Re: [RC] Desperate Times for Horse Owners and for Horses - Karen Everhart
I am not certain where my offer of "facts" catapulted to issues of
"morality". My attempt was to provide information that is often
misunderstood, such as the use of horsemeat for dog food or glue or, as is
stated on occasion, that the horsemeat goes to feed people in third world
countries. I have no prejudices against food choices per se, but I do
have problems with our horses being slaughtered simply because America's horse
owners have failed to step up to the plate and do the "right thing" regarding
over supply and responsible animal husbandry.
Because the European Union does have good consumer
protection, is one of the many reasons that our horses are "sought after"
by the slaughter houses. If they could get their horses where the end-user
resides, wouldn't it make more sense to buy French or Belgian or Japanese horses
and not have to build slaughterhouses in America? Sure it would.
But, they can't get enough horses, and they can't get them cheaply enough, so
they come here. We don't eat horse meat "as a nation" so we do not
regulate the production of horses as a meat item, so any and all horses can be
slaughtered without the cumbersomeness of the signing of a document stating that
the horse has not received X,Y, or Z medications or treatments, or the
maintaining of a "passport", etc. How that can be extrapolated to a
statement regarding the elimination of veterinary medicine is a stretch; a very
long stretch, and well out of the scope of my post.
What I am saying is that if any horse owners are going to advocate for the
return of slaughter, then at the very least, 1) they need to acknowledge it for
what it is: a trash dump for our indulgences, or 2) they must lobby
for HUGE changes in numerous related issues, such as the withdrawal of
medications and treatments, the improvement of transportation mechanisms and the
inspection/regulation of holding facilities and the humane treatment of the
horses that move through what is, today, a horrendously cruel system.
If horse people want it to clean up the left over's (regardless of how healthy
or capable or whatever the horse has achieved), at least require that it be done
Ed, you speak of having a local slaughterhouse for horses. That is no
longer a reality that I am aware of, and most believe it will never be,
again. I have talked to local butchers and they tell me that they don't
slaughter horses for a myriad of reasons, which DOES NOT include any of the
activities from decades ago amongst the radical anti-slaughter movement.
It is economics. Pure and simple. So few people requested the
slaughter of horses and now if one is slaughtered, there must be the
availability of the rendering truck to pick up the carcass since ground water
issues have become so important and burial or simply allowing the coyotes to
have a hearty meal is not allowed. That "was then". This "is
When I visited France three years ago, I did a cross country horse
ride. Our overnight stay was at a Geit (I may spell that wrong, but it is
a Bed and Breakfast). The proprietor showed me where they had, all of her
childhood, raised a foal each year simply for slaughter at about 6 months
of age. This foal was for their personal consumption, not for
commercial use. Now, as an adult, and the mother of a couple of children,
she is no longer interested in furthering that activity. My
son-in-law is French, is in his mid-thirties and has never had horse meat in his
life. So, even in countries where the practice of consuming horsemeat has
been a long standing practice, the activity is shrinking in appeal.
This is not a discussion of morality for me. It is not about telling
people what they can and cannot eat. My focus is on what I consider to be
"the right thing". I liken it to many other activities that exist in
America (and across this world) which, though they are long steeped in tradition
and may even make "sense" to those who benefit from the activity, they are
"wrong" to those (humans or animals) who are victimized
Karen Everhart MEd Co-founder and Executive Director Rainbow Meadows
Rescue and Retirement, Inc. Serving the equine companions who have so loyally
served us... 620-725-3402
Owner/Operator Horse Calls - Equine Management Solutions Centered
Riding Instructor Distance Horse Conditioning and Training 316-648-5082