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Re: [RC] [RC] energized horses/Barbara - Nancy Sturm


And itsn't that the sign of a true horseman.?  You blamed your horse's
actions on your own hands.  I'll bet it wasn't true, but  it's nice that you
gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I tired several bits on my fussy-mouthed gelding, despite the fact that I
have loved the snaffle bit for over 40 years.  Finally, I switched to the
S-hack.  He's been happy ever since and so have I.  So one day, about a year
after I gave up on any bit, I was watching him drink water and realized he
has a big scar down the lower part of his tongue and a little quarter-sized
piece missing on one side.  I felt like an idiot.  No wonder he wasn't happy
with anything in his mouth.



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Re: [RC] [RC] energized horses/making them that way and then toning it down!, Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] [RC] energized horses/making them that way and then toning it down!, Barbara McCrary