Lyric gets Timothy hay and ½ a flake of alfalfa
in the morning.? In the evening she gets beet pulp, one pound can of barley, one
pound can of black oil sunflower seeds, 2 tablespoons of granulated garlic, hoof
supplement and selenium (started 4 weeks ago) and Timothy hay.? She did a 34
mile CTR 2 weeks ago and then we left for NYC for 5 days.? While we were gone
she was turned out and was worked 2 times by our trainer.? The workouts were ground
work, lunging.? Dani rode her lightly on Monday after school.? Then Tuesday she
went for a longer and faster ride, again after school.? They did between 6 to 8
miles at a brisk trot.? She started having trouble about 1 mile from home.
Lyric has many allergies.? The list
includes Bermuda hay, rice bran, oats and corn.?
She has a history of stiffness, especially after an endurance ride.? I had
suspected something was wrong for a while, but “it” had not declared
itself until now. Hope this helps, Nancy
From: kp ross
[mailto:mamaross@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 7:18
AM To: Nancy Subject: Re: [RC] rhabdomyolysis
AKA tying up
Nancy . . . First I think
that you might need to explain to people how the "tying-up" occurred
. . . The circumstances that brought it on . . . I did have a horse that was
extremely susceptible to this and he wasn't able to do endurance . . . But then
he could have an occurrence just taking a lovely walk in the vineyards . . . So
this is why a few more details might help people understand . . . thanks, kim
from lakeport
a heavy heart I write my latest installment of the Lyric chronicles…Now she is going to
teach us about rhabdomyolysis (AKA tying up). She had a major episode 2
nights ago. This morning she is back to her normal full of it self.
She needs a muscle biopsy to tell us what form of rhabdomyolysis she has.
My question to the list is this, can Lyric still do endurance? Is anyone
out there riding a horse with rhabdomyolysis that competes? I am thinking
her endurance days are over. Thank you in advance for your insights.