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A Lofty Goal: Monk and Lindsay Graham || A Blessing in Mule's Feet: Golden Lightning and Jan Worthington
Steely Determination II: Steel Patriot, Bogart VF and Charisse Glenn
Looking Down the Trail: LZP Julioslastchance and Sue White Hedgecock
"Run Like the Wind Bullseye!": Hot Desert Knight and Farzad Faryadi
Problem Horses: Syrocco Reveille, Syrocco Harmony and Meg Sleeper
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2010 World Endurance Championship - Part I
2010 World Endurance Championship - Part II
2010 World Endurance Championship - Part III

Australia 2010 World Equestrian Games News

WEC Aussie Endurance Rider Penny Toft takes time out to talk to us...

Equestrian.cyberhorse.com.au - Full Article

Written by Kelly Bauer | Friday, 24 September 2010 03:37

Penny toft has horses in her blood, coming from an equestrian family she started out making a name for herself in the show ring. Having won many champion hack & pony, in harness and ridden classes aswell as winning Horse of the Year titles, Penny decided to make the switch to endurance.

This change of direction proved hugely successful and Penny is well known among the best endurance riders Internationally.

In 2001 Penny was third at the WA Tom Quilty, in 2002 she was a member of the bronze medal winning team at WEG in Jerez. In 2003 at the Tom Quilty in NSW she was 3rd and in 2004 she competed in the Tevis Cup USA for a 17th place overall. Penny has competed and in and won many Gold, silver, and bronze medals at World Championships.

Penny will be riding Don, a seasoned Part Arabian Endurance Horse. He is bay,14 years and over the last 5 years has been succesfully completing 160km rides with Penny. He competed in the World Endurance Championships in Malaysia for an overall 18th place. Penny says „Don is in his prime and has never been better“.

I was lucky enough to catch up with Penny while she is based at the amazing Kentucky Equine Research faciltiy and she shared some of her thoughts with us…

When did you arrive in the US?

1st September.

Where have you and Don been based since arriving?

We have been extremely priveleged to have been based at theKentucky Equine Research Farm in Versailles. We have had the use of the Farms fascilities including Walker, Treadmill, paddocks and convenient trails. The Horses have settled in well to their routine and it will be hard to move on to the Horse Park later this week. My Husband, Peter and Daughter (Groom), Alexandra are staying on the Farm with DON.


Final Stages of Preparation for the Australian Endurance Team - AERA.asn.au

Heading for Kentucky

August 4 2010

Flights are booked, we are still not 100% sure when the horses fly out, currently it is the 29th August , which is not far away. The Team is now almost organised, Norbet and Acheron had their final preparation ride of 90km this last week which they won in fine style in 4:53hrs.

The final team is
Norbet Radny and West Coast Acheron
Grooms Jane Radny ,Dr Narelle Cribb
Crew Rebecca Radny, Harry O’Brien, Ian Symington

Matthew Sample and Tarrengower Crecendo
Reserve: Brookleigh Ricardo
Grooms; Paul Brown, Jessica Landridge
Crew : Barbara Timms

Penny Toft and Don Grooms: Anne Hall, Alexandra Toft Crew: Helen Toft, Jackie Byrnes, Peter Toft

Chef D’ Equipe, Dr Trish Mackay Annetts, Assistant: Denise Trollope Team Veterinarian: Dr Robyn Mather Crew Manager: Chris Gates Farrier: Mark Peel

Matthew and Crecendo will be competing at the Murrumba 100km ride on 8th August as the final work out and Penny and Don will be going out to Charleville the 21st August for their final run.

The flights for the horses has been a bit distressing as the original flight bookings were cancelled without warning when the carrier suspended all services to Australia and New Zealand. Currently the horses are booked on the 29th August, this has also incurred extra cost to the competitors.

Dr Narelle Cribb, Paul brown and Peter Toft are scheduled to travel with the horses. This too may change!

More information when this becomes available

Barb Timms

Endurance Team for WEG announced - Aera.asn.au

August 4 2010

Penny Toft and Don (Queensland)
Successful competitors at the World Endurance Championships in Malaysia in 2008. Penny is a previous winner of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Don is a 14 year old unregistered gelding and as a combination they have many successful 160km competitive completions over the previous five years and will be well suited to the Kentucky course.

