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Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias - Truman Prevatt

Seems to be a "Catch 22." You don't want to send a horse that can not safely put the hammer down and have a chance to get it done. You don't want a horse to have to have put out his fastest ride at the WEC. The selection process needs to determine what horses (and riders) can safely move up to the next level - especially if we have any desire to be anything but also runs.

On the other hand to do so and test the horses in the selection process to see if they can handle the stress, puts them in risk of a metabolic pull. While such pulls should be taken seriously they should be evaluated on their own merit concerning the capability of the horse to perform. It may simply point out a hole in his conditioning rather than a indicator that he can't succeed if conditioned properly.

You are looking at sending a team of horses that have not been tested and could not be up to the task in which case the WEC would put them at great risk or you are looking at potentially eliminating your best horses during the process.
So it seems you are damed if you do and damed if you don't.

I actually think the FEI is going in the correct direction and hopefully the AERC will follow their lead in elevating the concern over horse welfare. However, I think the FEI concept needs a little more work before it is ready for prime time.


Endurance Net wrote:
This is kind of a moot point tho as who in their right mind would even enter an event that might, if they had problems, cause them to loose their CoC. No, IMO the effect of this (on the USA at least) is that we should reconsider the way we have (in the past) had all of the riders (long list and through to short list) compete at official events to "prove" their worthiness of representing the USA at a WEC. Now that system simply puts qualified horse/rider teams in jeopardy. A way should be devised which does not risk the (limited) pool of qualified teams.

As for the AERC issues, I think it's likely not a relevant part of the picture (for WEC qualification/selection).


On Dec 4, 2007, at 6:08 PM, Sisu West Ranch wrote:

*"....*rides are another matter entirely as long as they are not sanctioned by USEF..."
*An interesting loop-hole. If the FEI consideres AERC rides not to be included in the reporting system, then all you have to do is avoid CEN rides after getting a COC.*
*Ed & Wendy Hauser
2994 Mittower Road
Victor, MT 59875*
*(406) 642-9640*


“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong” Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics


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[RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, Leonard.Liesens
Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, John Teeter
RE: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, Leonard.Liesens
Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, John Teeter
Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias, Endurance Net