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Re: LD
From: Kerry
>realize "to complete is to win", but you must understand
it was a >little disappointing when there was absolutely no recognition of
his >placing. It was never mentioned, the "completions"
were called off >in random order, and when other riders asked who finished
first, the >ride management wouldn't even tell them, saying "It dosen't
matter >per AERC rules there are no placings in LD".
Hi Kerry,
In which AERC region were you riding? The rules
state that placings may be given, but not that they have to be given. Most rides
in Central and Southeast regions will place the riders. Some rides give no
awards for the placements, but they will at least call out the placements. We
have never seen any problems with the placements - which is the reason given by
some as to why they don't place the LD's.
Linda Parrish
Kennard, TX
Central Region
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