Matthew Sample and Brookleigh Ricardo (Queensland)
A competitive duo, several wins and second placing in major FEI rides during the last five years. This will be Matthew and Ricardo’s second attempt at World Championship level, being unsuccessful in Malaysia two years ago. A dual Quilty winner in 2009 and winner of the Heavyweight division in the 2008 Quilty, Matthew is determined to do well in Kentucky. Brookleigh Ricardo is a 12 year old unregistered gelding and is now reaching his prime as an endurance horse and should do well in Kentucky.

Matthew Sample and Tarrangower Crescendo (Queensland)
The horse is owned and ridden by Matthew and is also qualified to compete in Kentucky. Crescendo is a 14 year old Arabian gelding, with a distinctive white face and strawberry roan in colour, dual Quilty winner in 2009 and winner of the Queensland State Championships in 2010.

Norbert Radny and West Coast Acharon (Western Australia)
A very successful combination in their home state of Western Australia, and now taking on the world at Kentucky. Acky, as he is commonly known, is an 11 year old Arabian stallion with many endurance wins as well as being successful on the show circuit both in hand and under saddle when shown and ridden by his other owner, Jane Radny. Acky, together with Jane, Norbert and their daughter Rebecca travelled to the Queensland State Championships to competently complete their qualifications for Kentucky.

Statement from the Selection Committee

May 2010

The following horse/rider combinations have satisfied the qualifications criteria under the FEI Rules for Endurance 7TH Edition 2009 and the AES Qualification Criteria (Nov.2009) and are short listed for entry to the WEG Endurance Championships Kentucky 2010:

Mathew Sample - Brookleigh Ricardo
Matthew Sample - Tarrangower Crecendo
Penny Toft - Don
Norbert Radny - West Coast Archaron

Congratulations to these horses and riders on their huge effort and their determined commitment to represent Australia in the best way possible

Barb Timms on behalf of the Selection Committee
Barbara Timms
Australian Endurance Squad

Long List Announcement

15 February 2010

The following horses and riders have been placed on the long list for selection to represent Australia at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky on September 26-27 2010. Please note that this list in not in order of preference.

Kristie Taprell (VIC) Kurrajong Concord
Penny Toft (QLD) Don, Magnum, Bremervale Justice, Zalman
Alexandra Toft (QLD) Magnum, Bremervale Justice, Zalman, Tora Karlaya
Matthew Sample (QLD) Brookleigh Ricardo
Sasha Laws-King (QLD) Bint Shah Dara
Melissa Longhurst (QLD) Pioneer Park Navaronne
Norbert Radny (WA) West Coast Acheron
Simone Krahnen (QLD) Kalkadoon Zorro

Items of note:
1. Certificates of Capability (for Endurance) are due to the FEI by the 27th July 2010. Official FEI publications serve as a source for the qualification criteria that each athlete and horse must meet in order to compete. 2. For Endurance, each National Federation may enter a maximum of 5 athletes and 6 horses.

Chris Gates as Chair Person of the appointment panel has announced the Selection Committee of three for this World Championships event. They are: Barbara Timms, Dr Anne Barnes, Jan Tyrrell.

Australia: Toft aims to go to world games


Joel Gould | 26th January 2010

WITH Alexandra Toft's world junior ranking now at number three, she has turned her attention to qualifying for the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky this year.

The 14-year-old Toft, who said she was "very excited" to have won the Australia Day sports award for Ipswich, excelled in her debut World Youth and Junior Endurance Championships in Hungary last year with a 17th placing in the gruelling 120km event.

The next World Youth and Junior Endurance Championships are in the Middle East in 2011 but the World Endurance Championships, for seniors, is part of the program in Kentucky.

Toft, who lives at Marburg, said she had to compete and excel in as many 160km events as possible to qualify for the world titles.

More at: http://www.qt.com.au/story/2010/01/26/ipswich-champion-goes-the-distance/