Re: [RC] Malaysia WEC2008 - qualifications criterias - Sisu West Ranch
"...3. AERC national rides are like our national rides; they
just have another acronym..."
If this
interpretation is right, the AERC will soon be requiring passports etc. For all
The FEI is paranoid
that the wrong horse will be entered and thus requires careful identification
via passport. When I have seen this done it took quite awhile for each
horse. This would raise the staffing needs of AERC rides considerably, and
really piss off the average AERC rider who has no aspirations of ever riding
FEI. If only COC horses were checked, an unscrupulous rider could claim
that he/she had left the passport home or that this was a different horse and
thus did not need a passport.
If John Smith were
to get his COC on Beetlebomb and then later enter Beetlebomb in an AERC only
ride where Beetlebomb colics and needs an IV, how would the RM and or AERC
report that this was actually Beetlebomb, unless the horses passport was checked
before or during treatment? If the passport was not checked, John Smith
could just claim to the FEI that it was some other horse entered. I'll bet
that this would hold up given the legalistic non-trusting nature of
international sports.
This is possibly
another example of why the AERC should divorce itself from international
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower Road Victor, MT