Re: [RC] [RC] AERC National Championships with an International - Dawn CarrieWe use the P&R box system here in TX as bring your horse to the P&R box, get your time when you present (if several horses present together, all get the same time, even if some have to wait a moment for a pulse taker). If a horse is at criteria standing still, but spikes up high when moved a few steps, I'd argue that the horse isn't *really* down adequately. It's common practice here to walk one's horse around - just in a small circle - a time or two to flush lactic acid, then sponge again, to prevent the pulse from spiking when you take the horse to the P&R box. Dealing with the pulse possibly gong up a few beats as one moves the horse to the P&R box is just part of the process. Everyone has to deal with it, so it's an even playing field. I find it to be fairer than a crowd standing around calling out for the attentions of the same few pulse-takers.
Dawn Carrie, Texas
On 8/28/07, Beth Walker <bwalker2@xxxxxxx> wrote:
OK, but it does require you to move the horse into the gate. What