Good point. ?However, the ride manager should know their trail, so they should be able to provide reasonable guidelines for the group that they want to make sure "goes slow". ?If the first part is nice and flat, and the second part is tough, RM could provide different paces for each section. ?
I don't think that this group should be given a flat pace, applicable to all rides. ?That doesn't take into account the variation between rides. ?The idea is to give newbies guidance without requiring that they have to ride with a mentor. ?RMs could even get carried away ( big smiley ), and provide recommended pacing for each section for different levels of riders. ?:)
On Nov 7, 2007, at 9:52 AM, RHONDA LEVINSON wrote:
? The issue I have with this is that there may be portions of the trail where you would need to travel faster than the average assigned pace.? For instance, if the first part of the trail was a lovely, non-rocky trail in the shade, and the later trail was rocky and horrible.? You'd have to ride the first part faster in order to be able to slow down for the later part of the trail.?? ? Rhonda