100 and Jeremy rode the 75..

This ride was held in Lucerne which is close to Ridgecrest, high desert just north of Red Rock canyon. I held my breath the whole weekend as the weather was perfect, no wind, little cloud cover, my theory was that if you said the word "wind out loud", we would be in for it. Crew had a nice warm truck, but no so for horse and rider. All riders started at the same time, all 3 divisions. All crewing was limited to the crew area which was designated. Only other crewing was at one water stop and one place right off of the main road. I think there were 5 loops in all.

Another perfect weekend. Crewing went well with only a couple of mistakes that made no difference. Lindsay trots all the way to the timer, she unhooks breast collar from top of the saddle, after she dismounts she unhooks snap on cinch and pulls bit. Susie takes MONK, I grab saddle and pull it while Steve starts pouring gallon jugs of water on MONK as we walk to the water trough led by Susie. Lindsay takes care of In-timer and then helps at the trough. I dump saddle and return with HR monitor belt and check HR. I help with the water jugs or sponge. Lindsay either pours more water or scrapes water off. If we have no horses in front, which is often the case we move at 64 (which has been the requirement at all FEI rides we have been to). You only get two chances to hit your target so you have to make it count.

More at: http://feiredhorse.blogspot.com/