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Re: The case of fear (personal & long)

Ellen,  I also have the fear problem. I  work on it every time I ride, the
legs get weak and sometimes I just don't have the fortitude to stay in the
saddle, so I have to get off and walk. I  have a great friend named Heidi
Paul who understands and will pony me along when I feel chicken. I won't
ride an unknown horse unless I've had a long pull off the tequilla or a
root canal, (I'm numb then anyway so why not?).However, I love to ride and
love horses even though the fear is there. So I have a trainer that I have
been going to for years. It helps even though it doesn't eliminate the
fear. I have my old tried and true pony Meggie 16 years old. Did Tevis on
her but it took three years of constant battle with myself. Greatest
experience of my life.  Now , I'm helping my Mom with her pony farm,
training the riding ponies. Trust me , if I can ride them then anyone
should be able to. Slow non threatening work, don't scare the ponies, don't
scare me. And now Meggies first son Bissel is green broke. And good ole
Heidi is going to be ponying me on him for months.
Ellen, You know how to ride. I just want to encourage you to keep on. It's
okay to get off and walk when scared. It helps strengthen the wobbly legs.
Courage.  Jane

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